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Posts posted by y2kenta

  1. I think you have to look at the value of the centers, the talent level, and the potential to really rate all of them fairly. I think you have to rate them on both sides of the ball (OFF - DEF) and avg it out.

    Here's my (2) top-10 lists:


    1. Shaq

    2. Zydrunas

    3. Curry

    4. Zaza

    5. Krstic

    6. Brezec

    7. Darko

    9. Muhammed

    10. Bogut


    1. Ben

    2. Shaq

    3. Dalambert

    4. Zydrunas

    5. Ratliff

    6. Foster

    7. Muhammed

    8. Krstic

    9. Nesterovic

    10. Zaza / Bogut

  2. I keep seeing these speculative rumors of us trading Al to LAL for Mihm (instead of Bynum), Cook, and cash/fillers? Some rumors stated that we are requesting Mihm over Bynum? WTF?

    True, Mihm is older, experienced, and can produce now, but Bynum is perfect for our team right now. Of course, I don't mean he'd make an impact now, but after learning under Drew's coaching + Lo-Wright/ Zaza, he and Zaza could be an inside duo that develop into our bigs of the future.

    Some of you guys are saying that we should take Mihm to have an experienced backup for Zaza. But isn't that what Lorenzen is here for the next couple years?

    Bynum has shown flashes of a dominant center, has the body and mobility, and could develop by playing spotted minutes gradually. He may become a force down low within another year or two like Dwight Howard is becoming. It'd kinda be like we got our G.Ogden without the pick.

  3. Why are you guys coming up with all these trade proposal with us dealing Salim and/ or Batista?

    We are not trying to get rid of everybody. The goal is to lose Al (who was limiting our youngsters) and get value in return. Now even though I don't agree with just getting cash + a 1st for the top free agent left this summer and teams (like GS) offering more. And we also add a player (allbeit just a stiff, Edwards) for only CASH and a pick! Why not get Foster, Tinsley, Harrison, or somebody.

    With Al gone, all our guys will have more opportunities to step and Salim is a pure scorer and Batista is very young and pretty good already while he's learning. Why do we need to move them again?

  4. Quote:

    There will be immediate chemistry problems between Allen Iverson and Joe Johnson/Marvin Williams simply because both Johnson and Williams have the ability to be scorers. Allen Iverson will never be able to coexist with another scorer on his team.

    JJ is a pure playmaker before anything else. He is a very good scorer, but his best attribute is playmaking and playing off the main guy. So I think they'd gel more than they would have chemistry problems.

    AI has avg. 6+ assists throughout his career, including about 7.5 over the last 3 years with guys that aren't exactly big scorers. Those 2 in the backcourt together would probably avg. about 48+ ppg / 12+ assists.

  5. Quote:

    I don't think Iverson will ever deviate from his insatious desire to shoot 30 shots a game and gets his points. He has run off every player that could score during his time in Philly.

    What about when he played with team USA? He didn't shoot everytime or pound the ball too much. So I think he can and will change his game a bit and he'll have more fun playing with guys like JJ, Smoove, and Marvin - impact guys that are athletic and very versaitle and don't have to shoot all the time. The whole team/ city/ organization would have a lot more fun winning than losing.

    I've said over and over that we'll have to part with something to get something as valuable as AI. So, if we get him we're going to have to lose value. Let's just hope we can hold on to JJ + Smoove + Marvin + Zaza and add AI because that's a nucleus that will put us in the playoffs for the next 5-6 years. I really like Salmi and Chillz as Hawks too but, I got a feeling that we're gonna lose one or more of our good youngsters.

  6. HE's currently averaging about 24 pts/ 12 reb and shooting decent numbers from the line. He even knocked down a couple 3pts!

    So, it looks like the guys that are returning from last years may have progressed well and we will be a lot better than 26 wins with or without an AL trade. But I honestly hope we get a good deal for Al and add either Magloire or Andre Miller. Because either one could help us make a strong push for the playoffs immediately.

  7. Weird. Wild. Fake. Funny or Foolish. Either way you chalk it up, this is highly unlikely. What's the most teams ever to get involved with one trade in the history of the NBA? Would a 6-team trade be sanctioned?

    But just to "wishfully" think with rest of ya'll, I'd definatley be all for A.Biedrins + A.Miller for Al + Lue. That could give us a playoff roster and possibly the best offseason of any team.

  8. Quote:

    Actually, I was thinking about our needs:

    BU C - Chris Mihm (Mihm could actually beat out Zaza for the start).

    I thought about 1 year deals.

    All of the contracts are ending.

    I thought about getting Al's Salary passed 8 million dollars.

    I also thought of a team that Al would like to play for..

    I figure with: Bynum, Odom, Al, Kobe, and Farmar, the Lakers would be back.

    You forget that the Lakers are adding V.Radmonavic and still have Odom.

  9. Quote:

    I think it would be a slick move for the Spirit to go for a deal that would require Belkin's approval, put him on the spot so to speak to approve a trade or reject it. If he rejects it he becomes even more visible on the radar for Stern and the union. In essence this would be calling his bluff and exposing himself to really support the franchise or be seen as the a$$hole that he is.

    I agree 100%. Even though some of you guys don't agree with an Iverson deal, it would really make him look bad if they tried to make a deal for AI work because Belkin was rumored to be quote as saying that he pursue AI. But AI or not, I agree that we should confront him with good deal that helps the team's situation and let him eat his foot.

  10. That pic of the dude doesn't even look like he'd be mistaken for Jordan that much. Maybe every once in a while, but not every day. He should relish what he can for looking anything like Jordan and get as much p*ssy and perks as possible.

    Other than that, sane people should see the difference in lifestyles unless he is also rich, which is not likely the case since he's sueing to try to get rich.

  11. Quote:

    I really believe that the team is not gonna let Al get away for nothing. I think they will do a deal and find some loophole in the judges ruling to complete it. Magloire would be nice. With Magloire, we would never have to let bautista or Edwards see the court!!!

    Hey, Bautista is worthy of atleast 10-12 mpg at PF/C, because even though he's learning a lot, he is already a very strong banger, a good defender inside, solid rebounder, and has some post skills/ moves that he is developing.

    Now Edwards, on the other hand, hasn't done anything in 2 years, so if we add Magloire or another quality big, I think we should drop John. Especially if Andersen comes over as well.

  12. Didn't Belkin state that he wanted to pursue Iverson if he takes control?

    Well, I think we should grab AI before BOS screws PHI into moving him there. Iverson loves the city and I believe he would be the so-called "Savior-type" player that we need. QUOTE me if you want, but I've been for Iverson-to-ATL since I first heard of the rumors, and I think that we could easily be a 45+ win team with him. WHY?

    + First of all, regardless of what he may bring negatively, the guy will bring the biggest heart in the game to a team full of young super athletes that need his leadership.

    + The obvious reason, of course, is to spark the city and blow up our attendance numbers, while solidifying us as big time playoff contenders. Who could honestly look at us, and say, "what were they thinking?" I mean everyone from sportswriters to analysts to bashing fans have looked at us as a lowly and cellar dwelling team.

    + The AI Effect is that we get an allstar. Need I say more! We haven't a consistent allstar since Nique. The last hawks to even make one were Smitty and Deke. Offensively, the guy has enough left to give us about 30+ppg / 5+ apg / 2+ steals for atleast 3-4 more years. That's if he was to come and we keep him that long. Defensively, he's not a great one-on-one defender, but his ability to play team defense, jump passing lanes, and to get others around to play team defense, makes him a defensive pest.

    You put a guy like that next JJ and you may have the best duo in the league. Because JJ's greatest abilities are shooting and playmaking, AI only opens up the floor more for JJ to do both just like Nash did. Both could man the point when needed and both are among the better clutch scorer in the league today. Why pass that opportunity up? Really.

    And that's not even mentioning what the backcourt would be able to with the growing/ developing Joshes/ Marvin over the next 3-4 years. This team would quickly pass respectable and become intimidating. It takes alot of pressure off of them by having a MVP-quality leader to grow with.

    + We are a better deal for PHI and city for Iverson. PHI could probably Telfair (not too bad) but who else, (injury-riddled) Szczerbiak? Is that really better than young Al + steady Lue + maybe Chillz (only if filler is a must)? Does AI really want to go to another city with a rough, demanding following to play with a pure scorer/ ballhog or one of his favorite cities and one of his homes in the offseason to play with a playmaker/ scorer?

    + We went big in the draft and change the look of our team inside, then we picked up Speedy for PG upgrade? AI would be the ultimate upgrade and if we can get him and keep JJ, SMoove, Marvin, and Zaza, that's a big steal at a cost of only cap space. But like I like to quote, "What good is money if it can't make more money?"

  13. Quote:

    building a real sustainable winner in the long run will make them more money than the 5-10 extra wins AI will give us.

    How can you figure that a JJ + A.I + Smoove will ONLY produce 5-10 more wins. We'd easily win 40+ games/ year, especially if we keep Smoove and Marvin and still add A.I. C'mon now.

  14. You guys don't know how AI would fit in here in ATL because he's not here (YET) and you don't know what his attitude would be at this stage in his career. I think he's at his prime and approaching his peak, so I think he'll be hungrier than ever to win a ring. You guys often talk the Hawks needing a savior, who would be a better savior a MVP quality guard alongside JJ and Smoove.

    He never ran guys out of PHI. Management chose AI. Hughes was young, still learning and undeveloped. He still learned a lot about the NBA game from playing AI, especially defensively. Stackhouse couldn't coexist because he always wanted the ball and still kinda has those same habits of taking bad shots and dribbling too much.

    I'd love to have Iverson here and none you guys could honestly say that AI + JJ + Smoove + Zaza + Marvin wouldn't get us to the playoffs next year and for years to come. You also can't honestly say that you wouldn't get to Phillips every chance you get to see us whoop ass!!!

    You can't help but look at the fact that no teams can stop AI, a lot of teams can't stop JJ (scoring or playmaking), so how many could stop them together? I don't care what the dummies say, I'm all for it. I'd give up the #5 pick in a heartbeat also because no one player in this can bring what AI would. BANK ON THAT!!!

  15. You guys don't know how AI would fit in here in ATL because he's not here (YET) and you don't know what his attitude would be at this stage in his career. I think he's at his prime and approaching his peak, so I think he'll be hungrier than ever to win a ring.

    He never ran guys out of PHI. Management chose AI. Hughes was young, still learning and undeveloped. He still learned a lot about the NBA game from playing AI, especially defensively. Stackhouse couldn't coexist because he always wanted the ball and still kinda has those same habits of taking bad shots and dribbling too much.

    I'd love to have Iverson here and none you guys could honestly say that AI + JJ + Smoove + Zaza + Marvin wouldn't get us to the playoffs next year and for years to come. You also can't honestly say that you wouldn't get to Phillips every chance you get to see us whoop ass!!!

    You can't help but look at the fact that no teams can stop AI, a lot of teams can't stop JJ (scoring or playmaking), so how many could stop them together? I don't care what the dummies say, I'm all for it. I'd give up the #5 pick in a heartbeat also because no one player in this can bring what AI would. BANK ON THAT!!!

  16. I second that. Every word of it. I just don't understand why even consider Roy (who I wouldn't neccessarily mind) or Shelden when they'll only manage a need instead of filling the need with an impact. In the unlikely event that Aldridge falls, I would like to have Aldridge next to ZaZa and Smoove.

    So I say Aldridge, Marcus, or trade!!!

  17. Quote:

    The thing is, though, is Joe going to be the primary ball-handler? If so, the other guard needs to be able to spot up from 3, play solid Defense and be productive in general without the ball. Doesn't really sound like Andre. Hmmmm... you are right, though. Harrington isn't perfect either and Andre fills a need.

    Andre Miller

    Joe Johnson

    Marvin Williams

    Josh Smith

    Shelden Williams

    Doesn't look bad on paper. Zaza/Childress would be some great backups.

    You would actually start Shelden at center over Zaza - LMAO!!! You guys think Shelden is a pure beast already.

    We had enough teams bang us into ground last season. We'd be better off starting Smoove at center.

  18. You also have to realize that Ivey started 66 games last year and only squeezed out 3.5 pts/ 1 asst/ 1 reb. He has a worst jumper, is less athletic/ offensive-minded, is an inferior playmaker, and is half the talent that Rondo is. So simply think about if Rondo was started alongside JJ instead of Ivey. Rondo is like a more athletic TJ Ford

    We would have a more explosive, athletic playmaker that could compliment JJ a lot better. Then he'd be backup by a combo of Lue and an improved Salim.

    I think it could work as long as we added some defensive beef inside along with Andersen via the draft and FA. Here's why I think we can't lose Al for nothing and a S&T for Daly would definately fill that need. Or even a Al (S&T) to BOS for #7 + filler.

    #1. LINEUP - BOS Trade

    C - Zaza / Andersen / Edwards

    PF - Shelden (#5)/ Batista / Justin W. (#33)

    SF - Smoove / Marvin / Donta

    SG - JJ / Chillz / filler

    PG - Rondo (#7)/ Salim / Lue

    #2. LINEUP - PHI Trade

    C - Daly / Zaza / Andersen

    PF - Smoove / Batista / Justin W. (#33)

    SF - Marvin / Chillz

    SG - JJ / Salim / Donta

    PG - Marcus (#5)/ Lue / Grundy or Ivey

  19. Ya'll need to stop bagging on Salim, because the PG spot is the toughest to be the best at in the NBA. And as a rookie, it's a huge eye-opening experience.

    So let the guy work on his weaknesses, continue to develop, and get molded by NBA coaching and then judge him again in a year or two. Cause, I mean you don't just move a guy who can shoot and score like he can at this level, especially when we're at the bottom of the leauge.

    Why do you think the Bulls are going through the motions with Gordon and still value him more than any of the other guys. He was the only guy (with maybe Heinrich) that really balled in the playoffs last year and this year.

    Salim is gonna be a good baller. PERIOD!

  20. I would love for us to pick Justin Williams at #33. What do you guys think?

    He's just under the radar right now and his stock is climbing rapidly toward the top of the 2nd round of the draft after he put on athletic displays in Orlando last week. He's 6'10 and is easily the best shotblocker in the draft as well as a decent rebounder. He could develop into a Ratliff / Camby-type defender off the bench.

    He'd be great under Woodson's defensive thinking, backing up both the PF and C spots. He could come in with Batista (who should improve in his 2nd year) and really enforce the middle while guys like, Marvin/ Chillz/ Lue and Salim come in explode on 2nd units. He seems to be exactly primed for our taking especially if Aldridge doesn't slip to 5 and we (HOPEFULLY) take Marcus Williams.

    C - ZaZa / Batista / J.Edwards

    PF - Nene or Big Ben / Justin

    SF - Smoove / Marvin

    SG - JJ / Chillz / Donta

    PG - MarcusW / Lue / Salim / Grundy or Ivey

    I think Marcus Williams will be a lot like Andre Miller and that would really allow JJ and Smoove to be the stars in the starting unit. And then to have Salim / Chillz / Marvin make up a very impressive perimeter in the 2nd unit, this upcoming season would be very exciting.

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