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Posts posted by JustSomeGuy

  1. That’s just the nature of the league now. There is so security with superstars. You either compete with them, acquiesce to them, or they are planning for their next stop.

    Plus Kevin Durant, who has also had injury problems and is currently leading a better roster to sub 500 play IS NOT security. Why would he even want to play with that team? 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    Most of these trades don't and we risk losing players for nothing plus Trae only has two years left so we can't even afford to take extremely bad  risks. We have to take calculated risk. 

    The calculated risk, to me, is upgrading the teams front court depth.

    We don’t need another scorer and don’t need another star. Our problem is we can’t guard anybody on the perimeter from our wings and the guy on our team who is supposed to is always hurt and isn’t an impact defender. 

    Upgrade his spot or even his backups and this team takes a leap. 

  3. 39 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    I hope ya'll get ya'll wish and when I end up saying, told you so, just know I told you so. 

    I just hope the rest of the league values him like you do. 

    38 minutes ago, Spud2nique said:

    It’s coming January 9th.. stay tuned..

    Outsiders ™️ 

    Ps They say Jan. 5th but it’s the 9th cuz DJ was signed on the 9th of July to the ext.


    This trade doesn’t make us better

  4. I’ve said it before and will say it again. Our weakness is at the 3. Siakam is good but I don’t think he can play with JJ and I’d rather bet on his upside than Siakam’s longevity. Especially on a more affordable contract. 

    Hunter is too inconsistent, injury prone, and too poor of a POA defender. We need a true glue guy in our lineup. And a deal for Hunter and a first plus some legit perimeter 3&D players/glue guys will take the top off this team. 

    • Like 2
  5. 32 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    I think the overarching theme that we keep seeing is that Dre should be coming off the bench. 

    I think the big lineup should be reserved for when we have teams where rebounding becomes an issue.   All this time, the either or people have cried that we need to trade CC.   Honestly, CC is one of our top rated players... period.     With him and OO on the court together, we are hard to beat.   I think some development minutes should be given to Bruno over these next few games. 


    Dre needs to be packaged and on another team. Especially now that his knees are giving him problems again.

  6. 10 hours ago, akay said:

    Top 20 rn, and I can see him finishing top 5.

    1. Magic

    2. Curry

    3. O Rob

    4. Trae

    5. Isiah Thomas

    He's one of the best to every dish it out, can score, just needs a few titles and he'll be considered up there

    Would but Stockton, Steve Nash and CP3 above Trae, and Westbrook somewhere in there too. So top 5 is possible but top ten absolutely. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. To answer the question though I think we really need one more knock down shooter in the rotation.

    I’m only willing to deal a starter if it returns a clear upgrade. If AJ isn’t going to play his way into the rotation I’d be willing to let him go as well as Bufkin, since there’s really no spot for him.

  8. 4 hours ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:


    I like using popcornmachine.net to see our rotations visually.  Normally, you can see cookie cutter rotation patterns, if a coach is used to subbing out guys at certain points in a game.  Most coaches may sub out guys in the same pattern in the 1st half, but change it up in the 2nd half.

    In the game vs Minnesota, Quin played DJ almost 27 minutes straight from around the 8:30 mark of the 2nd quarter, to around the 6:45 mark of the 4th quarter.  That means in the 2nd half alone, he played a stretch around 18 - 19 minutes, before briefly coming out of the game.  He logged almost 40 minutes in that game.

    The big thing is that when DJ got hot in the 3rd quarter, Quin did not take him out of the game.  Even Trae alluded that he normally finishes the 3rd quarter, but there was no need to put him back in the game when DJ was that hot.  That's not only showing maturity from our superstar, it's showing that our coach also understood what was going on.  Quin also extended the minutes of Okongwu during that same stretch, as well as Jalen Johnson.





    I love this because Nate was so entrenched with his rotations we would go away from hot hands too often. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Jody23 said:

    I don't know why AJ didn't play last night.  We've seen that Quin prefers to go with 8 or 9 man rotations most nights.  I would hope that as the season goes on, we see more of AJ.

    Clearly there’s something he’s not doing. He fell out of the rotation last year when Quin took over too. Struggled in limited SL time and hasn’t seemed super comfortable with his on court minutes this season.

    Hope he figures it out because we need him but there’s also not a ton of minutes left for him either. Between DJ-Bogi-Hunter-JJ/Bey who do you sit for him?

    • Like 2
  10. 11 hours ago, Marvin24Williams said:

    I'll take these type of games from Dre. We don't need him to go out there and score 15+ per night, we already have the fire power. As long as he is out there competing hard on defense like he did today, he'll be fine

    I don’t think people realized how low John’s motor was until they see guys actually hustle to create extra possessions or create more shots.

    The thing about Dre, JJ, Bogi, and Bey is on any given night 2 of the 4 are capable of scoring 20, creating their own shots, and if all four are playing well it greatly increases our depth and competitiveness. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    Not really. It was a RS success for playoff success move. What hurts is the role players right now. Beasley shouldn't be starting but they don't have other options

    It’s projected success versus actual success. The Bucks had both with Jrue, and Jrue has taken them to higher heights than Dame did with Portland. His defensive impact is being seen with Boston and is being missed in Milwaukee.

    The NBA is a star driven league but I think it’s been proven a lot lately that more stars doesn’t automatically equal more success. 

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  12. 6 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    This was one of those games you'll talk about years from now. Hawks literally could not stop Minn at all in the first half. I think they shot like 70% in the first half? It was insane. And then....the basketball gods laughed. Unreal. It was like two separate games rolled into one. So glad we won this game. 

    Last year we talked a couple like that. 

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