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Posts posted by y2kenta

  1. How bad do we need a PG? What calibre PG should we get?

    If you think about it, we could easily make the playoffs with a backcourt of JJ and A.I. or JJ and JT, but either would come at good penny. Claxton could be a very decent starter, but he's a very poor shooter, could he stay healthy and could he lead us to the playoffs?

    We have:

    - [Lue] - is a solid veteran PG that's equal or better than Claxton. He's quick, compliments JJ, runs the offense like a new motor, excels in uptempo style, and can shoot the 3pt with a good %. He also won a ring in LA alongside 2 greats and a legendary coach. Only problem is he's just not a strong enough defender to start.

    - [salim] - is quick, shoots lights out, started to really improve his PG skills before the injury, and though he's a tweener, he's got the abilities to play the PG spot off the bench as well as switch to SG when complimenting a big guard like JJ.

    - [Grundy or Ivey] - unless Lue is traded, we'll have to drop one or the other. Grundy is a better PG offensively, but Ivey's a better defender, who's not totally great at that. I'd say put them both in the summer league and decide which can be the 3rd PG. Now if Lue's is kept and we add a Marcus Williams via the draft or a nice FA starting PG, chances are, both Ivey and AG will be dropped. Unless Chillz gets moved, allowing Salim to split the backup SG role with Donta.

    So would you guys agree that we should just...(the following plans include either trading Al for a '07 1st or letting him walk)

    [1] DRAFT BIG if LA slips and add PG in 2nd

    - Draft L.Aldridge at #5 (if he falls) and DariusW/ DeeB/ Diaz at #33

    - Sign J.Terry - 5yr $40-45M


    [2] DRAFT SMALL iand add BIG in 2nd

    - Draft MarcusW at #5 (if he falls) and JustinW/ SolomonJ/ EricW at #33

    - Sign Nene or Pryz or Nazr

  2. MOVES:

    1. Trade #5 to TOR for #1

    2. Draft L.Alridge @ #1 and Justin Williams @ #33

    2. Trade AL+Lue+Chillz for Iverson?

    3. Sign K.Cato and Flip Murray

    4. Resign Grundy


    C - ZAZA / Cato / Edwards

    PF - ALRIDGE / Batista / Justin Williams

    SF - SMOOVE / Marvin

    SG - JJ / Flip / Donta

    PG - IVERSON / Salim / Grundy

  3. I'm not totally anti-Brandon Roy because I've seen the guy in action and think he's going to be pretty good in the NBA. I don't see the Dwayne Wade comparison in him, but I think he's nice.

    But just think for a minute. Out of all the top 5 teams, we're the only team that desperately needs a pure PG, with the exception of TOR who has the #1. But no one in the NBA world including this board would take Roy #1 overall now. WOULD YOU? That is why portalnd is the most realistic spot that Roy is to be/ probably will be taken.

    Now my problems with taking him at #5 are...

    #1 - Why take him when we need a pure PG? (Please don't give me that JJ can play PG sh|t because JJ should have the ball a lot but not as much a pure PG / JJ needs to have that added ability to be our clutch go-to-guy without being pressured the whole 40+mins)

    #2 - Why take him when we have Salim? (We already have one of the youngest sharpshooter in the NBA, who is a lightning quick slasher that dishes to big men very well) Taking another tweener at this point would be a wasted pick especially when we had Smoove and still took Marvin over Paul in the previous draft.

    #3 - Why take him when we have cap space, AL (S&T), and interest from other teams to trade picks to get exactly what we need most? (Now if we chose to either trade with TOR for #1 or with NOH for #12 + 15 to get Alridge or to get [Hilton or Shelden + Rondo or Sergio]

    So our choices should be more clear than other team in the top 5....

    DRAFT MARCUS WILLIAMS or trade with TOR or NOH!!!

  4. ROY IS NOT a F'N PG!!!!!!!!!!! He wouldn't even be ready to compliment effectively JJ immediately. It'd just be more pressure on JJ who will already have to be the main go-to-guy with Al gone. THat means more defensive pressure against him which would put him in a JT position of trying to handle the heat on a nightly basis. That caused JT to be super turnover prone, less creative, and look for a way out.

    We have to make this pick count and that is not the best pick for us. Roy is pretty good but he and JJ just won't get us to the playoffs in the next 2-3 years.

  5. I would agree with everyone who hopes we make this move and get Iverson. I just really really hope that we can keep Smoove, because of superb athleticism, versatility, ability to block shots among the best, and his continued growth offensively. I can't see that I would want to part with Chillz or Marvin either, but a starting lineup with JJ/ A.I./ Smoove is very versatile, high scoring, exciting, and "collectively" a very solid defense.

    I hope PHI will take a S&T with Al involved instead of one of our young SFs. I vote that we give them AL (S&T) + Lue + #5 for A.I. + #13.


    1. Draft #5-Roy (if available) / #33-Justin Williams (defensive beast)

    2. Bring over Andersen and maybe release Edwards

    3. Pick up option on Donta and resign Grundy

    4. Trade Al + Chillz + Lue to PHI for A.I. + (Louis Williams???)

    5. Sign Nene to 5yr deal starting at $5.5M


    C - Zaza / Andersen / Edwards???

    PF - Nene / Justin Williams / Batista

    SF - Smoove / Marvin

    SG - JJ / Roy / Donta

    PG - AI / Salim / Grundy

    * We end up with:

    - a starting PG that gives us 30 pts / 6+ ast / 2+ stls

    - a SG that will add 20 pts / 5 reb / 5ast

    - a SF that should improve to 14 pts / 7 reb / 3 ast / 3 blk

    - a younger, stronger, better PF inside (Nene) - 8 pts / 8 reb / 1+ blk

    - an improving C (Zaza) - 10 pts / 8 reb

    - a great 2nd UNIT of Roy + Salim / Marvin + Justin / Batista or Andersen

    Starter Totals:

    - 82+ ppg / 30+ reb / 15+ ast / 4+ blk

    Bench Totals:

    - 30+ ppg mainly between Roy/ Salim/ Marvin/ Donta and bigs

    - 15+ reb mainly between Batista/ Justin/ Andersen/ Marvin

  7. My reasons are that if we're going to move Al, we'er going to need more veteran leadership to go along with JJ and his quiet, lead by example leadership.

    A.I. would also light a fire to the city and organization that hasn't been lit since Dominique was foolishly traded. The young guys would definately grow and develop faster and Woody would finally resemble a NBA coach. And I don't need to mention what kind of all around backcourt that we'd have with JJ + AI.

    We are just about $20M under the cap (cap being $50M+) this offseason and if we move Lue along with Al, that give us almost $24M. AI's getting the same as Marbury - nearly $16.5M and expires the year before the Joshes would resign.

    That would still leave us with about $7M + MLE this summer that we could use to add draft picks, bring over D.Andersen, add a solid big like:

    Nene, Gooden, Przybilla, Olowokandi, L.Wright at a reasonable price.

  8. What's this obsession with Roy? We don't need another young guard that is not a pure PG. Think about how our team struggled mightingly last season with the lack of pure PG play alongside JJ in the clutch.

    There was little to no penetration, playmaking, and fluid offensive play because there was no guy that could break down Ds, beat the presses, limit turnovers, get us in fastbreak situations, and set up other guys. Marcus Williams can do those things in his sleep.

    Marcus Williams was looked at as troubled before, but has never been looked at as a lack of talent/ ability. He is a great fit here because he can run an offense in different styles and makes very few mistakes. He is the only pure PG that may be picked in the lottery choices.

    Roy is not a pure PG, so why draft him when we just got Salim last year. Salim is not a pure PG, but he improved over the course of the year prior to the injury and his speed, quickness, and ability to score will only get better once the game continues to slow down for him. All of the SG mins are divided primarily by JJ, our starting SG, Chillz, our SG off the bench, and Salim is our tweener. Roy would not be able to start along with JJ any better than Chillz and produce enough wins to get us in the playoffs, would he?

    IMO, drafting Roy over Marcus will result in a Marvin-over-Paul ripple to continue, thus missing out on another opportunity to fill a need.

  9. Here are my reasons why...


    - We fluked last year and drafted Marvin over Paul who fit a bigger need and who also won ROY and kept the Hornets competitive all year. As long as Paul stays consistent with his 2005 numbers, we'll always wonder what if we had drafted Paul last year and signed JJ?

    2. SIZE

    - He's a solid 6'3/ 200+ who has Jason Kidd-like vision/ Mark Jackson-like handles along with nice speed/ quickness. Paul was only about 6'0 and made a major impactlast year.


    - He excels in both the open court in transition as well the half court offense because of his vision and creativity. He may become a younger Kidd running the courts with the athletes and finishers that we have. He's aslo solid enough to play with a small lineup like with JJ + Salim and really spread the floor.


    - NO, UTAH, and CHA (w/o the injuries to Okafur + May) all greatly improved by adding young star PGs last year. PHX, SAS, and DET are and will continue contending for titles over the next 2-3 years because of the additions of Parker, Nash, and Billups. We all will always wonder what if we had drafted Paul last year and signed JJ?

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  10. Quote:

    a guy on the falcons messageboard posted this message:

    "On both 790 and 680 on my way home this is what they were talking about. Reportedly Allen Iverson is interested in playing for the Hawks, which may get me to finally view an NBA game featuring the Atlanta Hawks.

    Allen Iverson is 100% out of Philly, everyone knows this, including him. I personally think that acquiring AI would be the greatest move in Hawks history and would FINALLY, FINALLY give Atlanta basketball fans a superstar they've been lacking since Nique.

    When asked why Atlanta he said because he's got a lot of friends that live here, including Ludacris, Alge Crumpler, and Michael Vick and that they are a young team that needs veteran leadership."

    It's not impopossible! And if you think about all the rumors of stars that may be moving, past trades like Carter, Shaq, McGrady and the way things have changed lately, it's almost likely that he "could" end up here.

    - THE PAST: Usually a superstar is more than likely traded to either a young team or a non-contender for younger talent and picks.

    - THE CITY: Iverson is here in Atlanta all the time, partying with those "friends" in one of the hottest cities in the country. He probably already has a place here.

    - THE BUSINESS: With AI not leading them to the playoffs through it all this year, the city will not like it and not want to accept it, but the organization has no choice if AI demands a trade, which is likely. Stranger things have happened like ATL trading Nique for Danny punkass Manning.

    - ATL OFFSEASONS: Smoove/Chill gave us a pulse again, JJ/Marvin/Salim/Zaza gave us a new life here in ATL, so a superstar like AI blow the roof off the city.

    - ATL+AI = TITLE CONTENDERS? We would be and in title contention within 2 years. How? Because Shaq's almost through, we played DET tough already + Ben could walk this summer in FAcy, we also played NJ tough (winning 1 of them in OT), swept IND, and CLE is not yet title ready. ATL would take over the East over the next 2 years.

    - Unlikely, but POSSIBLE DEALS:

    1. PHI sends AI to ATL ... ATL sends Al/Marvin/1st to PHI

    2. PHI sends AI to ATL / NY sends Marbury to PHI / ATL sends Al/Lue to NY

  11. Not enough to really get a good idea for how good he is or is not, but he definately looks like he has some handles, bbIQ, and great size. We need to see more from him.

    Now Andrea Bargnani's video showed a lot and he looks like a poor man's Dirk. He looks very good over there, but I'm almost certain he wont play immediatly over here in the NBA.

  12. I saw that just like I saw at least 4 fouls between Kidd and Jefferson on JJ's dribble and then to top all of that off, they killed the game with a offensive against JJ, while Jefferson was reaching in the whole drive to the basket. The announcers even commented on it a couple of times. Now, that's just a ridiculous, punkass way to end a hard fought comeback by the shorthanded Hawks.

    How many times, man? How many FU{KING times, man? Games like this make me even more anxious for us to get a star PG or big. Because when the hottest team needs the ref to beat us shorthanded 1 time, win late 1 time, and lose to us on Al D'ing up Carter, we're gonna be hell.

  13. 1. DRAFT: L. Alridge or Marcus Williams

    - If we get a top 3 pick, we should draft Alridge or Noah. But with the 5th pick or less, we should draft Marcus Williams. But with knowing the Hawks lottery luck, we'll end up with something like the 5th pick. So let's take Marcus Williams.

    2. S&T Al Harrington

    - To NO/OK for [JR Smith] + rights to #15 (if it's either Shelden or Hilton)

    3. Sign Ben Wallace to 5yr-$55M

    - Backup plan: Joel P


    C - Ben / Zaza / John E

    PF - Smoove / Hilton / Batista

    SF - Marvin / Chillz / Donta

    SG - JJ / JR Smith

    PG - Marcus / Salim / Lue

  14. Smoove is showing all of us including the organization enough to dee that we definately won't need Al next year. The best thing that Al can bring to this team would be a sign-n-trade for a star PG. That would be the only thing that he could do to help us make the playoffs next year. A star PG along with JJ gives us a quality backcourt with solid playmaking and great chemistry on the court.

    A S&T with AL for a big would almost defeat the purpose. Because with Smoove playing the way he's playing and Marvin sure to improve, AL's PT, shots, and plays would be essentially split between Smoove and Marvin. And with a great offseason and plays designed for them, I think that their numbers next year look something like:

    SMOOVE - 15ppg / 8reb / 4ast / 2.5blk

    MARVIN - 13ppg / 6.5reb / 2ast / 1.5stl

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