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Posts posted by y2kenta

  1. You mean, Esteban?

    Am I the only guy, here, that is sick of the Hawks getting f'd over by the officiating constantly? I mean, I know a few of us (including myself) have commented on it before, and I know they're the youngest team, but DAMN!!!

    Last night's game vs the Heat was another pathetic display of the refs taking the young guys out of a game where they were clearly outplaying an elite team. They called so many ridiculous calls against the Hawks that it's a shame, especially goaltending on a couple of Josh's blocks, Joe's buzzer beater, and a ghostly block on Batista when Shaq obviously and blatantly bulldozed the dude while he was given way and hold ground. The worst thing about it was that Batista could have been seriously hurt if he wasn't so tough.

  2. NBA 2K6 is da TRUTH, plain and simple.

    You can do so many things in that game that you'll feel like you were actually controlling their human counterparts. Man, I have been playing NBA/ NFL games all my life from Nintendo to PS2/ XBOX. And there has never been a more complete NBA sim than NBA 2K6. I promise you.

    It will take you a day or so to get into it, and then maybe a week or two to master it to the point where you can do it all. Once you start playing against you buddies, you'll really open up the depth of what it can do. This is easily my vote for the best NBA sim ever.

    Sad thing about EA is I have Live 06 and NBA 2K6 on PS2 and I don't even play Live 06 at all. I first got it because of its reputation and the AllStar Weekend feature. Then I played NBA 2K6 for one day and I haven't even picked up Live 06 again. It shockingly blew Live 06 out of the water with the life-like graphics, moves, abilities, and realistic simulation.

    If you're a die hard b-baller like me and want a video game to play that's as close to the feel of playing bball and/or watching the NBA - 2K6 is your game.

    I already can't wait for 2K7, because if they improve this one....

    shocked.gif... it's a wrap.

  3. He got jobbed and Iggy got robbed. But they both had no chance and didn't really need to show up, because I told everyone I knew that Nate just has to dunk in front of everyone and he'd win. They made it too obvious when they scored the finals as a tie after talking to each other and then putting the cards up. That was only topped by the horrible scoring in the dunk off with Iggy coming up one point short after Nate's 20 tries.

    Sucks but the little got tried like hell and still put all of his dunks down clean after all those tries, including that Hell-a-fied dunk over Webb.

  4. Quote:

    I agree about NENE, but we have so many forwards we could probably overcome a bad center. bad point guards spell doom not only at the end of the game but the entire game because of turnovers and lack of offense

    Say it again, man. There aint no more than 4-5 centers that really impact the game or dominate, so our lack PG play doubles our troubles.

  5. Zaza is way better all around and he can score, shoot, pass, and is a stronger nside, but Daly is a better shotblocker and rebounds a little bit better (maybe).

    By the way Zaza gets a HELL_of a lot more rebounds than his own misses. He gets a lot of rebounds from his quickness and hustle alone!!! You guys who say that, obviously don't watch the games that close.

  6. JJ's is about as good a shooter as Redd / Allen / and way better than Hughes - and those were the guys that were heavily seeked and available for the money. Besides is way more versatille, better all around, and younger than them all. So we got the best player of the bunch.

    We needed to spend the $ and he was the only one that wanted to come here and he deserves every penny. Especially when you think about how many players like Eddie Jones / Tim Thomas/ Penny / Antonio Davis and tons more who get way more than JJ and they don't produce SH!T.

    *Kinda funny that most of those guys play or played for the Knicks recently - LOL!!!

    So all you guys have to realize that we had to start somewhere and with someone that has that kind of talent. When you think about no one wanting to come here and he did, then you understand that it was worth the deal and we came good. Get used to JJ in a Hawks uni and get used to the Hawks growing and improving.

  7. I love that game NBA 2K6 and I'm happy to see any Hawks getting some recognition. NBA 2K6 is simply put, the best and most complete "NBA basketball" created so far. NBA Live 06 couldn't carry its jock this year and I can't wait for this year's (2K7) version. If you haven't played it, go find a way to check it out and then play it for a little while and you'll never stop seeing new thing in the game.

  8. I hate to say it, but Al is killing us. He is a ship anchor holding these guys back from developing and winning (just a couple more) games. Feburary 23rd is only about 3 weeks away, so maybe we only have to put up with him for that long. I wouldn't mind AL staying, but I think we'd be a lot better, a lot faster if he's moved for a talented PG.

    Al + Delk for Andre Miller would be a bit of a dream come true for all of us, huh?

  9. You must be talking about JJ Reddick, because you haven't really been watching Joe Johnson in Atlanta, have ya? Though he's not quite the Kobe/ T-Mac, he is pretty explosive at times and does dunk here and there. He just has to continue to grow into the role of leader and learn how to play like a $12M+/ year allstar, all while keeping Al happy and manning the point 40-50% of the time.

    We need a pure PG that will allow JJ to play like he did last night more consistently. He commented on that very topic, saying that it takes a lot of pressure off him. It allows him to play SG and be more aggressive scoring-wise.

    So start watching more than just the tip off and the boxscores.

  10. IND is falling and fading fast, and they are more ready to move Artest than ever. They are losing games in bunches (esp. tonight, losing by 30) and the time for us to take advantage of the Artest saga is NOW!!!

    ATL should really push for one of the following deals:

    1. Al (to IND) + Delk (to DEN) | Artest (to DEN) | A. Miller (to ATL)

    2. Al (to IND) + Lue (to LAL) | Artest (to LAL) | Odom or Mihm/ George (to ATL)

    DEN - is hot for Artest and could use his perimeter defense and they could maybe part with Dre and accept Delk.

    LAL - has nothing to really offer IND, but we can offer LAL a veteran PG (who's played in LA under Phil). Artest has also been rumored to have bought a house in LA.

    IND - see above

    ATL - we are desperate and we must get something in return for AL to make up for the last 2 years of trading expiring contracts for next to nothing. Though Andre Miller or Odom would be "off the meter" good for us, Mihm would be a good fit, because he's more aggressive now, he blocks shots, and rebounds well.

    Keep in mind, AL only wanted to leave IND to get a starting spot and now with Artest leaving, he'd start in IND. I think either of the deals above would really improve our team overall and helps us win consistently now, while staying young.

    Either of these lineups would make us a whole lot better and get us way more wins than our current lineup:

    1. Zaza / Odom / Smoove / JJ / Salim - (3 ball handlers + more shots available for Salim (who's ready) to start + Odom is the 2nd most "versatile" PF in the game [behind Garnett])

    2. Zaza / Smoove / Marvin / JJ / Andre - (we'd finally fill our PG void in a big way + Andre is a pass first PG that would get the ball to JJ like Nash did + Andre would get our tempo up and allow that young horses to run and gun)

    3. Mihm / Smoove / George or Marvin / JJ / Salim - (Mihm and Smoove would definately improve our interior defense with our starters + Guys will look to free up/ get the ball to Salim alot more + Zaza could still get starter minutes or could maybe even start with Mihm - confused.gif )

  11. Quote:

    FROM PG to SG.... I think he has lost some value.

    Do you continue to pay a SG 14 million dollars if your team only has 10 wins?

    And let's open the unstated..

    Why is it that GAURDS are blowing past JJ every night for their season highs???

    Nah, you have JJ mixed up with Lue... wink.gif

  12. Smoove doesn't have much help inside and to see Marvin give the effort he did on that dunk attempt was somewhat pleasing. I think Gadz snook Smoove a little bit on that one, but the Hawk will get better as their interior D does. Unfortunately that means waiting until next season. I love Al's offensive game, skills, and desire to lead, but he just doesn't have what would make this team better.

    If we could move him + Delk (so he can play somewhere) for a proven PG that can get us in a uptempo style and still maintain control in the 1/2court, it's well worth it. Because that more than anything, is what we need right now. We can't look to the draft for a rookie PG to come out and lead us to the playoffs in 1 or 2 years.

  13. It's not easy for none of us to just "accept" how bad we are this year, mainly because of these things:

    - Acquisition of JJ

    - Being able to come away with Marvin and Salim in the draft

    - The great production and efficiency of a young Zaza

    - The buzz from the improving play at the end of last year

    - Al being in a contract year

    - Inspiration/ integrity from Collier's death (Lack there of)

    All those things really has left me and other Hawks fans wondering, "Why are we so incredibly poor in so many games and then show great promise and potential in others?" This season, like the 5 previous ones, is becoming increasingly disappointing and frustrating after a huge build of minimal expectations. This team is a whole lot better (talent wise) than their record is indicating and Woody is not getting them to achieve what they're capable of.

    Therefore, if Woody is fired, this team could begin to go to the next level and become a lot more competitive. Now if he's fired and we move Al + fillers (Delk or Lue hopefully) to get a good PG in return, we could make things interesting for the bottom of the Eastern Conference's playoff picture.

    FIRE WOODY - [better coaching/ leadership/ more development of the Joshes, Marvin, and Salim] = 20-25 wins

    FIRE WOODY + TRADE AL - [More development of the Joshes, Marvin, and Salim] = 23-27 wins

    FIRE WOODY + TRADE AL for good PG - [ALl of the above + Better team all around] = 23-27 wins

  14. To tell you the truth it is very crushing to me as well, but I think things will eventually get so bad that the only way to go is to fire Woody and/ or deal Al. I already feel like the team is to that point, but I get the feeling that management doesn't feel that way. And that is very sad but that's all we have to go on.

    Even though I try hard to be patient, I feel that this is the sole reason that fans are not so quick to attach themselves to BK and this so-called "Atlanta Spirit" group. They have the hardest time making deals happen and fill the teams needs despite numerous opportunities to better the team (i.e. C. Paul/ Al 3-way/ JJ's S&T/ choosing a coach in 2004/ firing Woody/ etc).

    I have faith in them and I am pleased with most of the decisions that they've made, but I think they have to be a little bit more aggressive in the decision-making process.

    I just hope Lue is included in any deal we make and we can return a PG like Andre Miller.

  15. I think Salim should be untradeable for now, because he has shown a pure ability to score and score big. With that said, why would a team at the bottom of the league give up a talent like that?

    Throw in Chillz or Lue instead and bring back Bibby and a 1st, and ATL would have something to really be buzzing about. Bibby and JJ in the backcourt together alone would make Hawks contenders for the 8th spot in the East. I think Bibby would flourish here in Atlanta where he'd be free to be a go-to-guy without the Adelman offensive system.

    EVEN THOUGH IT'S VERY unlikely, it is a good trade idea to think about. I just think Andre Miller is more obtainable while Artest is dangling around as trade bait and he's much cheaper than Bibby.

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