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Posts posted by DawsonsCreek

  1. Quote:


    Horford with another strong move, got fouled by Milsap.

    Sounds like when given the chance he can score more than 13 points a game. Imagine my shock.

    That's impossible.

    Whatever you score in college is your ceiling in the NBA in scoring.

    Or that's at least what Diesel and company told me

    You cant win with some of these fans. If they have a great summer league game people will say it doesnt count. IF they have a bad game they are like see they shouldnt have taken that player they are hating on.

    Im pretty excited about the 2 guys the Hawks drafted.

  2. I just wanted to know if you heard any names that the Hawks may or may not be interested in. I havnt really read any names where the Hawks name is mentioned. I imagine they want to see if they have any FA keepers on the summer league team.

    Any word on if ATL is pursuing JACK? Not to excited about this 4 pg situation as it stands. We know at least 3 are career backups. Anxious to see LAW in action.


  3. Quote:

    Its not Atlanta. Although at least two owners still want Yi only for the $$$ in China. The team holding this is up Phoenix trying to decide if they want to win a title with KG and Nash before Nash is washed up or they want to be just a second round exit with Amare. Just my two cents on the last part but its Phoenix holding this up. Minnesota and Atlanta have agreed to do this.

    Thank You Soth. I think this is the kind of impact we have all been waiting for (if it goes down). The Suns need to make that push for a title because with all that talent they havnt done so and their is no sense bringing back the same exact team year after year, only to be stonewalled by teams like dallas and the spurs. Imo KG isnt a HUGE upgrade but they will be sitting pretty with all the picks they have comming up this year and next to get more pieces.

    I think if that move gets done by us, we gotta figure out a way to get a pg like Jack (hopefully for childress) or sign someone for the exemption.

  4. That would be a real nice lineup Vd. Amare would probably require all our picks. So that would mean we could deal Chill(for a pg if hes not apart of a phoenix deal), sign someone at pg (dunno how realistic that would be because of what we did last year) or stick with Craig.

    Whatever we do this year its probably gonna be all the major moves we are gonna do for the next 2 years...in terms of no draft pick next year, resigning our own players (smith and reupping marvin) and taking on money for vet players via trade this year(if atl decides to do so).

  5. Quote:


    One question Sothron... with you knowing the likely scenarios... how excited are you about the possible team after this week?

    How good do you think these next few days can be for this franchise?

    Unless BK does something just totally bizarre I will be the happiest I've been about this team since Knight was hired. Not hyperbole, just honest truth. We should be a much better balanced team on both sides of the court next season with any of the likely scenarios I was told.

    This question is more for the rest of the thread. If Soth says that we become more balanced on both sides of the court....does that pertain to Gasol and Calderon as well(if that were to happen)in your opinions? I dont have a good enough read on Calderon...thats why I ask.

  6. Pete I agree with alot of things you say, but I dont think a post like this is beneficial to the thread. I think thats something that shouldve been asked in private. Sothron gives what he gives (knowing the consequences) and if its too much I am sure his sources will let him know. I dont think any of us want this to lead to some misunderstanding that leads to no more info. You never know who is watching and what these threads might trigger.

  7. Soth thank you for the info.

    I just had three quickies.

    1. When teams make deals after they draft someone, do they get some sort of guarantee (Hawks) that the team they are trading with will follow through with the deal or are we not going to have to worry about that because we wouldnt mind keeping the player? I just dont want to see the Hawks left with someone they didnt want (if a deal fell through).

    2. Do any of the most likely scenarios involve trading down in the draft or is it mainly for getting vet talent?

    3. The closer we get to the draft, do the deals get even sweeter then what they may be right now? Ie. Have teams made their final offers to us and we are thinking about them? Or is Knight gonna wait till the last offer and then make a move?

    Thats all I got. Gasol here is exciting. Amare here is REAL exciting (Supposed Amare would cost us both picks and salaries).

    Thanks Again

  8. I would NOT do it. You basically have to gut your whole team for Garnett because of his perceived value and you also have to match money. By the time ATL has time to get more talent in here Garnett will be done. Forget it and put this one to rest.

  9. This guy also said that Boobie might be the best pg option for the cavs. Has this guy ever seen him play at Texas or in the NBA(Gibsons 1 assist per game average)?

    There is a reason he slipped in the draft. He doesn't play point well. Dont read too much into this guys info.

  10. Quote:


    I'm sorry but Billy Knight needs to submit to the coach on this one. His track record in the draft(with the Hawks) is not good. Meanwhile the owners are thinking with their pockets (who can blame them) but the coach is the one with the idea thats gonna put the best team on the floor.

    You have to be in the playoffs this year and you have no first round pick next year.

    No playoffs = no job for knight

    Use your head Billy.

    Wrong. Billy needs to submit to the owners, and the coach needs to submit to Billy. Does anybody on this board think Woodson is a better coach than BK is at drafting?

    Well maybe Woodson would be more succesful if Knight actually made the moves to put Woody in a better position to win. Now what.

  11. Quote:


    Thanks for the info Soth. I think my blood pressure just shot through the roof from this thread. I hope Knight does what most other smart gms would do and just take Horford at #3. I dont get this talk that this guy or that guy has more upside then Horford. Why are people thinking that Horford is not gonna get better? I can handle Critt at #11 (even though I prefer Jack or Law). But Wright at #3 would be a tragedy.

    Where is Horford going to play????? He is not a center at all and we already have 2 lottery picks coming off the bench. This would make yet another one if Horford was a center or could play center I would be all for it. But this Horford to Hawks crap is silly we already have 2 Forward starters. I dont want to draft someone to come off the bench that high. This reeks too much of Shelden Williams all over again. I rather take Yi who is a 7 footer or Conley at 3 and watever big man is left. Because they both fill needs and not just are going to be coming off the bench for there 1st few years in Atlanta. I cant imagine drafting another lottery pick that wont start for the HAwks thats just stupid.

    Who said Horford cant play center? YOU GOT FREAKIN ZAZA PACHULIA PLAYING CENTER. And you have Billy Knight saying on radio that Shelden is gonna be played more at the 5? You know why hes playing at 5? Because he cant stick PFS and hes all of what 6'8? Give me a break.

    Where is Yi gonna play? Hes not playing center. And your gonna start him over Marvin Williams/Josh Smith? You think the hawks organization is gonna sit the #2 draft pick on the bench and not give this kid every oppurtunity to suceed? Its not even a given that Conley would start here right off the bat. So your arguement for drafting another lottery pick that wont start pertains to your 2 fav choices.

  12. Thanks for the info Soth. I think my blood pressure just shot through the roof from this thread. I hope Knight does what most other smart gms would do and just take Horford at #3. I dont get this talk that this guy or that guy has more upside then Horford. Why are people thinking that Horford is not gonna get better? I can handle Critt at #11 (even though I prefer Jack or Law). But Wright at #3 would be a tragedy.

  13. I'm sorry but Billy Knight needs to submit to the coach on this one. His track record in the draft(with the Hawks) is not good. Meanwhile the owners are thinking with their pockets (who can blame them) but the coach is the one with the idea thats gonna put the best team on the floor.

    You have to be in the playoffs this year and you have no first round pick next year.

    No playoffs = no job for knight

    Use your head Billy.

  14. Quote:


    According to my spies, Crittenton looked the most physically impressive (as expected) but that Law was no slouch in that department and clearly appeared to be the most advanced offensive player (again, no surprise there). Yet Gordon was the most tenacious defender and the most pleasantly surprising of the three (as should have been expected since he isn’t as highly regarded as his workout partners).
    Another spy said there was basically no difference between the three guys (he actually ranked Gordon and Crittenton ahead of Law, and reiterated that Gordon stood as much or more than anyone), though the upside for Crittenton is hard to ignore.

    And some people on the squawk swear that Law is the best point guard in the draft, yet he didn't look any better than Crittenton or Gordon!


    Didnt realize you could tell how good of a pg someone is by getting 2nd hand information about player performance drills.

    Good luck with all that.

  15. Quote:

    The big problem with taking Conley at 3 is that unless someone unexpected falls, you are probably force to take a small wing at 3. You could be stuck with a Conley Stuckey draft or you trade 11 and get a stiff....good thing Juwan Howard already got traded.

    Yeah I dont know how realistic it is to get him cause Im on board with Horford at #3. If it came down to conley, law or crittenton for some reason at #11 (or earlier trade up), I'd have to go with conley.

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