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Everything posted by Highpozt

  1. I to liked JT but I am not certain if AW can't contribute more to this team. I see the JT for AW trade as even in terms of what they can contribute to wins however Tony Delk will be more valuable to this team than Alan Henderson. If Harrington is small and Walker plays the power we could have a decent low post presence. Dampier would be nice
  2. We are critical of JT on this board because JT is on a bad team in a city full of disgusted fans --- however as far as talent and ability JT is respected in the NBA. Despite some of the criticism on this board JT could become a baller with the right coach and players around him. Hopefully Woodson is sceme and player development abilities will lead to a real effective JT
  3. Okur, Mark Blount and now Boozer. The Hawks better look hard at Kenyon and dampier or our starting Center is going to be Henderson with Diaw as the back-up awwwwwwwwwww!!!!
  4. We would be working with the Bulls for their #3 pick --- I would not take that with out at least Chicago giving up a functional player or at the very least a 2nd rounder. But what does pick #3 buy us??? a shot at Ben Gordon or probably Shaun Livingston which would piss the Clippers off because they want Livingston --- in fact the "Two Live Stews" state several teams are thinking Livingston is the future super star of this draft --- he was described as Tracy McGrady with a point guard handle and passing skills. I like that but I am a little skeptical because I remeber another 6'7" --- less than 200 pounder --- who well lets say unimpressive (DerMarr Johnson)
  5. You say in your post "Jt is the dumbest player in the league and it isn't any of the coaches fault. A freakin high school PG can throw the ball in the post better than JT... " That to me is a completely asinine statement. Who is making good decisions on the Hawks. From management choosing Koncak before Karl Malone --- to letting Nique go during his best all around year --- to hiring Lon kruger when several ex- NBA players were available that turn out to be better coaches -- to drafting Priest and the rest of the long list of draft disasters --- to the present day of hiring Stotts --- To the whole team looking like they are lost under this new coaching staff. The point is no one is making a lot of good decisions on this team players, coaches or management. To focus on JT as the Hawks main problem is just absolutely absurd. You State in your post "Yeah right...That's why his defense has improved over the years..Because he's so hard working.....So hard working that he totally ignores that end of the court" News bulletin --- this team is 10 and 25 -- the point is not a whole lot of good basketball or coaching is being done by anyone on the Hawks --- but I know it is mostly the fault of JT (hate) You state in your post "Who expected the hawks to do anything this year other than a handful of people on this board? Not very many.. In fact, alot of people predicted this team to be the worst team in the league and that's exactually what it is" Here I agree --- however I don't think 10 and 25 is what anyone expected and with Shareef, JT, Jackson and Theo I still think this team should be better than their record. As I stated earlier when we get our new coach under this new ownership --- we will bring this up again. This teams under-acieving has a lot more to do with the coaching than with JT.
  6. What is amazing is that you say Hotlanta is totally correct in regards to JT skills as a Point Guard. I am talking about JT as a basketball player. A good coach can find use for talent on a team --- and JT is talented. To focus the attention on JT lack of good decision making is asinine when you consider the bad decision that Glover, Jackson, Shareef and the rest of the Hawks make. No --- two wrongs don't make a right but a whole team making bad decision equals a bad game plan and a coach that does not have the respect of the players. I will submit again that JT is not great but a good coach would use all the skills JT has and the other skilled Hawks (Theo, Glover, Diaw and Shareef in particular) and make them very effective NBA players.
  7. What is amazing is that you say HotAtlanta is totally correct in regards to JT skills as a Point Guard. I am talking about JT as a basketball player. A good coach can find use for talent on a team --- and JT is talented. To focus the attention on JT lack of good decision making is asinine when you consider the bad decision that Glover, Jackson, Shareef and the rest of the Hawks make. No --- two wrongs don't make a right but a whole team making bad decision equals a bad game plan and a coach that does not have the respect of the players. I will submit again that JT is not great but a good coach would use all the skills JT has and the other skilled Hawks (Theo, Glover, Diaw and Shareef in particular) and make them very effective NBA players.
  8. Yor analysis of JT is ridiculous especially in regards to the lack of success of the whole team. You say "coaching my a+*" in your post --- do you actually believe that a different coach would not make a difference and I follow that by asking do you think Stotts is a good coach --- if the answer to either is yes then no need to read the rest of this post. I am not even suggesting that JT is not part of the problem but by all means he is one of the greater contributors next to Shareef for what can be right for the Hawks. A player that arrives in shape every year, a player that works out delligently during the offseason, a player that plays hard everynight, a player with speed agressiveness and contrary to your point a player that can shoot the ball. A player with a passion to win. The problem is this team has lacked a coach with the motivational skills and the respect by the players to buy into the his philosophy. A coach that knows how to use his talent and the rotations that make this team the most effective. This team is by no means the least talented in the NBA but maybe the most under-achieving they. No Stotts leaving will not make this a championship team but I will assure you with a coach with the attributes described above he will get much better dividends from this team.
  9. Okay you isolated JT and let's say you are 100% accurate --- now let us talk about the [Whole Team] using your assessment Fundamental skills-Below average Passing-Below average defense-Below average shooting-below average Is that JT or bad coaching Shareef is the only player near his potential game after game --- but the rest of them is not close --- JT has played very well for long stretches --- he can play this game.
  10. You say tall PG --- Yes just imagine LeBron and JT --- OK that was a just an image --- now realistically is their a trade for a tall PG --- Could we get anything with maybe JV and Glover or JV and SJax. I am thinking a guard 6'5" or above and I am not coming up with any realistic choices. Jamaal Crawford is the only one I can think of and I think we would have to give up a draft pick to get him --- particularly since he hit 40+ points the other night. Jamaal Crawford and JT would be lightning quick with 6'2" and 6'5" we would look good and have two ball handlers. Off course Boris Diaw can play the big guard role but he needs a few years
  11. Don't know -- but apparently when three players that have never spoken up in a public forum about coaching and players lack of commitment (Terry Theo and Jackson) then something with Stotts is different. They were bad under Krueger and bad during the last years with Lenny, but you neve heard such a public lashing by players as you do with Stotts. We will never know about the jab but behind close doors somethings is real sour about their relationship with this coach.
  12. JT is getting enourmous negative press on this message board --- It seems like very few people believe that JT may be the hardest player on this team except for maybe Shareef. Yes JT looks bad, but so does everyone on the team ---- this team has not won 10 games yet. Maybe it is not JT but Stotts. Remember Stotts and JT got sideways with each other last year and he benched JT. They don't like each other. I think the players think that Stotts does not no what he is doing and they have expressed it (Jackson, Theo and JT). No Theo did not say it directly but JT and Jackson did. Rumor has it that Jackson tried to shoot a jab at him (that pretty much tells his feelings). The Hawks need a coach that is respected from his achievments as a player or coach and one that has tremendous motivational skillz for 48 minutes and 82+ (playoff) games a year.
  13. Your Analysis on Henderson I believe and hope is accurate --- we need something in regards to toughness and Henderson actually is pretty tough. He should be a boost off the bench. WhenHenderson and Nazr come off the bench if they can take care of the inside maybe the perimeter defenders will gain some confidence.
  14. Thank You PJ Carlisimo --- I forgot about him he would actually be a good coach for the hawks --- because I still believe that the Coaches personality and the team personality runs parallel kind of like a father and son. PJ toughness should be reflected in the Hawks play. I like the Dampier better than the Foyle for Theo trade --- Dampier is not great but he brings a decent offensive game while Foyle almost brings none. Dampier is also a big body a real Center and he is a power rebounder that would stop all the second chance points. I am one of the few still believing in JT with the right coach and the right players. Something should happen after January with money becoming available from the Brandon deal. The starting future lineup would be JT, Diaw, Jackson (should be traded now with Theo in a two team deal with the Warriors), Shareef and Dampier --- Diaw hopefully will lessen some of JT ball handling and assist responsibility --- Diaw just needs time and a jumpshot. The first 3 off the bench would be Dickau, Glover, Nazr. PJ is coaching --- for some reason I think a coach like PJ would make a drastic difference in what we see. The players have expressed they don't think Stotts always knows what he is doing and that ain't good for a NBA coach.
  15. Stotts not having a fair shot may be true --- but I am wondering particularly with this group of players did they ever have respect for him. With the egos on todays player if they think you have not made achievments in this league as a player or coach then I think you have a tougher task to gain players respect. They are not playing smart or hard for 48 minutes under Stotts.
  16. We have not had a tough coach in Atlanta --- just think Fratello may be the toughest we have had and he got maybe the best results --- just think Stotts, Kruger, Lenny, Weiss all were soft spoken teacher types and the teams had that personality. Even Van Gundy is tougher than the aforementioned --remember him wrapped around Alonzo leg. The Hawks I think need a motivator a coach with a tough demeanor to change the face of this team.
  17. I have been speaking about a new coach since they hired Stotts --- but when I ponder the thought of what would change, I am not certain I or anyone has a positive concrete answer. If Doc, Nique or a veteran coach like a Brian Hill came on board I do think instant respect would be gained from their achievments in this league and I don't think Stotts or Kruger ever had that. But then it comes to actual game play and I am not certain if a new scheme and coach would make SAR, Theo, Terry and the Hawks win games. I know for a fact over the last three years there are teams with less talent and a better record --- look at the Jazz --- they almost have no real ballers short of Kerilinko?? and they are much better than the Hawks and competitive every night is that coaching or scheme or what??? Who knows but these Hawks are a disaster new coach, trade players where do they turn??
  18. Not stated to say only ex good players make good coaches -- I do not see "only" in the post *sarcasm* - but it appears that formula (ex good ball players) lately has produced some success --- the bigger point is that I don't think that Stotts has the respect of the players and they are not going to play hard for him. The suggestion to start over again with a new nucleus of players has not produced any results. Contrary to the anger they produce when they lose SAR, Terry and Theo are solid ballers that have and can produce in this league. Two of the aforementioned have been all-stars. IMO We need a creative coach with the ability to motivate and more importantly find the rotations that make this team effective.
  19. You may be right about Terry and his lack of intelligent plays --- however no one on the Hawks looks real intelligent so either we got a bunch of morons for ballers or as I suggested earlier coach Stott is not getting maximum play from his team due to lack of respect. I don't see only Terry making mistakes but the whole team and it happens every single game.
  20. Yes do not tear it up we have done that over and over and you just start again from ground zero. Get a coach the players respect not some cat that was the 12th player on the bench when he played. As is stated some players should not be starters --- well the same goes for coaches --- some coaches should be assistants not head coaches --- Stotts is one of them. Ex players that have achieved in this league make pretty good coaches because players respect them. Isiah, Doc, Larry Bird, Byron Scott, Terry Porter and Phil Jackson to some degree. Not great coaches always --- but decent coaches with decent result. Nique and Kenny Smith need a look if they are still interested in coaching.
  21. I agree that Glover and Jackson are not starting material -- however Jason Terry is very much a starter and with the right mix of players he would be good --- no doubt he can mess somethings up --- but the right coach would make Terry a star --- He is extra quick, a hard worker, he has a good shot and can create off the dribble --- and most of his mistakes are aggressive mistakes --- Iverson makes a lot of agressive mistakes but with a coach that knows how to use him he is a perennial all-star. i am not suggesting taht Terry and Iverson are equally skilled but JT is by no means a bad ball player. This team need s a coach the players respect and will play hard for and Stotts ain't it
  22. Point Taken ---- although I think in Byron Scotts case it is probably more of his arrogance in dealing with Jason Kid rather than the brlliance of Eddie Jordan. With the egos of some of todays players the first thing a coach must get is ultimate respect and having played the game at a high level gets you half way there ---- the next is having the people skillz to motivate night after night for 82 games. I don't know Niques people skillz but playing the game at a high level will pay dividends to gaining respect from the players. Isiah does kind of rub me the wrong way with his arrogance --- remember how he sat antoine and Pierce during the allstar game to give MJ all the minutes and then when ask why he stated "because I am the coach, period" what a jackass staement particularly because it was a allstar game just for entertainment and showcase. Doc Rivers, Nique and at one time Kenny Smith were alltalking about coaching --- and of course only Doc Rivers took a stab. i know from what we have seen this year it is time to start searching
  23. It appears Doc Rivers just got a Job with ABC so he is probably not looking to coach again this year. Ex "good" players seem to make pretty good coaches --- in other words not Terry Stotts but the Byron Scotts, Isiahs, Doc River types. Could we be missing something right in our back yard with Nique already involved with management.
  24. Yes I am aware that we have more problems than this one --- but this is major and worth a revisit Go to Yahoo NBA Stats team defense (im sure you know the rest) and look up what team has given up the most shot attempts and you will see yours truly the rim shaking Atlanta Hawks. We give up more offensive rebounds and second shot attempts than any team in the NBA at least before the Suns game. We were shooting lights out in the first half I think it was the Clippers and they were only down 4 points before they stomp us in the second half. The way the Hawks can solve that problem is what they used to call the hustle points rebounds, steals and recovering loose balls. When the heat and Knicks would go deep in the playoffs it was often poor shooting but 100% on Hustle points. Dennis Rodman at his prime should be the picture next to the definition of Hustle Points. Is there a Hawk that can do that level of dirty work????
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