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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. "Always produces". what exactly is he producing outside of first round exits???
  2. Hes got 1/4 the amount of series wins as nate LMAOO. Young coaches that embrace analytics and modern basketball are the wave. Many of these guys will either have zero playoff series cause they havent been head coaches. Kenny kinda a weird spot cause by all accounts he did well but two stars shipped him off. Not sure playoff series wins is fair to evaluating these young guys when they haven't held positions. And its even crazier that they have no success and its almost close to nate who has been coaching like 20 years as a head coach LOL.
  3. A guy that continually is hired over and over again by franchises with no success ever? Atkinson took a team that had no business being competitive to the playoffs. Built a culture down in Brooklyn before KD and Kyrie had him and Jarret Allen sent out. Unlike nate he actually knows how to make adjustments and doesn't run a defensive scheme built for 2000s basketball. Hes also the lead assistant under one of the best coaches in the league and has served time with some of the best coaches.
  4. Ive been barfing at this hire since BEFORE he took the interim job. retread hires rarely work in the nba. The dude is garabge and has made it out the first round 2 times in his entire coaching career. Gimmie a break give me kenny atkinson who should have never been fired from the brooklyn job to begin with. David vanterpool also a solid name, Darko off the grizzlies coaching staff, etc. There are SOOOOO many options available better than this bum. We upgraded our talent and you guys will see how bad nate is when the team fails again in the playoffs just like every team he has coached.
  5. fanbases hes coached in the past seem to have hated him. cavs fans hated him and said ty lue had to take over his coaching responsibilities. also been a coach of some of the worst defenses EVER. a nate hire through and through though I don't think those worst defenses are his fault. cant wait for nate and this whole staff to be gone next summer after we fail. Dude is garbage
  6. Remember when @thecampstertold me rudy wouldn’t go for a package like this told you Danny ainge doesn’t play the game based off your charts
  7. Bill simmons has been saying this for over a year now. Pretty sure these two are locked in and Lebron will be in the owernship group for the vegas team
  8. Gotta stop viewing stuff in Nate’s lens imo. That man gone after next season
  9. Nobody is doggin anybody to prop up anybody LMAOO. Cam literally has nothing to do with this whole situation. You mentioned him cause you love him for god knows why. Dudes been living off his high school tape for years. Murray makes 16 million next 2 years. 3 picks is reasonable. Jsut cause you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s reasonable. Think of the contract not player
  10. Cam is garbage bro. You’re literally the only one that defends him to this day. Slipped on defense, not efficient, no handle. He does nothing well *right now*. Maybe he reaches his ceiling one day but cam reddish right now is a bad basketball player. saying Murray who has been An all nba defender and an all star is on the same tier As JC is disrespectful. And that’s why you think his value is an overpay. The dude is twice the player jc is. John collins can’t even net is positive value right now and y’all think he’s a top 40 caliber player LOL. Drafts can be deeper that doesn’t guarantee at all what the hawks get will be better. Murray isn’t gobert or sga but he’s a not far behind and paying an offensive limiter center that much money isn’t getting you anywhere. Enjoy watching trae get trapped nonstop still. We would win a ton of regular season games and be trash in the playoffs with gobert. Sga would net a significantly higher package than Murray but like many hawks fans keep dreaming about the next guy and the next guy after that. Never push the chips to the middle of the table
  11. Cam reddish is garbage man. He has one good game every like 15 games and because he was a fan favorite people go crazy. The first they got for him isn’t even likely to convey for the next 2/3 seasons and they got it from the franchise that’s about to pay jalen brunson 27 million a year… the Knicks are trash and the hawks barely even got a pick from them for him the nba is more talented now but for every good late pick there are equally as many bad ones. Your banking on the 25th pick being something more than a rotational piece and that isn’t very likely even then. Like look at the last couple of years most of the people in that range don’t play or are even on 2nd or 3rd teams man. You’re kidding yourself if you think postseason doesn’t matter
  12. Cam reddish stinks man and he was a top 10 pick. Using the hawks top 10 picks to justify they won’t suck long term when they’ll be picking more in the 19-26 range with Murray doesn’t make much sense. Spellman was garbage. Jj was a project and Hasn’t shown anything yet tho I like him long term. Jc was a hit at 19. But look at all the picks 20-30 over the last 10 years. A lot more busts over anything. Just cause Travis has drafted wel doesn’t mean he’s gonna hit everytime. Getting these late first round guys isn’t gonna make us better. Getting an all star talent like Murray does. look at the delon and trae regular season and playoff numbers and you see why the hawks want Murray badly. These firsts mean nothing.
  13. I’m so tired of reading you guys say 3 firsts is some ridiculous overpay especially when 2 of the firsts will almost guarantee stink. This is an A/B+ player on an S contract for the next 2 years (using your guys trade chart logic). There is not a single top 35-40 player that will be making 16/17 million next 2 seasons that isn’t on a rookie deal that is available. NOT A SINGLE ONE. He’s on a steal of a contract to have for next 2 seasons. another flaw in your guys logic is you want to take an immediate jump from where we are now to being a contender and that isn’t realistic. We need a new coach, internal development from our young guys (hunter, OO, jj, aj griffin). Murray makes us significantly better and makes us a more attractive option. Then you get a new coach after they fail next year and some more development of young guys and you’re in a much better position than trying to draft with the 24th pick next year and so forth.
  14. Pretty sure I read the hawks don't have to give him the full guarantee. Don't even think they have to get his guarantee amount to 16 mill which is what murray will make next season. I *think* they only have to get around 12-13 mill
  15. Dejounte >>> all of these bums. Bouknight has a lot of potential but that doesn't help us right now at all Player rumors aside, whats the rumors on who is gonna replace jent and be the lead assistant?
  16. I really wanna know why trae is vouching for a guy that cannot shoot and has some of the worst touch in the league. Capela does a lot of good for the hawks but if he just had good touch trae assists would go up by 1-2 per game lol. My guess is they do have great chemistry in the pick and roll and he doesn't want to have to go through that process again but seems like a dumb play for trae to make
  17. Bruh nobody was coming at him. You guys taking this way more seriously. I didn't know which insider said it and I wasn't gonna search through the posts to find it so I said " one of the insiders on here said ..."
  18. FYI i wasnt blaming anyone or anything like that LOL. I was just saying someone said expect fireworks and I was disappointed when Chris tweeted that JC would have lived to see another day. I still think a deal for him will be done soon whether thats a week from now or 2.
  19. It needs to happen before free agency. One of you insiders source told you guys to "expect fireworks during draft" something along those lines. That led to my disappointment last night
  20. Thats not true lol. He told us the trae trade before it happened. Same with hunter trade. Also said we would take Onyeka. Supposedly they were targeting jalen willaims today but okc jumped the gun
  21. We are gonna be stuck in mediocrity for a long long time. Team didnt make a move tonight for the sheer chance at Kevin durant. Well guess what kd is gonna pick someone else and we will be stuck with no moves still. Smh at least we will put up 120 points every other night. Might give up 130 tho
  22. For those of you that have followed for a while the Zach Klein has reported JC will be on the move tonight.
  23. trading for stars > settling for mediocrity. sigh
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