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Everything posted by joannes3000

  1. Quote: I think a lot of Rondo's issues are with the system run at Kentucky. When he was away from that system this summer, playing with the U21 USA Basketball team, Rondo was a dominant player. He shot over 60% from the field because he got into the lane at will, and he was second in the U21 World Championships in assists, first in steals. In the trials, he dominated every point guard that was trying out for the U21 USA Team. Unfortunately I've only been able to see the struggling Rondo and while I've read about him tearing it up for Team USA, I'm just as scared to draft him as I am to draft one of the Euros because it would be based more on potential than produced results (in the case of the Euros, production against NBA types under NBA rules).
  2. Quote: Tmac is only "the man" when everything is going well. He doesn't have the mental toughness to be the man on a bad team. He wilts like lettuce in the sun. Oh, Kobe's team isn't good because....his team isn't good. To subtly suggest that a guy averaging 35/5/5 on 45% shooting is somehow hurting his team is a joke. I agree with the first part somewhat. But instead of wilting, it seemed like Kobe's natural reaction was to become the sun and have everyone else around him wilt. Would any other team have willingly let Phil Jackson leave? Would any other team have willingly let Shaq leave? I still agree that this is a product of Kobe's desire which TMac can definitely be questioned about. The second part brings up the question that always gets asked when it comes to MVP talk. Is someone elite only because of their personal stat lines or because of the bottom line (winning)? I think it's a mix of both (take out the player from the team and how much winning would they do) and Kobe definitely qualifies as an MVP superstar. Getting back on track with the question of whether JJ is a superstar, he's halfway there. He's got the statlines and we would be a whole lot worse without him. But we aren't winning enough or consistently yet for me to crown him a full on star.
  3. But that means we have the best trade package for MIL if we offer Marvin/1st since they don't need Bosh. I'm telling ya, let's get the GMs aware of this thread so we can get the numbers crunched!
  4. There's no way he's NOT on the juice. Just look at his body from the time he left ASU, to the time he left PIT, to today. I'm sorry but there's only so much bulk that you can attain through workouts. But for his frame to have taken on THAT much mass, there has to be some sort of supplements being used.
  5. Quote: Marvin/1st to Milwaukee. Magloire/1st to Toronto Bosh to Atanta... I could live with that. Tell Mr. Colangelo to send us a 1st in return and I'd be down.
  6. Quote: Toronto can offer him a 6 yr deal this summer. He becomes rFA in 2007 summer. Let's do a SNT with them. Al and a 1st rounder for Bosh. We get our post presence. They move Villy to C. Or to piggyback off Diesel's idea... MIL trades Magloire to TOR MIL gets Al from ATL ATL trades Al to MIL ATL gets Bosh from TOR TOR trades Bosh to ATL TOR gets Magloire from MIL I'm sure there will prolly be other pieces in the mix to make numbers work, but since the three players are all wanting to get contracts worked out, each team can give the 6th year and send the players on their merry way.
  7. Quote: first you say that Tmac is not an elite player because he lacks heart and then you say that Dirk is one? Come on man... Tmac can and has carried teams as well as Kobe, Wade, or anybody else. I don't know where this question of heart comes from? Honestly, there is a question of heart when it comes to TMac. Undoubtedly, if he showed more of a desire to be elite he has the talent to achieve that. Which is something I've said in the past - it's too bad kids end up using their talent as a crutch and end up as cripples.
  8. It's hard to put heart into the equation. As long as they dominate on both ends I could care less what they're motivated by or not motivated by. And as for Diaw, I was just making light of the situation that we ended up with (having JJ here) and that the ends will indeed justify the means.
  9. I was torn on Vince and TMac because their level of play has dropped off on both sides of the ball but they can still bring it on any given night and do so for the most part (8/10?). But what about Boris ? He's looking like a triple double machine! Just kidding, you gotta give up talent to get talent.
  10. Quote: Quote: Quote: I would give up Marvin for Bosh. I would too, in a heartbeat. I'd SNT Al and include Marvin & Salim for Bosh. Me too. You guys are crazy. I'd love to get Bosh but he's expressed his desire to leave Toronto since last year. I doubt it would take that much to get him.
  11. Not yet. Here's my ordered list of elite SGs: Kobe Flash TMac (sg/sf?) AI That's it. Nobody else combines offensive and defensive ability. Offensively these guys can not only create on their own and hit the open shot, they draw enough attention without the ball that they are a true disruption on offense. Defensively these guys can lock down their defender and produce a lot of turnovers -> fast break opportunities, so not only do they defend one-on-one but they make team defense work. Before JJ's contract is up, he will be in this category and hopefully we will be reworking a max contract for him. He's got all the makings of a superstar guard and has shown definite glimpses this year.
  12. He was a class act but I must admit I hated him for pretty much single-handedly beating the Braves in the 1991 World Series (Kent Hrbeck cheating doesn't count). My prayers go out to him and his family.
  13. Quick update: I managed to win the CWS by 2009 and my dynasty is set. I've gotten all of the team goals to level 5 other than pitching (pitch a perfect game!) so not only do my scouts do an excellent job of projecting recruits but I can recruit almost anyone other than pitchers that want a level 5 coach. I've only played a handful of games so there's still plenty of gametime to be had from the game, which is still recommended highly by me.
  14. At this point in the season I think we're doing well enough combining winning/coming close with seasoning our young guys. There's no need to disrupt that with someone that at this point in his career needs lots of minutes to be effective. We're not Detroit or San Antonio that needs a complimentary piece for the playoffs. We're not even Memphis or Philadelphia that needs the same piece to make a playoff push. I do think that we need a veteran guard, but at the point not a swing. And I disagree on the "nobody over 30" limitation. As long as they can dictate the offensive and defensive flow and their contract doesn't sandbag us for the next 5 years I think we have to look at the option.
  15. If we're talking about offering the same kind of contract to them, I'd side with Mike James because of the injury question with Nene. I'm all for bringing in Nene because he brings size and potential but from what James has been showing this year you can make the argument that he brings scoring and potential as well. When I break it down I'd rather go with the potential that James has shown this year versus the potential that Nene has yet to stay healthy to show.
  16. Quote: if that be the case i think Billy takes a chance on one of the big Euros. he almost has no choice at this point. Rondo would be a good addition to the team because the Hawks don't have a scoring problem thus his shooting wouldn't be a big deal. i just don't see the Hawks being able to pass on a 7 footer though to take him at this point. I agree. If we get a mid lottery pick I'd actually hate for us to keep it and rather trade out completely for a PG that can run the offense or a C that can do the dirty work in the paint. Other that that, I agree that the two Euros are the only reasonable picks in the 7-10 range. I couldn't personally justify drafting Rondo that high because of his lack of shooting. But then again, Jason Kidd couldn't shoot a lick and he was able to work on that. But then again, Kidd impressed me as a floor general much more than Rondo when they were both considering entering the draft.
  17. Did those forum members seem pretty intelligent like the ones we have here or are they just tunnel-visioned fans that laugh off anyone that cheers for another team?
  18. Salty is definitely a beast from what I've read on him. He's currently rated the 18th best prospect in the minors and might move to 1st only because we already have a great C in McCann.
  19. I don't put myself in the thin skinned category, but I would think people get upset because they're diehard fans that see the progress we're making downplayed by how crappy we've been. It's easy to take shots at us for the time being but everyone knows reporters will be singing a different tune in the next few years.
  20. Quote: He might not provide significant upside, but he's definitely a solid player who provides alot of energy. This might not be a good deal that was proposed, but I'd love to see Wilcox in a Hawks uni next season. He provides energy and a solid body in the paint. I agree also, but definitely not for our 1st rounder. You can find energy players in the UFA line.
  21. Very informative read. I especially like this part: "Blaming the Hawks issues on passing up on Chris Paul is erroneous and negligent. The deficiency lies on defense. Chris Paul would have been a fix, a band aid to the discrepancies of Mike Woodson’s team. He would have been a very good fix, no doubt about it, but the organization decided to go in a different direction." I have to admit that I cringed a little when we didn't draft a PG, but I also smiled a little feeling that Marvelous would be able to achieve greatness in a Hawks uniform and hopefully stay in town for several playoff runs. Looking forward to this offseason I'm starting to see the greater need for drafting interior defense instead of a top flight PG. I'd much rather see us get a nice veteran point through free agency to augment more leadership next year and pursue someone down low in the draft.
  22. Looks like AK may not have signed a prenup!
  23. Quote: Bibby is younger than Sam by several years and probably has 4 to 5 solid years left. He would be my dream pickup and word is he is not exactly thrilled with the way management has all but dismantled a team that took Shaq and Kobe to the limit three years ago... If Bibby were to hit the open market I'd love for us to make a run for him. Adding a playmaker like that to run the backcourt with JJ would be hell on opposing teams.
  24. Quote: he is much more of a PG than Delk or Salim IMO. He can distribute to some extent. He also hustles a lot more This is what I think of when I remember seeing Barry play for us. At the very least he can lend another coaching voice to the team as has been mentioned already.
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