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Everything posted by joannes3000

  1. joannes3000


    Quote: I think he is worth Harrington, at least we get something The question is, how much more is Al worth versus Darko? I tend to think that he's worth more and we'd basically give him away in a straight up trade. If anything, look at how much more interest there is in Al possibly hitting the open market next year compared to Darko. Also, how much more can the Pistons load up at the 3/4? You've got Tayshaun/Delfino and 'Sheed/McNugget. Granted I think Al would be an offensive upgrade to Delfino and giving up Darko wouldn't really sum up to much for the Pistons. But like I said earlier, would management really put that much faith in Darko. And even if they throw in a pick, player(s), or both, we'd still be taking an immediate step back and put more stock in the future which I don't think we need to be in the business of doing any more.
  2. Do y'all have a forum fantasy league for baseball? We just set up ours on yahoo and thought I'd ask. If anyone's interested in joining ours, PM me and I'll give you the league id/pass. And if y'all do have a league, I'd like to join up this year.
  3. Quote: Quote: We will NOT win a championship with the talent we have currently. We will NOT win a championship if we get a point guard OR a center. Thereofore, it would tell me that we need BOTH a point guard AND a center to get to championship level (also depth of course). We have only one first round pick in the next two years (Phoenix has the other two) so gaining talent comes down to that one pick and free agency this year. The free agent class this offseason is not very good. We almost NEED to trade Al to get a third way to gain talent. You cannot bank that BOTH other ways to gain talent WILL DEFINITELY get us what we need. Since you're talking championship Level.. Tell me. 1. How many championship teams ever got rid of good talent in a trade and didn't get back equal talent? 2. How many championship teams ever got to the championship without a multitude of talent and depth? Did you ever notice that Detroit traded UP in talent. remember, the guys that they got rid of: Sura, Googs, etc... They got Rasheed Wallace to replace those guys? 3. How many championship teams traded their 1st or 2nd offensive option along the road to becoming championship material? Notice I have never said Al was untradable... But if you trade Al, get equal value. It's as simple as that. Why do you think Al is the only player that we can trade to get this magical C or PG. Look at it realistically. We are going to be in the lottery of the draft. That's one of those positions. Unfortunately, I doubt that BK will ever address PG. IF you look over his track record with us, it seems that he doesn't believe in getting quality PGs. IF so, we'd have Howard Eisley right now or we'd have Matten Cleeves right now or we'd have Chris Paul right now. So in the draft, Espect us to come away with a big man. Then what?? Then you say.. "let's trade Al".. Why? If BK trades Al, it certainly won't be for a PG. 2. It's tough to use Detroit's aquisition of 'Sheed as a standard though. Remember, all we wanted to do was slash payroll when we swung that deal.
  4. Quote: Quote: Quote: Banks had one good game, lets not get carried away. I'll keep this in mind, though I believe your statement may come back to bite you on your @$$. I doubt it. He is another shooting guard trapped in a point guard body, no different then Delk, Lue and Salim. At least he does have some size though, which would hopefully help us from getting murdered from whomever isn't being guarded by JJ. Thing is, and it's been mentioned in this thread already, is that Jaric seems to be another tweener guard.
  5. I was seriously hoping Carolina would've kept Seattle out of the Superbowl. Now I have to deal with everyone around me talking about them winning the big one... Looking at how Pittsburgh manhandled Denver AT HOME, they're looking like they'll easily handle the spread.
  6. Quote: Quote: How can you go backwards from last place? Good point... By letting tangible production be traded away for the prospect of more production. By maintaining a "grass is greener" mentality and not realizing that you can achieve the same results by fertilizing the yard you're in.
  7. Quote: Let me ask you guys this, that are for Al staying a Hawk. But would keeping Al, be like the Bengals keeping Kitna at QB . . when you have "potential" in Carson Palmer on the bench? Sort of. It's not so much comparing what Al brings to the table versus what Kitna brought to the table, but more of how ready Marvin and Smoove are to produce Palmer-like results. I don't think either of them are ready at this point, with less than 2 years experience between them, to step in right now and make us forget about Al.
  8. I agree on all fronts, other than the reasoning behind why Dirk/Pierce are getting paid more. What's your stance on why they're getting paid more or why they shouldn't be getting paid more than Al? We've both already agreed that it's not because of their defensive play.
  9. Mainly to finally draw a line that says "demolition ends here and rebuilding begins here". We went out and made a splash on the FA market after talking about positioning ourselves to do it for years. I think time will tell that we didn't land a Shaq in FAcy but we also didn't land an Eddie Robinson. Going into last offseason, I felt that the biggest thing we could do is at least show continued effort in the plan that BK has laid out. Typically in any plan, the first steps are always the most painful and the past few years of roster implosion and cellar dwelling prove that point. Signing JJ was the end of that phase of the plan and now we move onward to better FA acquisitions, playoff berths and NBA dominance.
  10. Quote: One who wants to leave the welfare line behind. Bottom line. Hold on to talent until there is a reason to trade it. I couldn't agree more. There's no more reason to hit reset by ditching Al for more potential. Let our forwards continue maturing - seeing as how the Joshes (if you want to count Chillz as a forward) plus Marvin have an underwhelming 3 or so years of NBA experience - and keep Al plugged in there until potential catches up with reality.
  11. Quote: You pointed out Dirk. Dirk is not a good defender. However, he's making 13.8. You pointed out Pierce. Lord Knows Pierce can't defend well. Yet he's making 13.8. My point is that I wouldn't give Al the max. However a 9 million dollar deal is a good deal. Also, you don't find players who are as good as Al has been for us offensively everyday. You proved for me that teams with similar players as Al has paid a lot of money to keep those players... I've seen enough arguments on whether or not stats can justify a player's defensive impact on a game so I don't want to argue over whether or not Dirk or Pierce play good defense. In fact, I'll try to take defense out of the question. Comparing their salaries to a projected 9 mil salary to keep Al - I would readily overpay for a Dirk/Pierce type of player that goes for more ppg and has more of an impact on the game giving the rest of the team more flexibility on the offensive side of things. I don't think it's justifiable to compare Al to Dirk/Pierce until he can prove that he can be an offensive game changer; someone that would not only compliment JJ by giving him more offensive talent to feed off of, but someone that would compliment the rest of the team on the court. Yes, Al's numbers look great. Yes he's been producing extremely well as of late. However, it remains to be seen if he can continue to produce at the level he's at.
  12. I voted no to an Al trade, barring it nets us: 1. A PG that can run an offense and big enough to guard the opponent's guard(s) 2. A PF/C that can provide interior defense and give us a semblance of a post presence when we set up at halfcourt. 3. A scorer/floor leader at the very least that would offset the loss of the scorer/floor leader that Al represents right now. I'm hoping we don't trade Al for any form of draft picks because at this point we should already be far enough out of the rebuilding phase that we should be going for proven talent versus potential.
  13. Yeah, I caught a blurb on Sportscenter that Donnie Walsh doesn't want to do the deal because of Maggette's suspect ankle.
  14. Quote: I have a bag of cheetos and an expiring contract...that would probably get the deal done. The cheetos would probably net us a 1st round pick out of the deal also. Refusing to go back into a game doesn't sound like the winning attitude that our team could use though.
  15. I could not believe I saw the headline the other day. Quote: What's he trying to do, give Maurice Clarett a run for the money?
  16. I was kind of hoping that he would stick around next year to try and repeat as a national champ and make a run for the Heisman, but he's definitely leaving on a high note. It'll make things interesting for New Orleans having their pick between Leinart and Young though.
  17. Anyone but Alexander. Yeah, he broke the td record. Yeah he had the most rushing yards (by less than 30). Simply put: Tiki had 500+ yards more from the line of scrimmage. Manning was the top rated passer and guided a 13-0 team. Brady was second to Manning with far more injuries to deal with.
  18. Yeah, it was bad enough that he got in all that trouble in '04 with the minors and alcohol + marijuana charges. But for Va Tech to give him one more chance and what does he do? Elbows an opposing coach after being run out to the sideline, flips fans a bird, and then steps on a player in the Gator Bowl. And to top things off, I saw on ESPN that after he was reached for comment, he simply stated "I'll just take it to the next level, baby". I'm all about giving people chances but with a classless guy like this, I think he's clearly out of them. What's he trying to do, give Maurice Clarett a run for the money?
  19. Quote: is FULLY CAPABLE of winning the BIG GAME? theres alotta critics out there who believe that a scrambling QB (ex- Mike Vick) will never win you THE BIG GAME. Well, i think YOUNG just proved that these special QBs are just as capable of winning the big game like the drop back QBs. The most easily forgotten stat is that Vince Young actually had the highest qb rating of all players eligible this year. So he is a true double threat, as he showed in the Rose Bowl with 200+ yards running AND passing.
  20. Quote: Talk about Missing Nate? I kinda thought that his tenure would be short there. Bob Hill is the man!!! I think you will see a surge in Seattle now. Interestingly enough, Weiss will still be an advisor?? I'm just as surprised as everyone else in the fact that Weiss got the job in the first place. And as far as Nate goes, I read something in ESPN the mag that outside of 3 guys (Pryz, Webster, someone else), he's open to imploding the Jailblazers altogether. What I found interesting is that Ray Allen did an interview and felt bad for not doing enough to help keep Weiss around and he suggested that the team felt the same for the most part.
  21. Thank God. I'm up to my neck in Pac-10 fans up here and I never stop slamming USC or anyone else in the Pac-10 for not being in a real football conference. Glad to see Texas was able to step up and handle business, and hopefully all this dynasty talk (and let's face it, USC was NOT on the verge of a threepeat, seeing as how they split with Auburn) will stop. I give credit to USC for being a great team in an otherwise lackluster conference, but watching ESPN hype them up as on of the greatest of all time (with only the 2001 Miami team beating them in polls) was sickening on top of all the fanfare I have up here. Congrats one more time for Texas and here's to a successful 06/07 for UGA!
  22. Quote: potential only means you haven't proven anything. give me bosh Hmm... Potential is what got Howard drafted. Ability is what has his averages where they're at. I'll take Howard any day over Bosh; free agency, trade, fantasy draft, you name it.
  23. Quote: since the hawks have been that high on a power ranking? haha. Yes, meaningless. but still, it shows the media is recognizing the improvement and not just dogging them out all the time like they usually do. Here's to hoping the press doesn't start dogging on us if we hit another long losing skid, which I can see now (the bad pub, not the long losing skid).
  24. I was watching the early edition of Sportscenter this morning after I got off work and ESPNNEWS cut to a live press conference with this story: ESPN article With the recent talk surrounding the Colts, whether it was about their chance at perfection, their first loss, their Super Bowl chances, Tony Dungy's coach of the year credentials, etc., it's safe to say this supercedes all of the above. Condolences to the Dungy family, from what I've always seen, heard, and what everyone that knows Tony Dungy and his family personally, he's a stand-up family man as well as coach and this type of loss is the least that he deserves. Rest in peace, James.
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