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Posts posted by djcorley

  1. I think Shelden is a 13-15/8-11 guy in the NBA for a long, long time...not to mention being a very solid post defender, screener and leader...

    He was a bit of reach at 5, I agree, But once the word got leaked BK didn't really have much bargaining power at that point...BK shot himself in the foot by letting it leak out.

    However, I think in the end he did the right thing by drafting the guy he wanted.

  2. Shelden Williams is going to prove alot of hater/doubters wrong...

    Shelden was one of the top rookies in the league last year prior to hurting his shoulder...and he came back strong at the end of last year winning rookie of the month...

    He's our BEST post defender and defensive rebounder. PERIOD. He's a leader/winner and he play very, very hard..

    This is a DEEP and talented team now...If Marvin ascends and speedy stays healthy...PLAYOFFS!

  3. Gray,

    It's you who are passing judgement throughout the entire post on all the guys...then ending by saying it's still early???

    So, I guess you also said that Greg Oden and Kevin Durant were failed picks because they bombed in their first game?...

    I'm not really going to qualify all the player bashing in this post by taking up for each player..

    What we KNOW is that this was the 1st professional game for most of these guys...having been there myself...most guys cannot control a little thing called "nerves" the 1st time.

    Acie, Shelden, AL and Solomon will all be solid to maybe great(in some cases) NBA players for a long time...Give em' a chance to breathe will ya'

  4. What would the deal be...I think Chillz is too much to give up for Jarrett Jack...It would have to Jarrett Jack and Another piece...maybe a to 10 protected number one in 08' for Chillz...I think I would accept something like that...

    What kinda deal could we put together for him and now that we've got Acie...Would we still want him?

    I we got him we'd have to unload AJ and TLue..I think AJ is all but outta here anyway...

    Jarrett back the Atlanta? How do we make it happen?

  5. Have to give my boy a shout out!!! Former teammate and classmate...

    My boy D-Free became the hightest paid Defensive player in NFL History today!!!

    From and spaz freshmen at the 'Cuse to the highest paid Defensive Player in NFL History!

    Congrats D-Free!

  6. There's no need in putting ANY rookie on this list...we can talk about potential all we want...bottom line is they are ROOKIES and you don't what you're going to have until at least the end of year one...sometimes not that soon..

    With that said, I do believe we have the roster with the most young talent...which means we're not quite ready to win..

    What BK has done is set the team up to be consistently competitive year after year...which is commendable..

  7. I think I would pass on that one...Maybe, just maybe, for Chillz...but not Marvin...Not now, I really think he's going to emerge as the need 3rd scoring threat in this his 3rd year. I think he's really going to blossom!

    Plus, Hawes i'm unimpressed with overall...I think he duplicates ZaZa to much...maybe he's a little more skilled around the basket...but he's somewhat clumbsy and he doesn't rebound well defensively or offensively...

    I think I would have to pass...

  8. IF, IF, IF we stay healthy we shouldn't have to many problems scoring the ball..

    What Woody said was that we needed another scorer and Marvin or Chillz could end up being that dependable 3rd scorer...

    The defense is what I question...Speedy is suspect(gambles alot for steals)...JJ is a solid defender....Marvin is solid...Smoove is suspect(great weakside shot blocker though)...ZaZa is suspect

    Chillz is really the only "PROVEN" solid all around defender off the bench right now...Horford should be solid as should Acie...But, their rooks and we'll have to wait and see!?

  9. Acutually, I was listening to Coach Pop earlier in the season...and he made reference to him and other teams that missed the boat on ZaZa when they were looking for a compliment to Duncan (Remember the Nesterovic signing!!)...

    That's why I say the would line up to get him...he's a better Oberto IMO..

  10. Why all the ZaZa hate??

    He's no all-star...but, if he were on the trading block...there are many, many teams (spurs included) that would line up for this guy...

    Same teams that are scratching their heads as to why they didn't pursue him two year ago...

    He's an adequate, competent 7 footer...and they're hard to come by...not to mention he's CHEAP...and he's still the teams best option at center (right now)

  11. Law is the most "NBA ready", most polished and most clutch of the performers...

    I think all the others, your could argue, have more "upside" but the Hawks couldn't afford to take a project.

    They needed guys that were ready to play...and they got arguably the two most "NBA ready" guys in the entire draft.

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