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Posts posted by djcorley

  1. You gotta be kidding...Marvin already is and will continue to be much, much better then any of those guys you mentioned...he's 19 years old and he's getting some serious trial by fire here because the fact is he's gotta play for us this year...he's the primary back-up for Al and Smoove...plus he's the #2 pick so he's gonna be on the floor alot...I can't wait...you guys are gonna eat some serious crowe!

  2. Personally, I think he looks better at this point then even any of his supporters thought...So, I noticed you haven't made mention of his play lately. SO, I was just wondering what you think about his play so far? AND, has your opinion changed about just how high his ceiling really is!

    I think this guy will easily be the 2nd best player on the team by the start of next year...maybe even the end of this year!...there's nothing on the floor he can't do...I think you're gonna eat some major crowe on this guy before it's all said and done!

  3. I understand very well what it means to have to 20 point scorers on one team...Here me out on this one though...

    AL is in a CONTRACT YEAR!...He will score points...I would be willing to bet he's at or near 20ppg and...

    JJ has much to prove and no matter what he says, he's feeling some pressure to live up to the money...

    They will play alot of 2man basketball and will score the lions share of the points...

    I know it's rare and I know the likelihood of it happening isn't very good...But, I really feel like they'll pull it off...you will eat crowe on this one

  4. I think you're short changing both JJ and AL...JJ has much to prove and AL is in a contract year...I think they're both good for more then 20ppg per night. And, I think AL will be at or near a double-double this year....I believe that both Chill and Smoove are good for between 10-15 ppg...Marvin is good for 6-10 ppg just because he's the primary back up at the 3 and 4...plus Delk and Salim....Offense will not be a problem for this team...It's all about us taking care of the ball, stoping people and rebounding the ball!!!

    And most of all...getting a consistent effort night in and night out...which is usual because inconsistency comes with being young.

    We'll be fine!...We have good players and players that are going to be good...this is a players league not a coaches league...you need good players to be competitive and we're well on our way!

  5. Where are the Hawks picks in your analysis? I think Marvin will prove to be the best player from this draft. And, I think Salim will prove to be a major steal as well....Charlie V and Bynum have BUST written all over them. Wayne Simien won't get off the bench in Miami and he's proven that he can't stay healthy. I think Deron will prove to be a major reach in the years to come....He's solid but not worthy of a #3 draft pick...I think Paul is a stud...he just has that "it" factor. IMO he's the only player of that five that belongs on that list...Should read more like this...

    1. Marvin

    2. Paul

    3. May

    4. Green

    5. Gomes

  6. Hang close right up until the end...but, not quite enough...then end up losing by double digits....we must learn to finish games better!

    Some good things though jj 18/8/7...ZaZa 18pts...Marvin played well and played alot...about as much as Smoove and Chills...he was in tghe game down the stretch as well...

    Not to much from Salim tonite...I don't think Donta or Royal played at all nor did Esteban or Edward...Looks like Woody previewed his playing rotation minus Lue who was hurt.

    Smoove 13pts

    Chills 9pts

    Al 7pts

    Salim 7pts

    I very much believe that we're on the right track...still need a few more parts...but, we're well on the way with this team!

  7. They were just playing forward as basketball players!!! BK has been saying all along that he's not into classifying players as 2,3,4,5...he's said that he wants to gather good versatile "players" with length and athleticisim...that's all!

  8. I thought it was all in fun...I think it was mostly innocent personally. All those guys were having with each other...I didn't see it as them ripping BK at all.

    And, I think Josh spoke just as well as the other guys on the panel. He may need a public speaking coach. But, nothing in that video would make you think that. It's not like he embarassed himself or anything.

  9. The only teams in the NBA that draft for need are the teams that are WINNING. It's many GM's rule be it in the NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB...you take what you believe to be the best player available who fits into your system....

    Let's face fact...trades are one of the ways that you build a winner and you can't trade if you don't have expendable parts that other teams want!

    You aquire talent and if a player that fits your mold becomes available and when I say available it could be by draft, it could be by trade or it could be via free agency...Point is you have to have abundant talent and spendable cash.

    You can argue all you like about how bad the Marvin pick is...truth is...it's a great pick. So is picking up JJ.

    Competition brings out the best in competitors! That's a fact. Let the decsion on who stays or go's...who plays and who sits be played out on the court. All of those guys are going to be better because of it and the cream will rise to the top. You can't go wrong by picking a 6'9" guy with a 7'3" wingspan...can rebound...can defend...can handle...and can shoot from range. Oh, and who's also only 19 years and may end up growing another couple of inches ala KG when he came into the league at 6'10"

    The Draft is about projections especially in this day and age...their wasn't a Shaq or Duncan or KG. These days guys come into the league so early that it's almost like playing the lottery and I think Marvin has a great chance to become a very, very good player in the league for a long time.

  10. Might be Evans, but, I highly doubt Seattle would let him walk at this point.

    I think we either need a starting Center or a more accomplished PF because although Batista may have "some" upside...I don't feel real comfortable with him as the back up PF.

    I would feel much more comfortable with Reggie Evans then Batista. But, again, I seriously doubt Seattle would let him walk.

    However, they may be interested in a sign and trade of some sort???

  11. Most NBA teams don't play that way. At best you'll have an 8 maybe a 9 man rotation and that's about it.

    NOW, which 8 or 9 players that play can and probably will change for game to game based on match-ups and other variables.

    But, you aren't going to see all 12 coming in and out running and gunning...not gonna happen. Not in the NBA...

    What will be interesting to see is which of the younger guys gains Woody's trust throughout the year and EARNS more pt because he comes from that Larry Brown school and won't play the youngsters early unless they're able to earn it.

  12. ED O'BANNON?

    You're comparing Marvin to him? Based on what?

    I think Marvins' skill set is much more like KG. I don't know if he possess that kinda attitude that makes KG such a great player and leader.

    But, Marvin will probably end up being 6'9"-6'10" (with shoes, since they don't play barefoot)

    And, the young man has a 7'3" wingspan!

    He can rebound

    He can shoot

    He can handle the ball

    He's quick

    He's long

    He's aggressive

    I think he's the real deal...all that young man needs is time and health and he'll be an all-star for many many years

    ala KG

  13. Agreed, let them go through a months' worth of training camp and build some rapport and chemistry. He's going to have to learn the games of the guys he's playing with...learn where they like to get the ball....Heck, learn the damn offense for goodness sakes!

    I know this is a message board and all. And, we're suppose to bring up topics and discuss them....I think we need to hold off on passing judgment on what JJ will or won't be able to do as a PG on this team.

    Let's all be positive about everything until we have something to be negative about or something to at least be concerned about....And right now, we simply don't. It was a charity game that was put on in 30 hours...most of these guys looked like they cut their vacations short to come and support the cause.

    I thought JJ looked pretty good out there handling the ball...I personally think he'll do very well in the old Scottie Pippen mold of the Bulls days...kinda a Point forward...never a true PG.

  14. Not to the extreme in which you speak...but, i'm with you man...that was pretty embarrassing stuff. our guys not having their uniforms or having the wrong uniforms...I'm glad they got involved.

    Maybe JJ just never turned his in from the press conference? LOL

    Maybe AL has been traded after all?

    And, maybe T-Lue hasn't officially signed yet??

    Gotta be a good reason(s)

    GOD, let their be a good reason!

  15. Let it go guy...nobody is saying that a cut block from behind is cool. I certainly wouldn't say that. I think that's a cowardly act. But, I also think it's an individaul act and no coach in this league would ever teach a tactic like that. NO WAY...trust me on that.

    If a player does that...it's his individual decision to do so...not coaching.

    It's the NFL for goodness sake dude. Don't you understand these are the best of the best. No coach in that league, especially one that's been around as long as Alex Gibbs would be teaching illegal stff...just not gonna happen.

    "It's better to be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

    You're outclassed in this conversati on my man...LET IT GO!

  16. nobody in the game really looked that good. at least the didn't look like themselves...please lets not go off on tangents based on this exhibition game....it served its' purpose well

    I think most of the guys main objective was to have fun and not get hurt. Nothing that happend in this game should change the perceptions, expectations or predictions of any of us...it was semi-all star game for a great cause

  17. All I'm saying is...if the guy was that good of a player then more teams would be after his....and to say that nobody does or ever has scouted Uraguay is crazy!

    So basically you're saying that us and the Warriors are the first two teams to scout over there???

    Excuse me if I have doubts that a young inexperienced player from Uraguay can come in and help us much. I just don't believe. I think he's a developmental guy and I personally don't think we need anymore developmental guys. We have enough.

    We NEED some established bigs that have show the can produce at the NBA level. Not another guy we "hope" can become something semi-special.

    That's all I'm saying guys!

  18. I think we should go after Jay Williams as well.

    But, only if we're able to trade Delk

    I think someone in Jay Williams' shoes can't be to picky. He should be happy that someone even wants to take a chance on him.

    And, there's no better way to prove you're healthy enough to play without PLAYING TIME!

    He's not gonna get much playing time on a contender because the rotations are pretty much set.

    Whereas, he could come here and earn himself some playing time!

  19. Come on Guys...Don't you think others would be after him if he was that good. I've seen some people write that he's a mid-1st round talent???? That's crazy.

    Every team in the league would be after this guy if he was even close to being that good.

    We have enough young unproven people. We need some vet leadership from some guys that can still play and help show our young people how to practice; how to play; how to win; how to be good citizens and leaders.

    That's what we need. Not another unknow that we "hope" may turn into a good player someday!

    We already have enough of those pieces. Time for some know commodities that we can count on.

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