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Everything posted by HawksFan87

  1. WTF is Osh Smith? was that meant to be funny?? IF so you failed miserably.
  2. How sad that there are some hawks fans who don't want josh to make it... I hope he does and continues to play his game!!
  3. Yes dolfan, mcgrady played the entire 4th qtr and looked great with the starters.
  4. no, ivan should never start. He really showed that last night, and games before that. I like him in his current role now.
  5. lol at anyone thinking Ivan could start in this league.....
  6. The hawks are about 2 years late with this signing a center garbage..
  7. ld is a good coach? that's hilarious he's a bigger joke than the group of guys who run this team.
  8. Josh got us back in the game what are you talking about? Larry Drew has proved he is not that great of a coach the last three games. His subbing patterns have sucked the entire season though. Sooner or later he needs to realize vlad should be riding the bench.
  9. Josh was chucking? You obviously didn't watch much of the game when he and joe got us back in it. Typical hater response. And it was teague's job, not everyone else to keep up with an almost 40 yearold PG.
  10. Anything will be better than watching za-za fumble away easy passes all game.
  11. Not playing joe and josh in the 4th quarter who were the only two starters doing anything last was the dumbest decision ever. You are not going to win games with your best players sitting on the bench. Vlad did absolutely nothing last night, so that sub in was incredubly stupid. There was also one particular play where marvin drove the ball which resulted in a charge instead of giving it to josh who has hot at the time that annoyed the crap out of me. Joe and Josh got us back into the game, then all of a sudden we stopped going to them. I was never a fan of hiring larry drew because he's the exact same coach as woody. We had a chance to hire much better coaches, but we wrnt the cheap route instead. Now we are stuck with him.
  12. Exactly.. Thats why I laugh everytime someone mentions dwight coming here. You really think he wants to play for these owners??
  13. You think I don't know I repeated that twice genius? Why are you even worried about what I post in the first place?
  14. Josh Smith is not going anywhere. Especially with AL out who he was outplaying while on the court in the first place. You guys can forget about the hawks being involved in any blockbuster trades for a while with the current ownership group intact. And the fellas are playing well right now, why mess that up just because the fans want you to do somethung?
  15. Here we go again with the doom and gloom threads. It's like some of you guys want the hawks to fail, becuae you think that will force them to make a trade . Aldrige is a better offesinve player than AL is by the way.
  16. Kirk is still not in game shape yet.. And people annoy me with the lets not get excited because is the pistons, who cares what team it is? A win is a win. I thought the offense ran smoother with kirk in. He didn't get 9 assists by mistake...
  17. A win is a win in my book. :) The knicks will suck until they get a PG who can actually pass the ball , and play defense.
  18. Wow, joe johnson hittung a turnaround three was awesome! Tough play, but I thought marvun's three was even bigger, how do you leave him that wide open?? Whats with Coach Drew playing Joe, and Josh the entire 2nd half including overtime again.?? :( Wow, joe johnson hitting a turnaround three was awesome! Tough play, but I thought marvin's three was even bigger, how do you leave him that wide open?? Whats with Coach Drew playing Joe, and Josh the entire 2nd half including overtime again.?? :(
  19. HawksFan87

    Darius Songaila

    Looks like he may be worth the look, but you never know with rick sund.
  20. Is Gordon even playing tonight??
  21. HawksFan87

    Darius Songaila

    I honestly have no idea who he is lol, what position does he play?
  22. I like that lineup AHF as long as its not Joe going against someone like lebron.
  23. Kirk is better offensively, and defensively than pargo. If he stays healthy its gonna be hard for pargo to get any playing time at all.
  24. I'm Still here , changed my name from jsmoovefan . I'm not going anywhere, or changing my opinion... EVER : D
  25. Love K Mart.. OT: Dumb Josh ? Wtf? I bet you would never utter those words to his face.
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