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Everything posted by thescout5

  1. It isn't far fetched that this could happen plus whats the matter with speculating.It may never happen but no one knows the future!
  2. The Hawks practically gave Wallace to Detroit and what do the hawks get the 6th pick in the draft.Seems like this is one night where not only do they get slighted in the draft we have to see Detroit almost in the finals! There has got to be some good days ahead!
  3. Not that I like the magic since they have won the lottery 3 times is digusting but I could see this happen.Mcgrady will stay since Okafur looks to be the obvious pick.Shaq,there is talk he may opt out wouldn't surprise me if he took less money to play with Mcgrady in Orlando.Okafur,O Neal and Mcgrady may give the magic a formidable team in the future.I am not sure when O Neal may opt out I think in 2 years.,O Neal has always said if Phil Jackson isn't there he may not play.I think O Neal and Mcgrady's friendship could see them playing on the same team.
  4. thescout5

    Early Mock

    You would think after so many years finishing in the top 5 lottery like the bulls and clips both would want a deal with veterans since the lotto picks aren't working out.I hope the hawks have more to offer than other teams. Terry should be worth something plus as you mentioned his contract is soon up. If Knight doesn't pursue all avenues to try to get to quality rookies then he will let me down. If I am Clips I want either Livingston or Harris in a trade down.The Bulls may stay at 3 and draft Deng!
  5. thescout5

    Early Mock

    I also see the Hawks going all out for Howard a local product that while maybe not ready is the best hope for a strugging franchise.I wonder besides the first pick who the clippers want? My guess is another no 1 which maybe the clippers will think the hawks will think the hawks will be bad next year.The way the hawks are building the could be another 5 top lottery team.If the hawks get howard without giving up next year's first and the 17th would be a major positive deal. The 17th pick as long as we are at it building for long term if Josh Smith was there would be a major steal.Billy Knight needs something major to revitalize a struggling franchise and I know 2 high school kids may not be popular but both have loads of talent.How else without taking a chance will the hawks get a potential star since no one wants to come to the hawks in free agency.We could sign free agents to be competitive next year or wait one more draft and free agent year to build the core of players we really need.The guard from Wake Forest would be on my rader as point guard for the Hawks next year if the hawks finish bottom 5.
  6. I can't see either the Bulls or the Clips staying at there draft position to draft Howard since I think Okafur goes to the magic.The Bulls and Clips have already to many power forwards and if a team (hawks) give them a great deal I could see easily a trade.If I am Hawks I try to trade to no2,the clips need a point guard (Devin Harris,gordon and would get better value trading down.They probably would not want Terry so I am not sure who the Hawks could give up but both the Bulls and Clips could trade there picks my opinion.
  7. All the games the hawks won to lower our chances in the lottery really paid off.For it we get a much lower pick and one that probably may not be a franchise saver like Howard or Okafor.Granted they aren't Shaq but could be high quality players.Instead the Hawks who desperately need a franchise player are stuck in the middle of the pack,and worse the players who got us a number of wins Sura and Jackson may not even be on the team. This franchise is cursed and can never do anything right. I am sick and tired of seeing Pat Williams winning the lotoo.To me they threw the season letting Mcgrady sit out which they would have probably lost anyway but with Mcgrady they could have won a few more.The clippers are always near the top of the lotto and how many years does it take to build there team.At least the hawks tried to win and for that are penalized while the Bulls,Magic,Bullets,Clipps saw the light and wanted a better player. This sucks!There may not be a difference between pick 3 and 15 but the hawks lost out on the top 2 difference makers in the draft! Another year of empty seats and no potential superstar!
  8. Thanks Jay Walker for the post on the workout.Very interesting info on the workouts.OK I am convinced JR Smith is not the player the Hawks should draft no 17. Snyder's outside shot scares me but he has everything,I still would go with Jackson mainly because of a consistent outside shot which the hawks have desperatley have needed for years.Both players will be quality.I would draft jackson no17 if there instead of Snyder if given the choice of 2 players.Both guards are good heighth which is what we need rather than a small guard in Terry.
  9. I have read he is a shotblocker and great athlete with good leaping ability and likes to dunk.But I also have read he lacks an outside shot.I relaize he is 7 foot and will be in paint but alot of his offense is dunks.In the NBA he will need to have some kind of shot. Has anyone seen this guy play and what kind of offensive game does he have? His defense is good which is what the hawks need but I don't want just a defensive player.
  10. That figures the sorry state of the Hawks no luck ever shines on them. I hope tomorrow at this time we can say different! Bring your rabbits foot and four leaf clover!
  11. There is no question that the team suggested with a few other players could make the playoffs but we also need to consider do we want a team that just makes the playoffs or have a legit title shot.For that the hawks will need a top level player or players.I would hold off and build the team the right way.That doesn't mean not sign any one but I don't feel the hawks should blow alot of money this off season!
  12. Thanks Hotlanta, I am letting the man upstairs decide what ever fate hawks get we'll have to go from there!Otherwise you can go crazy thinking of all the options!
  13. I am keeping my fingers crossed the hawks get a top pick but you have to ask the question what is the lowest lotto team to win the lottery? I think the Rockets I could be wrong.If a miracle did happen and the hawks get no1 how about Howard and then trade into the top 10 and get J Smith or Devin Harris or a center that isn't a bench warmer!
  14. The Hawks certainly need a big man but I believe Araujo will be gone before 17th.Only way I see is to trade up.I guess I want a center with more potential even though there is a chance for a bust.If Jin is still there in low 1st or 2nd I would take him.We could use the a few seconds to package to move up. I think the Hawks could build a team capable of making the playoffs for years but is that what we want to just make the playoffs.I realize the Hawks need a core of players to build around then maybe a top free agent superstar in the future may want to sign.Kenyon Martin is a good player I would still like a taller guy at power forward that can produce,but I wouldn't mind Martin.I am tired of the Hawks teams being undersized(shooting guard,center,power forward).You also have to realize that drafting a big man just to draft one over a more skilled smaller player may not be the way to go. I hpe in the lotto the hawks have more chips to play with than staying at 6 or 7 in the draft.I like the idea of resigning Sura and maybe jackson only if the hawks go in the right direction. A possible lineup maybe: small forward S.Jackson power forward D howard or Biedrins center Jin(rookie) or Dampier,Harrington shoot guard Luke Jackson or JR Smith point guard Sura The other lineup small forward J Smith power forward Kenyon Martin center Jin,Dampier or Harrington shoot guard Terry point guard Sura I could list other possibilities bt I think besides the draft Terry needs to be traded just to rebuild he is not the answer at off guard or point.I wouldn't mind Terry for Bender but the hawks should get some value off him.I would hope the hawks explroe the possibility of packing picks/players to move from 17 to top 10 or move up to get Howard.
  15. I wonder how long Bender's contract is? For 7 million a year if the pacers took Terry I would do it.One less position to worry about then with no17 pick I would probably go shooting guard(Luke Jackson possibly).It would be nice to get Bender at small forward,Jackson shoot guard,(Biedrins) power forward unless we could trade up for Howard,and have Sura has the point plus in round 2 find a center that may be a project. This lineup would still not have a potential superstar unless the hawks trade up but it is setting a core of players to build around to maybe have a top free agent to consider the Hawks.
  16. One name that could slide is Jameer Nelson would fans be disapointed if Hawks drafted him 17th? The guy has questions if he is fast enough but on the upside he can take over a game with his passing and point scoring plus he is a leader. I wonder how he compares to a player like Duhon and to pull 2 other players Tim Hardaway in his prime before the injury and Stoudamire? I would be interested on the boards thoughts about Nelson!
  17. True, Luke Jackson has more fundamentall sound than any high school kid but reading my last post I am hoping for a more athletic player than Jackson.It doesn't have to be Smith but someone who has more upside than Jackson.Definitely not to draft JR smith no 7 or the hawks first pick.We can make an argument for players like Luke Jackson vs players that are more ahtletic both that have failed and have been not only average players but stars.If Jackson was a Larry Bird type that can out think you and make clutch baskets and not be shut down then draft him.I just don't want a Randy Wittman coming in and beign a spot up shooter. The Hawks have always lacked basketball IQ even during the Domonique days. We need talent,players that are smart and the right pieces.A big job for anyone but every great team has its beginings and if we have the right GM,scouts and coach we can make it happen. Who is Roko Ukic,I have seen a report he is fast and similar to Tony Paker. Anyone know about him? As it stands Dwight Howard the Hawks need to find a way to get him.I think the comparisons of the falcons to the hawks is some what similar.Before Vick the franchise was lame with nope.Bad GM's,coaches and no vision.I don;'t think Howard will be what vick is but he has potential to be a top player. If we finish with the 7th pick did it really pay off winning those games instead of getting a potential star player? Without star players the hawks will be stuck being eventally a good team but never winning any championships without star players.
  18. I guess I am higher on JR Smith than most but my other point is do we want to settle for a Mike Miller type(Luke jackson)if there is a posasible player that has more athleticism granted may not be as good of a shooter.I know Jackson isn't a stiff but I think the hawks should keep all options open. If we draft Harris and Al Jefferson is availble and heaven knows we need a power forward would you take him? Chances are we are going to draft a guard a big man (power forward or center with the first 2 picks).I guess it is pointless to debate now since it is to early to figure who the hawks may land.I hope the hawks get some athletic players that can be impact players.
  19. Looking at your views of the prospects KB21 just a few comments,by the way I appreciate also your efforts on the players. I am looking at the players you mentioned in terms of how they could fill the Hawks needs.The Hawks want to get more athletic and while I like Luke Jackson for his range if we are looking at athleticism and JR Smith is available do we take a chance on him? That is provided we either keep Terry and leave him at point till next year draft a power forward first pick and off guard second. The Pacers have had good luck drafting high schoolers but the hawks never have.If it is between 2 players one high schooler that is more athletic and may develop or drafting a college player that doesn't have the potential what do you do? Two ways to look at this think of all the high schoolers who didn't make it in NBA.Teams that have profited greatly with high schoolers,Minnesota(Garnett),Pacers(Bender,O Neal,Harrington) Cleveland(Lebron)Lakers(Kobe) and I am sure a fe I missed.If we draft a high schooler with second first rounder he better have alot of upside(Jefferson and Smith may be there).In one of my other post I mentioned the draft is a crap shoot but with great scouts go great benefits.Do we have any better scouts this time? The scond first orunder will be very interesting do we go for a safer pick in a guy like Jackson etc etc or a high schooler that may not start but could be a star? The Bulls have not had luck with high schoolers I personally think JR Smith if he has the right work ethic could be a star.He has amazing outside shooting ability but can drive and dunk like a Kobe.Should be interesting to see what the hawks philosphy is!
  20. As much as draft gurus analyze the potential prospects all I ask is get the 2 best players we can get whether that is by trading players and draft picks or staying. With the 3 seconds if the hawks see a player they really want THAT CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE go get him.I am tired of the hawks staying pat and we end up with the chris crawfords,rumeal robinson's,augmon types. This is where phoeniz over the years has done well finding player even in the secon round that can produce.Granted phoenix had a bad year but they do have alot of talent and just need a few pieces. The Hawks on the other hand never make an impact in free agency and draft players that are bench warmers for the most part.Terry was the last impact player and while he is above average he isn't a true impact star player like a Kobe,Iverson,Garnett.We need these type of players like Cleveland has in Lebron.I am wondering with all the wins at the end if it really helped this franchise and possibly getting a lower draft pick.We will know next week but if we have the right scouting we can find the right players. Eachg prospect in this draft has some question and I can see good things and bad things about each.I would love for both no1 picks to be impact but chances are the first pick hopefully will be.This is nothing new to everybody what I have said I just wish the lottery selection would hurry up and the draft.
  21. Those who subscribe to ESPN Insider there is a great article on Biedrins.A few highlights :he plays in the paint rebounds,blocks shots and dunks not a perimeter player. :Bill Berka laker assistant just shaking head after Biedrins does a drill where he crouches down and dunks the ball has many times as possible :A seven foot 18 yr old having a 7-1 wing span.Has a 34 inch vertical more than Chris Bosh and Carmelo :is ripped and in shape and strong benching 185 pound 15 times Chad Ford commensts that Biedrins will be first european off the board and is closer to Dwight Howard than Milcic and may give Howard a run for his money. I remember last year Darko Milcic was suppose to be a freak of nature and I hope this kids isn't hype.Last year Biedrins dominated in the AAU tournament averaging a triple double and was talk of the camp.I know the AAU tournament is a far far cry from the NBA but I wonder who has more potential Dwight Howard,Josh Smith or Biedrins. Also I have heard Chicago will not take a high schooler trading down or drafting DEng.Which ever player the Hawks get has got to be a star player.With as many busts as the Hawks have had in draft plus the dire need for a stud player to draw fans this draft is crucial for the future of the franchise.
  22. Seems like a likely matchup,small town that loves basketball needing to make an impact there are enough pieces that I could see a trade. As for Vescey I take his rumors with a grain of salt he just throws things out there to see his name in lights.
  23. Does anyone want to come to the Hawks? Personally I like the Spurs plus it would give them a tandem that could compete with Kobe and Shaq if both stay.No more keying on Duncan or Mcgrady would shoot lights out! It is so frustrating being a hawks fan but lets face it until we get a core unit that shows signs of a young potential championship team there are very few superstars even considering the Hawks. Besides Shaq,Kobe,Mcgrady,Duncan,Garnett who else do we consider A1 superstars.Iverson could he lead a team by himself? For that matter could any one player? You have to have at least one superstar and great role players.I used to think you needed 2 superstars but besides Kobe and Shaq and Jordan and Pippen I have been proven wrong. Mcgrady and Duncan would give the lakers and the other teams fits.I hope LA gets beat !
  24. Rumor Mill: Manu for McGrady? LAST UPDATE: 5/19/2004 3:25:37 AM Posted By: Kori Ellis By Kori Ellis SpursZONE.com The San Antonio Spurs are only a few days into their offseason and already the trade rumors have begun. New York Post columnist Peter Vescey appeared on Best Damn Sports Show Period on Fox Sports Tuesday night. According to Vescey, Tracy McGrady does not want to remain in Orlando and could possibly be involved in a sign-and-trade to San Antonio. Vescey named the Spurs among four teams to which McGrady would like to be traded. Other teams mentioned include the Los Angeles Lakers, Phoenix Suns and Houston Rockets. Though Vescey commented that L.A. would have trouble compensating the Magic. "He'd love to play with Duncan," explained Vescey. "They'd have a difficult time compensating Orlando also. But if you have Ginobili, he’d have to sign first, but you could do a sign-and-trade with Manu." No doubt this is just the beginning of the trade rumors that will be flying around the Alamo City this summer. San Antonio will need to decide in upcoming weeks which players they will leave unprotected in the Charlotte Bobcats Expansion Draft. The Expansion Draft will take place on June 22 (if the NBA Finals go to Game 7, it will be on June 23). The Bobcats may select no more than one player from each team and can only select players that are left unprotected by an NBA team. Each team may protect a maximum of eight players who are under contract or are restricted free agents at the conclusion of the 2003-04 season. Unrestricted free agents are not eligible to be protected nor can they be selected by the Bobcats. It is speculated that the Spurs may elect to leave Malik Rose exposed in the draft. Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich gave Rose minimal playing time in the postseason and San Antonio would like to clear more salary cap room by ridding themselves of Rose’s salary. Rose has five years and $32.8 million left on his contract. The Bobcats may not select Rose because Charlotte will have a salary cap in its first season equal to only 66% of the league’s salary cap.
  25. There are some doubts about Devin Harris as point guard but you could say that for most of the prospects.There are no Stockton's but I would want a point that thinks pass first shoot second.We don't need another Terry and given Harris's excellent defense,above average passing ability and scoring ability he may be the best option.Sasha Vujcaic is my second choice if stay at 17.
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