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Everything posted by thescout5

  1. This is the 3rd game in a row where the Piston's defense has clamped down on the Lakers high scoring offense and defense is winning. Watching the series it is obvious the Piston defense is the reason this series is a close one.The Pistons have rebounders not letting the lakers get second chance rebounds which buried other teams.They also have alot of tall athletic players who can block shots namely the Wallaces, a scorer in Hamilton and a big point guard in Billups.Add in Prince coming off bench to bury 3's and the lakers look to be a team that is having a tough time beating the Piston's. The only reason I mention this series is how can the Hawks get players that can matchup with the lakers.Here are the Piston's with no Iverson,Mcgrady,Bryant,James,Duncan and they are giving the lakers fits on defense.If the Hawks get Howard its one building block but who else out there can we get to build a team around that can play solid defense?
  2. Sorry I meant Jefferson is not getting enough pub from the media!
  3. If you included Martynas Andriuskevicius.and Andres Biedrins in this list where would they rank? Players underrated in the draft: Livingston who some think passes like Magic Johnson and while a big point guard I think will pose more matchup problems for the other team than the opposite,Al Jefferson who is getting enough pub from the media,Nelson granted is small but I believe will make the adjustment to the NBA and be above average.Tim Hardaway no one knew about this guy and he shocked the entire league with his ability.Josh Smith I wonder if he has the work ethic or will he be a player that takes the money and runs,Kevin Martin I think will be a steal. Good effort on the anaylsis KB21.
  4. Darrell Griffith I believe has the guniess book of world records vertical at 48 inches. I have not seen Josh Smith enough but to say he is Dominque Wilkins like,please,not likely!
  5. Prep star shows Suns his off-the-chart skills Paul Coro The Arizona Republic Jun. 7, 2004 12:00 AM When he went up, up and away, Josh Smith jumped out at Suns brass Sunday. The America West Arena apparatus that measures prospects' vertical leaps had to be extended for the first time after Smith went above the standard height. Have a question for your favorite Suns, Cardinals or D-Backs player? Click here to submit the question for one of our reporters to take it to the source. Look for the answers on Page 2 of Saturday's Arizona Republic. Smith's vertical leap was 37 3/4 inches, supporting the 6-foot-8 swingman's reputation as the most athletic player available in the June 24 draft. Smith is a Georgian who just graduated from Virginia's Oak Hill Academy, where he played as a senior. "Josh Smith is an unbelievable talent," Suns coach Mike D'Antoni said. "Athletically, he's probably one of the best leapers I've seen. He's got a lot of upside and a lot of talent." The Suns knew he could jump, but they have plenty of other characteristics to ponder if Smith is still available when Phoenix picks at No. 7. Many of the queries have to do with his effort, something that was not an issue Sunday, as it had been in his previous workout in Charlotte, N.C. When stoked, Smith responded Sunday. "That's what they say about high school kids," D'Antoni said of Smith's reputation for inconsistent effort. "When you're so talented and it comes so easily - he's never been pushed - that's something you need to be careful about saying. I've never seen a high school kid have a lot of effort. " . . . You can always pick things he can't do, but I know a lot of things he can do, and it's pretty impressive." Sebastian Telfair, another high school phenom, joined Smith on Sunday. Both already have signed multimillion-dollar deals with adidas. Telfair was sidelined Sunday by a groin pull. Despite hype including a Sports Illustrated cover, the New York point guard appears bound for the back half of the first round. Some top-10 team likely will be too awestruck by Smith's athleticism and decent jumper to pass on his star potential. He has worked out for teams with the Nos. 4 through 7 picks. "I'm getting more and more comfortable," he said with his low-key demeanor. "I'm kind of feeling my swag a little bit." Smith commanded quite an audience at times, including the new power quartet of incoming owner Robert Sarver, Chairman Jerry Colangelo, President/General Manager Bryan Colangelo and adviser Steve Kerr. Phoenix also worked out European pros Sasha Vujacic, a 6-7 Slovenian point guard, and Anderson Varejao, a 6-10 Brazilian power forward. If the hawks don't draft Smith at 6 or move up to get Howard they won't get either player.The article mentions Smith veritcal jump at 37 3/4 I thought Dominque's was around 42-44 and Jordan's the same if not a little higher.Smith the few games I have seen does not remind me of Wilkins in terms of power on his dunks.I will always remember Dominque patented dunk when the ball would bounce off the rim on a free throw back at him and he would jam it in off the free throw.I have not seen a player do this yet although Vince Carter probably is capable!
  6. I agree if we stay at 6 Harris would be a good pick.I don't think Josh Smith reamins till 17 meaning unless Knight gets creative the Hawks need a big player at 17.The fan base of the Hawks needs something to cheer for so if I am Knight I find a way to trade up and get Josh Smith,either give up 2 second rounders and 17 or another creative move.The Hawks must get above average players to great once they develop. I think either way we do not lose unless Knight remains pat at 17 and drafts a big player who's upside is not good.Josh smith upside is one of the highest.Staying pat I can't stand GMs that do this and Babcock when he was here was one of the most uncreative drafters ever.
  7. I have been reading from scouting reports that if there is a concern about Howard he could be a soft player prefering to throw up outside shots as opposed to playing in the paint. I have seen Howard play on TV a few times but I need a referesher on his inside play.Can Howard play in the paint and block shots? If not then I do not want to trade for him.If its one thing the Hawks need desperately is an inside player that can block shots and score.Now if Howard can play on the outside and inside then make the deal.One thing about the Hawks other team don't fear them since they have small players who have a tough time matching up with elite players.
  8. I don't think Knight will trade for a player like Hill or Juwan Howard to take on a big contract and hurt the salary cap that Knight has worked hard to create. If Howard worksout great I also can't see Orlando taking him because Mcgrady wants to win now and waiting 2 yrs or so won't be worth it.Okafur is more ready to play than Howard if the Magic keep no 1 they would be crazy to draft howard for fear of believing Mcgrady will demand a trade. I have read on another board that maybe Hoston,Hawks and magic could work out a deal where hawks get Steve Francis and Taylor,Okafur and someone else to Rockets and orlando gets no6 and Terry.There were rumors of Francis last year and he would be an up tempo guard but I think Knight is playing for a big player in Howard.If not him he will stay and take his chances on the draft at 6 and 17 and maybe peddle Terry to move up 17 to 10.Should be an interesting 2 1/2 weeks!
  9. If the Hawks get Howard for the 6th and 17th picks I won't be totally disappointed but Howard better be a big difference maker.I like Jackson but Terry at point again means we still have a distribution problem since Terry's main knock is his passing ability is questionable.Also Terry would only be here a short time maybe just next year and the Hawks most certianly would need to draft a point guardcnext year's first.That said KB21 do you agree in 2nd round Hawks draft a project center or trade back up in first to get a center? Lets face it there are no quality free agent centers and to get one you have to draft a project.If the Hawks go the route of trading 6 and 17 will have to live with it but I certainly hope the 2nd pick or 1st could be had for Terry ,6 and I would even throw in phill's future 1st to keep the 17 pick!
  10. I have been pondering this question for awhile and trying to decide what is best for the Hawk's. If Orlando or Clips insist on no 6 and 17 instead of Terry and 6 do the hawks make the deal or stay? If the Hawks stay how far could they move up in draft if they offered 17 and Terry to get what player and what team would do it? Portland has 2 first rounders and needs an off guard which Terry seems more suited for plus Hawks give 17 pick to move up to 13.I don't see any other trade partner to move up higher. Which 2 players would you take if given picks 6 and 13 or higher? Josh Smith's stock is supposily falling so at 13 I pick Smith and no6 Biedrins given the fact he has post up moves.If he doesn't have post moves has much as Hawks need big people I don't see another player worth no6 so based on skill I would pick Livingston or Harris.In the second I would see what big men were left and draft a project like Jin to groom.He may not play much but if he develops you have a steal. My impresssion what the Hawks are thinking is Josh Smith and Kirk Snyder.I could live with that but I think a point guard is needed more than an off guard.Waiting for the draft is killing me with what the Hawks will do,can't wait till its over.
  11. Those are impressive stats but based on a recent ESPN article today it seems scouts like college players more than the European players.My big question about Biedrins against NBA talent how effective is his offensive game? Does he have post up moves? The Hawks need a player that can bring a post up game ala Kevin Mchale type. Biedrins may be undervalued and while we all seem to want Howard if Orlando or LA Clips want the 2 and 17 picks instead of Terry and 6 I am inclined to turn it down and keep the 2 first rounders.The Hawks could certainly find a tema interested in 17 and Terry to move up and the way Josh Smith may be falling in draft perhaps Hawks draft Biedrins and Josh Smith.Just a thought one that is intriguing!
  12. It is the unknown factor about Smith.The best teams in the league know what good scouting takes and the ability to judge a player in the future.Smith has probably more potential than anyone in this draft.I hate the word potential but another question to pose is would Smith be better than Snyder had he went to college with same amount of years.It is an unknown but at this point the Hawks need not only a solid player but another player that has potential to ultimately be an all star type.Do the hawks get that player at 17? The chances are no that is why the 6th pick is such a key pick.I understand Snyder may be a good player but this team needs a crnerstone player to build around.Could Snyder be a dependable offensive player in the future(a go to player for key baskets, a player that could make the big baket in the 4th?) I like smith potential more offensively than Snyder and I would give up defense and assists to get him vs a player like Snyder. This may sound crazy but are we looking at Dominque Wilkins vs Fat Lever who had no jump shot but could get alot of triple doubles but not a great jump shooter or scorer.On second thought maybe not him but think of a player that is great defensively and good to grwat in all aspects of game except a relialbe jump shooter? My point I just think if we go shoot guard at 6 hawks need a perimeter shooter that is a scorer.Lets establish that a front line player is needed more than a shoot guard who lacks a perimeter game.
  13. Snyder may be a solid player but at 6 the Hawks must get a potential all star preferably a small forward or power forward. I start to get a cringe in thinking Snyder would be the 6th pick wondering is that all the hawks got.I know hindsight is 2o/20 and I may be wrong but Snyder would be an excellent 2nd pick at 17 or higher but not at 6.If the Hawks real strong about him why not trade the 17 and one or 2 2nd rounders to get him but not at 6.Ideally I would love Howard and Snyder but I would accept Josh Smith and Snyder. I view this draft tyhe Hawks must come out with at least 2 solid players using Terry and any comibination of draft choices.I would prefer a 2 guard that could shoot but if Snyder is as good as scouts feel then I could live with a a slasher hands down defensive stopper.Get a defensively oriented 2 guard maybe the hawks could clamp down Mcgrady or Bryant next time hawks face those teams!
  14. I would offer JT and no 6 but not no17 and maybe throw a second rounder if that made a difference.If Clips were insistant on the philly future 1st rounder I would give it to him. My first option is JT and no 6 and I would take on salary with a player clips trying to get rid of. Either way you look at it the hawks will come out well.Guess it is a matter of who has more potential Josh Smoth or howard if both are equal you take the bigger player.
  15. Since I live in Indiana about 1 1/2 from Indy where Oden plays I saw an article in the Indianaolis paper about him.He was hyped then and they say defensively he reminds people of Bill Russell.He needs to work on his offense.Fortuntatley his parents aren't pushing him but you know the pressure will be intense when he is a senior. Gee I wonder if the Magic,Bullets,Bulls etc etc will throw the season again like they usually do to get a high draft choice?
  16. I for one like Harris alot and think he will be a difference maker.The problem is looking long term if a big player becomes an impact player vs Harris most of the time you go with the big player.The Hawks need most positions and if Howard can not be traded for then I would be satisfied going with Harris at 6 and a big player 17.The Hawks need big talented players and Martin while he hustles,brings a win all attitude can he playe the bigger power forwards when it matters?
  17. I got this from the rumor mill with Vescey reporting I doubt it happens but here is info.He also mentioned Clips probably won't have enough money for Bryant and Suns or Spurs best shot.Bryant on the Spurs now that would be interesting! BRYANT HOT FOR SUNS, SPURS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Email Archives Print Reprint May 30, 2004 -- FOR those dream weavers who believe a fourth championship will entice Kobe Bryant to remain a Laker for at least the life of new seven-year contract, prepare to be disappointed. "I know he wants out of L.A. in the worst way," swears one of the few people who would know something so serious. By L.A., my informant means the Lakers, not the city; Kobe's thought process hasn't ruled out my Paper Clips. "Yeah, but I don't think that's going to happen," the source added, playing a little dodge ball. "Of all the teams who own ample salary cap room, the Clippers are a long shot." Meanwhile, Denver and Utah "have no shot," stressed the source. "If he goes [oh, great, now it's an if] it wouldn't surprise me if Kobe chooses between the Suns and the Spurs." * Decision makers and swayers representin' both the Clips and Hawks disclose and confirm there's meaningful conversation regarding a swap of elite first round choices. To nobody's shock or awe, Atlanta's primary objective is to place itself in position to draft local schoolboy sensation Dwight Howard. In order to accomplish that goal it must, at the minimum, advance to the second overall pick owned by L.A., since it appears Emeka Okafor will be selected first by the Magic. Although the Clips might be able to find room in their lineup for a 6-10 power tool, their pressing need is for a point guard. The idea, which may soon be realized, is to swap No. 2 for Nos. 6 & 17 and harvest either Wisconsin's 6-3 Devin Harris or 6-7 teenager Shaun Livingston with the highest pick. *
  18. The team you mentioned KB21 would probably get the hawks to the playoffs for a few years but I don't see a championship team there. Terry is not a point guard,doesn't distribute the ball above average,Jackson while he had a strong second half will he go back to the player he was before the hawks sold off players and making him the go to guy.On the other hand if he is the real deal then sign him.Martin,undersized and I am tired of being undersized against the top teams.Detroit will probably resign Rasheed Wallace at 7'0 with ben wallace,Indiana has jermaine o neal and foster and the western teams are loaded.Martin beings intangibles such as hustle,rebounds and can score but against a 7 footer in a series he has no post up game plus he is more a slasher.Size,Size,Size is what we need with talent.I know the Hawks won't go Biedrins but the more I learn about him I think he could be excellent shot blocker,rebounder and score some. Cetner,the hawks will have to draft a project in the second.If we draft Iggy 6th we have the same problem the hawks have always had in no perimeter shooter.To me the lineup you presented is decent but not cahmpionship.I have no doubt Iggy will be a heck of a player but I am liking Luke Jackson because of his perimeter game.He may not be the best passer or defense is what we have to weight plus Jackson may be available at 17. When it comes down to it which player will make biggest impact? To build a championship team you have to have players that creat mismatches and usually you start up front to do that.Unless your drafting a Tracy Mcgrady at 2 guard I would go point guard at 6.I don't want Martin but the hawks get him without using the max and no other alternatives then I would sign him.Remember we need players that not only are good but to build a champiuonship team you have to have at least 1 superstar and another top elitep player.I am hesitate 2 say you need 2 superstars since minnesota has KB is putting up a fight againnt lakers.So if you go with the lineup as suggested Iggy,Terry,S Jackson,Martin who is the superstar.Answer these are good players but just making the playoffs is what we had in the 90's.The Hawks need to think big and gamble that a Josh Smith.Biedrins, or possibly go point and Devin Harris at no 6 if o trade for Howard.
  19. The Clips are playing with fire since Kobe and free agency won't begin probably after the draft which means they stand a chance to lose kobe and the trade with the hawks and Terry but would wait later to trade howard. The Clips have to options: 1Wait to after the draft and see if they sign kobe then trade howard which I doubt happens since big trades rarely are made after a draft. 2.Find a way to move salary free up salary to get both Terry and Bryant and trade Hawks howard. If Terry was a great point guard we wouldn't talk about trading him.I feel Clips are not sold on Terry but that is probably the best they get if they don't trade no2 since no other team has anything close to offering unless they have major hole at point. If clips can manage salary of JT and sign Bryant and no6 pick they come out huge winners but on other hand they draft howard and no other team offers a above average point the hawks have time on there side. I could see the clips drafting howard and waiting it out see if bryant signs.
  20. Unless the Clips think Howard is a superstar I can't see them keeping the no 2 pick.How many teams have a point guard to trade that is top quality and if you do have one why would you trade him for a questionable player in Howard? My point is the Hawks seem to have a good package to get the no2 pick.Terry could play point or shooting guard or maybe the clips get another team involved in a trade and the get the 6 pick.With the 6th pick they would be in good position to draft Harris or maybe gordon. We know the importance of Howard as a Hawk.I mentioned on an earlier post the 17 pick but at this point more draft picks for the clips won'tr help them.They want impact players and if you don't draft in top 7 or 8 it is very questionable if you get one.This draft has howard and okafur and howard is questionable but is more of a sure thing than the other players in the draft.I am sure Knight will do what's best for the Hawks.This is to important of a draft to play stupid like past administrations!
  21. Hiring Mcleod worries me if he would be the right coach.I would prefer a younger coach that is hungry but I can understand the need for a proven coach so the Hawks can attract fans. I don't think it will take as long as we think to build a championship. Jackson if Hawks don't draft small forward I could live with a for he right price.If the Hawks either up to get Howard or draft Biedrins and if Luke Jackson can play guard we need a center and point guard. Next year's draft will be terrible but if the hawks finished in the top 5 worst teams maybe they could land the point guard from Wake Forrest. If the Hawks draft a project in the second round we have a possible quality team granted maybe not the superstar we need but a high ceiling team with potential. The problem with drafting a shoot guard is next year and this year with Kobe that spot would be taken by a rookie over a superstar.Oh heck lets just wait to iron things out and hope management does the right thing for once!
  22. I know that giving no6 pick no17 and Terry is absurd for howard but if it comes to this should the Hawks do it? Will Howard make that much of a difference or do the Hawks stay perhaps move Terry and 17 to move up and keep 6? The only way I would trade 6,17 and Terry is if Howard is a sure fire superstar and I don't get that impression.If Hawks stay at 6 and trade Terry and 17 to move up which players are the most likely candidates? The good news there is not a guard worth the 2nd pick in draft meaning a trade is highly likely. The Bobcats,Washington don't have a point guard to give and I doubt the clips want to move to far down in draft.Harris and Livingston if they go with draft are most likely.Baron Davis will not be traded for the no2 he is worth much more.I think a deal can be worked out with the hawks and clips withouyt giving up the kitchen sink. Likely scenario: Stay at 6 and move up in draft. no 6 pick Biedrins or Josh Smith though Smith stock may be dropping.the other first rounder I am starting to think Luke Jackson his stock may be going up and finding good shooters are a premium. I wish there was a way to get Harris and though I am not crazy about Biedrins because of his offense game he would provide a seven footer at power forward that will block alot of shots,rebound and is left handed!
  23. Five NBA stories you must read for Thursday, May 27, 2004 Bulls should trade pick for veteran Chicago Tribune Tribune columnist Sam Smith writes that the Bulls could try to trade their first-round pick for Wally Szczerbiak, Antawn Jamison, Shane Battier, Al Harrington or Shareef Abdur-Rahim. If the Bulls can't deal for a veteran, Smith suggests that they trade down from the third spot and select Oregon's Luke Jackson. Remind me what did the Hawks get for giving up Wallace.Detroit is about to go to the finals the Hawks traded SAR and this article points out maybe the Bulls may trade there 3rd pick for SAR meaning the hawks while getting Rasheed and trading him for what? We may have given up the third pick for cap space? Does it ever get any better for the Hawks?
  24. OK lets drop the subject of the Magic and think about the Hawks!
  25. Some things are more important than money! Stranger things have happened in sports nothing surprises me. What seems ridculous now may be possible in the future!
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