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Posts posted by deester11

  1. You really spew nonsense sometimes you know that? First of all, Marvin was drafted on his potential. Every scout that saw him said that he would not be ROY and I guess in your eyes because you pick up hardware as a great player in HS, or in college you're going to be stud in the NBA. That's stupid and you can quote me on it. Many players win accolades as Marvin did when he came out of high school and also in college. I'm sorry was Marvin ACC Rookie of the Year? Doesn't mean anything now does it?

    I know you think we all read message boards and magazines to base our thoughts on players, but I know basketball as much as you do. Challenge me on it, I don't care. I didn't say you were wrong for hating Marvin, but you base numerous threads bashing him. I hope he continues to develop and proves that he was worthy...not for you and I, but for him.

    I base my thought that Atlanta doesn't need another 6'8" forward. They need a true C or a PG. Again, it's my opinion, not yours!

  2. Diesel, if you can hate on Marvin all the time, I can hate on Shelden all the time. I don't care for Shelden...that's my thought on that that. I have never pigeonholed Marvin in any category. Everyone seems to think the foundation is Marvin, Smoove and JJ..even Zaza. Do you not think Brandon Roy could move in and be what we need? I beg to differ and I don't want Gilchrist anywhere near the Hawks.

    I just disagree that Williams at 5 is a good pick. Good for you if you think so. I dont.

  3. I want a winner now! I want a respectable team now, but more than that, I want a team that can grow together. Veterans are needed...yes, but how about a PG to grow with our young-uns? Now with a few pieces, they will be more respectable, win more games...and be on the cusp of good/great things. Shelden because he's proven should be our pick? NONSENSE! If he were such a commodity with teams needing interior defense, I would think someone would make us an offer to help us improve 2 positions in this draft. Look at the FA PG's and you may get a serviceable one for a year or more, but that's a huge "may."

    If we can't get Roy, Aldridge or Foye...then we can look at Williams. (IMHO of course).

  4. KB...I could care less if they whispered it, emailed it, Snail mailed it, sign languaged it, posted it, paper planed it, raffled it, Fed-exed it, UPS'd it, blackberried it...whatever. I don't like Shelden at #5. Again, hopefully someone likes him more and trades for him. Maybe we parlay it into Foye...and O'Bryant or something like that. Wishful? Seems so, but that's my hope. Doesn't have to be popular.

  5. Simply don't agree with the redundancy of Williams unless you're going to trade Harrington (which should be a foregone conclusion). However, you don't draft Williams if your intention is to keep Harrington. What would that solve? If we trade down and get Williams ok, but at #5, we will be talking about what we do next year to address PG and C. Heck no to the lackluster FA point guards!

    -Order should be Aldridge, Roy, Foye....Williams.

  6. Diesel, I'm totally confused. The poll didn't state that to me because I must have mis-read it. I can only say that I think that Josh can play PF (doesn't mean he'd be Karl Malone). Williams may be a good pick for this team, I'm just not convinced that he is going to be "all that." You don't seem to like Marvin at all from what i read and I know he duplicates positions, but if we got Williams and re-signed AL, this would be asinine in my opinion because it does the same thing.


    I must say your intellect is dizzying!

  7. This is a roundabout poll about nothing. Despite the view that Marvin's not this or that, I wouldn't take Rudy Gay over him in this draft...Marvin would be number one hands down! Despite the man-love for Shelden Williams now Diesel, this what-if poll proves little to nothing.

    If Marvin is traded on draft night or before the season Diesel, it would only be in a blockbuster deal. General consensus around the league is that he will be a star down the road. I like that. Now about Williams......I still say 5 is too high!

  8. Diesel, what does it say that S. Williams is not the first choice? When we draft him, the love starts. I just hate the pick at 5 I don't care what the gurus say, that's my opinion. #8 and an extra pick...I'd do that, but not at 5. Additionally, could it be that we brought the point guards in and O'Bryant as a prelude to something bigger?

  9. I have to admit that I thought of wavering and supporting the Williams pick, but I still say Aldridge would be the better pick if there. Since it looks as if Williams will be a Hawk, what can you do but find things to be positive about. I say AL has to be gone if Williams is the pick. If we get a good veteran PG, I'd support this more, but I'd rather support it at say....#8 than at #5.

  10. No one's surprised or shocked. But if 6'8 is a definition of "Big" I guess I'm way off. Now if we'd have said (to Diesel's point at least) that we're looking for a PF who can fill in occasionally at C, then there would be no big deal. You say to-ma-toe, I say to-mot-toe. So what?

  11. Unlike most Diesel, Just because I don't have 1000 posts doesn't mean that I read/listen to draft gurus to make my assessments. I happen to have graduated from GT and watched ACC basketball this year. I can admit a bias against Duke players, and possibly even Shelden, but I also THINK we don't re-sign Harrington if we draft Williams. In that case I wouldn't be upset unless we didn't sign and trade AL.

  12. Well I happen to love Marvin, Smoove, Chill, JJ...they are the foundation. I could live with Shelden, but I just don't think at 5 that's value. Especially if Roy, Foye or Bargnani even are there. Otherwise, I love versatility, but I'd rather use the draft to our advantage for once, get past all the smoke screens and get a PG along with Shelden. I guess we'll see very soon.

  13. Count me as the only one who thinks that this whole situation sucks and Shelden is not the player the Hawks need. (Now who's talking out their mouth sideways - "we want AL here.....etc, etc)?

    Maybe it's the whole Williams at #5 thing that doesn't sit well with me. I don't know as much basketball as Mr. Knight, but a team of 6'8-9 forwards don't get me excited. If Aldridge is there and he's not medically cleared I can understand going in another direction, but I'd rather trade down and get a point guard and Williams if we must have him.

  14. Diesel,

    Most of your requirements for trading involve Marvin and I would have to say that I don't see that as a possibility. No matter what the views of him are, I think he is a foundation in Atlanta like it or not. (I happen to like Marvin in our future)

    I don't see the man love for Shelden that most people do and if you tell me you want to resign Harrington and draft Williams, that seems counter productive to me. The smoke screens are enormous at this time!

    AI, may or may not be our answer, but any trade involving him probably won't include Marvin and I believe thats who the Sixers would want. Additionally, maybe it's me, but I think that Childress's game is similar in development to Diaw's. Would we trade him and see him become even more dangerous?

  15. That's the part that is crazy to me. To me, we're building a team that is geared towards young and running. How does Williams fit with that. Williams doesn't seem to have that ability to run with the horses (that's why I asked you Diesel). Aldridge fits with the profile of this team better if you ask me. (Johnson, Smoove, Marv, Aldridge, Chill - if around....)Now if you talk athleticism, there you have it.

  16. So what are advocatiing? Taking Shelden Williams and Keeping Al Harrington? Someone tell me the logic of all that Logjam? And whether we're moving to smaller ball or not, I don't like the interchanging of these pieces. We'd have to sign Harrington for more than he's letting on.....

  17. Diesel...can you tell me...are you advocating the selection of Shelden over all players? I mean if he's at five and it's our selection time, you want Shelden hands down? Not only can I not say that, but I think Shelden shouldn't be drafted before 8. If that's the case, we trade down and select him.

  18. Well, unlike some of the thinking here, I think Marvin was the right pick at #2 last year. Doesn't mean we should have stayed there with our pressing needs, we probably could have parlayed that into something we needed (Paul, Williams, et.al), but I think long term Marvin will make us happy.

    Now with regards to Shelden, I've come around on him a little bit. I don't want him at five because I think if Aldridge is there, he is what we need. Length and he can get up and down the floor which is what we need. I don't think Shelden is an up and down the floor player, but someone who likes him (Diesel) can tell me more about that.

    I just think it's either Roy, Foye or Aldridge. If we got Shelden at 5 I would not be happy!

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