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Posts posted by djcorley

  1. I question wether Phoenix truly plays a "center". Amare is a 4...one helluva 4...but, still a 4 he's not a classic 5 and my question is why are we so quick to pencil him in at 5...but, question if AL can play there?

    AL is bigger and longer then Amare.

  2. Why can't Al Horford???

    They're both 6'10"

    I'm not saying that AL is the athlete Amare is. Amare has more of a "face up" game to me...

    Whereas, AL has more of a "back to the basket" game.

    What do we really need more? A 6'10" center with a face up game or a 6'10 center with a back to the basket game?

    Why are we so quick to pencil Amare into the 5 spot, yet many of us are questioning wether AL can play 5?

  3. I'm torn on this one...I know Amare has had the surgery and is a little older...

    But, he's a BEAST! I do wonder how much of his success can be attributed to playing with Nash???

    Dwight is a monster too and he's certainly more of an anchor on defense and a true center!

    Apples and Oranges..

    Still torn...

  4. HUH? Ian Thomsen is suggesting the package the #11 and Smoove for some point guard help???

    What points are worth that much?...I can't come up with ANY!

    He actually had a good article last week about the Hawks trading down...then follows it up with something this dumb???

  5. I can't see this happening either...

    I can see BK(with a push from ownership) taking Yi at 3

    But, i can't see Conley falling to 11...plus I think Stuckey is the best fit for the Hawks at 11.

    I've seen him a couple of times...he can do it all. Those Chauncey Billips comparisions are right on. However, Stuckey is quicker on end to end.

  6. When a player demands a trade...it puts the other teams in a position of leverage(somewhat)...they almost "have" to take the best offer out there...

    I don't really see anyone putting together an offer better then JJ and Chillz and maybe we even throw in one of the lottery picks as well...

    Stranger things have happend!

  7. I totally understand...

    I also understand that I listend to Kobe say It didn't matter where he played right now...

    He feels lied to and he wants to go somewhere he can compete

    If you put Kobe and Bynum on this team I think ATL is in the playoffs next year and beyond...which Is what Kobe wants.

  8. There will not be a trade at number one or number two. This is basically two drafts in one. Portland and Seattle are the ONLY teams in the first draft and we basically have the 1st pick of the second draft.

    There is no chance..no way...no how that anyone gets into that top two. Those two teams won't let either of those guys get away.

    I think it's way to early to tell who will go where...about a week or so before the draft when we know more about the players workouts/stocks then we'll know what we can expect

    However, I do believe we'll end up with Conley and Noah!...

    Let us not forget about Solomon Jones...I really like his upside in being that rebounding and shot-blocking force we need...Here's and interesting question to ponder....

    Is Noah a better prospect then Solomon?

    I say they have almost identical games!


  9. These guys are total idiots! They are clowning the Hawks. Saying that Speedy is coming off the bench...the talk about the nice pieces the Hawks have and never mentioned Smoove!...If you'd like some amusement take a listen to these guys!

  10. I agree that most trades happen between now and August. However, in the case of AL. he may have been to top free agent on the market and there are plenty of teams out there that would like to get there hands on him and would glady pay him his $8-$10 per.

    Everybody is over the cap so there has to be a sign and trade and the key word is trade!

    Now, if he was trying to force himself to a certain team(s) then that throws a monkey wrench into everything. But, it doesn't look like that's the case. AL wants his money and he wants a winning enviornment. He's mentioned perferred teams. But, never said he HAD to go to a particular team.

  11. The only team that has enough room to sign AL outright(CHA), doesn't want him. Therefore, BK is doing the right thing by being patient and letting this thing play out.

    There is still much player movement left and it's in the best interest of the team to get the best deal. It seems to me AL's loyalty is to money 1st and a winning situation 2nd. Which leaves BK with many, many options.

    I believe some of the other major deals that could go done (AI,KG) will probably require a team like the Hawks who have salary cap to get involved and if so, we stand to make out pretty well.

    I think we not see and AL deal go done before August. There's no need to rush.

  12. That was the thing about his draft. There are no clear cut stars. Most of the guys picked in the top ten will probably be "role" players. This draft had very few "sure things" and I'm happy to say that we got one of them.

  13. One of them HAVE to be available with everything that Portland did tonight. they have Foye, Jack, Blake and Dixon on the roster...

    I wonder if either Jack or Blake are available?

    Personally, I'd love to see Jarett Jack on this team

    Maybe we could catch Portland while they're still in a trading frenzy!?!

  14. It was impossible to predict how the top 8 would play out. So, we don't know where people had Shelden rated. Doesn't really matter much either. He's a stud interior defender/rebounder and that's EXACTLY what this team need most.

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