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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. 6'10 wingpsan on Murray tho. hell be fine
  2. too much smoke around a jc trade this time around. its only a matter of when hes traded not if. Every single national reporter has said this. Heck even Brad Rowland of the locked on pod has said he has heard the chatter. The thing will happen whether it is thursday or during free agency
  3. thanks for clearing up. does this operate under the assumption we have cut gallo already?
  4. I don't believe the first statement is accurate unless you are only referring to it in the context of this post. I remember reading a john holinger article that says the suns can only take on 20 million in salary for an ayton sign and trade. Capela's 18 mill would fall witin that threshold so they would not need more money (believe this is assuming he signs 5/170)
  5. Only on the hawks forum would you find people calling BS on SHAMS CHARANIA LOL
  6. Departure of Chris Jent is very notable. The hawks primary shooting coach and offensive assistant. You guys that are big fans of nate (for whatever reasons that is even though he stinks) are going to really see who he is next season barring an amazing offensive assistant hire. Such a loss to this team. Still have trae though and roster might be upgraded so I expect them to be a top 10 offense still but losing potentially the only good coach on the bench is troublesome to an already middle of the pack team
  7. yes replacement pf not upgrade. Never said we would upgrade at that position I said we would get a replacement level player...
  8. here is the comment that the guy said I was referencing...
  9. "at that spot" is literally in reference to the guy who quoted me saying they would upgrade shooting guard and center. Personal insult deleted
  10. jesus christ are you guys this short sighted. We would make upgrades at other positions like shooting guard or center. You know more valuable positions for our team. Why should we spend 125 mill on a dude to play average defense and spot up when we can use that money on like ayton who will be a perfect compliment to trae. I never said upgrade the SAME position when that position is useless for us. I said upgrade the team. Getting someone like dyson daniels could do wonders for our lack of defense and secondary playmaking in a year
  11. They could get a replacement level player. The pf in our system literally has just sat in the corner for years. Maybe like a kyle anderson who could also serve as a backup ball handler which we also need. The power forward is not one of value on this team and they shouldn't allocate the resources to that position like they do to a center. How is it netting you the worse player tho?? Just casue the player is worse year 1 because hes a rookie does not mean he will be worse long term especially when its a better fit Him and JC are really good friends. Wouldn't be shocking
  12. I am assuming here they are trading jc for a lottery pick (likely daniels who I love the fit next to trae). That or if they get lucky and can get ivey from kings. Both long term I love fit wise for collins. They could then replace collins with a cheap option via trade or free agency. Or pursue a more expensive option like grant tho I would not prefer that
  13. how would it be a mistake??? I think a lot of these hawks fans like you think we are much closer to a championship then we are lol. We don't have a championship coach or a championship level roster at all lol. If it takes another year to become a contender and they get a better long term fit with trae they should absolutely be exploring that.
  14. Lol well they seem to be bringing in upgrades at that spot. Just telling you guys be prepared for jc to be gone cause his time here very well seems done.
  15. I find twitter more reasonable than this lol. Everybody on here last time kept telling me kirschner hates jc and has been trying to get him traded for years like no thats not how this works lol. Fischer been saying we didn't even want to give him the deal we gave him. His time feels done with the hawks
  16. Kirschner has said all summer long he doesn't expect jC back (and I know you all hate him so please save me the grace and don't reply about him Idc). Jake fischer just said yesterday he expects the hawks to deal jc for a lottery pick. also again stated in KOC's mock draft today. They have been saying this stuff for weeks now
  17. Rumors do effect them tho. They were losing leverage every time someone threw their name into trades imo Can't get ayton until a week after the draft tho. They may have an idea where he signing by then but a jc move likely will happen before free agecnc imo
  18. Everything the major reporters have said all offseason is jc is headed out lol. Would be shocked if it wasn't to portland for 7 hopefully schlenk can work his magic and get to the kings pick. There will definitely be changes especially among the front court not including hunter
  19. yes and because of the stepien rule the hawks can't "acquire" the blazers pick until after the blazers make the pick anyways. Feels like one of those agreed on draft night but won't be processed till league year changes trades.
  20. His contract is only 3 million guaranteed opposed to 4 million guaranteed for winslow. It would be pretty dumb for them not to take bledsoe and just cut him
  21. I can read just cause you say bust for us doesn't change the fact he wasn't a 3.5 tier prospect. He couldn't finish at all in college, he had terrible efficiency in college, he had a 1:2 assist to turnover ratio in college. The dude was terrible all he had was the body. Dude was a project and a half not a prospect.
  22. cam as a 3.5 LMAOOOOOO. bro let it go already. He stinks
  23. He also does reporting. Yes this was opining but time and time again he has mentioned he likely wont be back. I dont usually understand the chris hate but then I remember a lot of people dont understand the job of journalism and think hes supposed to be the fan of the team. Chris opinon asides my point is just all signs are pointing to collins gone for a better fit. I think many hawks fans will be underwhelmed with the return (at least in the short term casue the rookie likely wont be a stud immediately)
  24. You guys remember when I told @thecampster that his chart means nothing because Danny ainge was with utah and his asking price will be high regardless. Well yeah you guys said I was dumb and knew nothing LMAOOO. told ya. context matters That being said Chris Kirschner has said all offseason collins is most likely to be traded and he wont be back. My guess is the hawks get 7 and filler from portland targeting daniels if they cannot get higher in draft (indiana, sacramento)
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