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Everything posted by D.R.P.

  1. Quote: You should be asking this question. When has Billy Knight ever made a pick that was a total bust? Never. Billy Knight, as a GM, has picked Stromile Swift, Pau Gasol, Josh Childress, Marvin Williams, and Shelden Williams in the lottery of the draft. None have been busts. I never called any of those picks a bust, in fact I still believe in Marvin Williams. Let me ask you this what lottery pick for the Hawks has Knight picked that has turned out to be the best pick available at that time?
  2. Quote: Quote: So if Yi is a PF then what happens to Josh Smith? If we take Yi at 3, I can see Josh Smith walking, he's not going sign a contract extension with the Hawks. I see Yi and JS being many times more talented and complimenting each other FAR better than JS and MW are and do. Play it the same way we have played it with JS and MW, a two "forward" lineup. This time, however, one of the forwards has center height, Pf size, and Sf AND Pf skills. Can't pass that up because you're afraid of a little competition or a trade (that needs to happen anyway). We aren't going to resign both MW and JC anyhow, let's get a deal done now for one of them. We've always been forced to get a center through trade this offseason. Horford isn't one. Trade from our forward excess (JC, MW, and/or SW - although with Yi I'd like to keep SW somewhat) to get a center. W Josh Smith best position is at the 4, do you really want Smith camping outside the 3 point line jacking up ill advised 3s like he did early in the year when he was playing small forward. By the way did you just see Parker take the ball right to the hole again, that what I'm talking about.
  3. Quote: Quit acting like the only pick we have is #3. The best player available for the Hawks at #3 is Conley. The main position of need for the Hawks is a point guard not another power forward, especially a 22 year old project. Did you just see Tony Parker take the ball right to the hole three times, that's what the Hawks need a point guard that can do that among other things!
  4. So if Yi is a PF then what happens to Josh Smith? If we take Yi at 3, I can see Josh Smith walking, he's not going sign a contract extension with the Hawks.
  5. It’s no guarantee that both Law and Crittenton are going to be available at 11. Also if Billy Knight drafts Yi at 3 everyone should be crapping in their pants. Just look at his track record, when has Knight made the correct pick in the lottery with the Hawks. We know he wants to pick a forward just look at his track record. If he takes Yi at 3 it would be the 9 straight forwards taken if the first round. Yi IS NOT A CENTER.
  6. Have you seen Yi play one full game? Youtube clips don't count. Can Yi guard Dwight Howard, Eddy Curry, Shaq, Jermaine O'Neal?
  7. Conley at 3 is alive and kicking! Yi has no chance if he's to guard Dwight Howard 4 times a year.
  8. Al Horford, and this is coming from a certified gator hater. The BPAFH (Best Player Available for Hawks) is Mike Conley Jr. Horford’s not the best player for the hawks because he is NOT A CENTER neither is Yi. Conley’s not a reach when Memphis could definitely draft him at #4, since Marc Iavaroni is their new head coach, and his first priority will be to get a point guard, just like when Brian Colangelo became the GM of the Raptors and traded for T.J. Ford. Kyle Lowry only played 10 games last year he can’t be counted on the start next year. For Memphis it’s clearly between Horford and Conley at #4. For all of the Yi lovers why won’t your boy work out versus Horford? Its simple cause Al would eat Yi alive on the court. Yi would wind up missing and on milk cartons if he went 1 on 1 with Horford. Why is it that Yi did not attend the workout drills in Orlando and compete versus any other players? Some of the same people that’s on the Yi love boat are some of the biggest Marvin haters, yet they want to draft a 22 year old prospect compared to Marvin being a 18 year old prospect when he was drafted. Yi hasn’t even being playing in the second best basketball league yet he’s 22. "This is Yi after seeing Horford in the gym, waiting for Horford to leave."
  9. Quote: I said it eariler and I'll say it again, he not better then Ty Lue and that's just the truth. He not a NBA player right now, he would stuggle in the DL with the type of game he has right now. Seriously go to sleep; your getting dumber by the minute with each post. Its probably past your regular bedtime, go to sleep now before your mommy comes in and catches you on the computer this late.
  10. ESPN didn't overhype Conley for me considering I haven't even read an article on Conley from ESPN also I don't watch a lot of Sportscenter, I watch actual games instead. I did something better than listen to hearsay about a player, I watched Ohio State play a dozen or so times this year, games with Oden and without. If BK doesn't pick Conley this year and he blows up on another team I don't want to hear a peep from you. "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, little baby".
  11. Lawson was miles ahead of Conley yet LAWSON IS RETURNING TO SCHOOL, I wonder why? It's better for you not to post any more stupidity so just do your self a favor and just go to sleep, so your brain can function again properly (if it ever has).
  12. Quote: yall are making out to be like, Wright gonna put up 5pts 3rebs, no he's not the consensus 3rd best player by most for nothing, he's gonna be able to come in and put up 10pts/8reb/1.5-2blks a game.Sure his offensive game is raw, but his athletisim will allow him to score early on. Tyrus Thomas comes to mind. I remember watching a game against Clevland and he destroy them for 28 on mostly dunks. I'll tell you what Wright would be putting up in the boxscore next season is a lot of DNP Coaches Decision (player's to weak physically for the NBA, plus the coach could not find time to play this project considering JOSH SMITH is on the team).
  13. Quote: I don't think alot of people would critize the Hawks for picking the concensus 3 best player in this draft, espically when we can get a Pg, at 11, who will likely end up the elite PG in this draft. Like people don’t still criticize the Hawks for taking the consensus #2 pick in the '05 draft that created a larger logjam at forward and , when we obviously needed a point guard. "Attention fellow squawkers please put down the alcohol before posting".
  14. Quote: 7'5 wingspan, 6'10, left handed, athletic freak, all that equals a defensive monster. Who cares if he's 210, thats fixable, buy the time the season begins he could be up to 240, there still a long time between now and the regular season. He won't probably put on more than 10 pounds at the most since he has to play in summer league, plus putting on 30 pounds would be a huge adjustment, and he would really risk an injury by doing so. Just think Okafor put on about 30 pounds of weight 2 off seasons ago and he hasn't been able to stay healthy since.
  15. What’s dumber saying that a 210 pound power forward could anchor our interior defense, or comparing Conley's game to Paul's. Also I never said that Conley would be better than Paul overall.
  16. Quote: Atleast Wright can come in and upgrade your inside defense. Yeah a 210 pound power forward is going to anchor our interior defense, Smoove would eat him alive in practice. Heck Solomon Jones weighs 230 pounds compared to Wright's 210 pound frame, yet Jones needs to put on weight to handle the physical nature of the NBA game. Also Conley is bigger than Chris Paul, and he's in great shape. I bet Conley can bench press more than Jokim Noah!
  17. If only this was true the Hawks would finally have started putting together a real team. Who knows what BK is going to do but he did say (in Sekou's article a week ago)that the team needs a point guard to run the show in order for the team to be a running team. Also I heard Sekou Smith on the radio say that there is more interest from teams to trade for the #11 pick than the #3 pick.
  18. Ask yourself this simple question who's going to help the team more, Conley as our starting point guard or Yi/Wright on bench? Ive seen Chris Paul play since college; and I'm not the only one who believes that Conley will be a better defender than Paul in the NBA. If you read my earlier post you'll see my trade proposal. Conley plus a trade for Dalembert = winning record,playoffs Yi/Wright plus Crittenton = losing record, no playoffs
  19. Quote: He average 2 stls a game, was 15th in steals, and was in the top 10 in steals. Steals don't equal great defense, if that was the case A.I. would make the all defensive team every year, seeing as though he's led the NBA in steals many years. It's the same as saying a good shot blocker is automatically a good defender. As for Crittenton and Ty Lawson, Conley is clearly a better player than both of them. Crittenton is to turnover prone and Lawson is all quickness and speed with no jump shot at all. There's a reason Lawson is heading back to NC, to improve his shot among other things. Brandon Wright, or Yi both are forwards who have no chance of getting playing time ahead of Josh Smith. Neither of them are NBA ready considering Wright only weighs 210 pounds and Yi would have to adjust to the NBA style of play. The last thing the Hawks need is another project forward who's all potential. Wright has no post skills, even if he did have post skills there's no way a 210 pound power forward is going to be able to post someone up in the NBA, he can't get by just on athletic ability alone in the NBA.
  20. I guessing your response is to my post. Quote: #1)Conley is nowhere near as good as Paul- Paul was a much better prospect than Conley. For one, HE COULD SHOOT and very well at that. He was a better passer, he was clutch, he was better EVERYTHING. First of all Conley just played 1 year in college compared to Paul's 2 years at Wake Forrest. Apparently you didn't see many Ohio State games also because Conley is truly a clutch player. To say Paul was better at everything is a stretch clearly Conley is a better defender. As I said earlier in no way am I implying that Conley will be a better player than Paul, seeing as though I am a Chris Paul fan and I wanted to the hawks to draft him before the draft. Quote: #2)It's not so much Conley not being worth the #3 pick as it is it's very poor VALUE considering what will be left at the 11th pick. If we wait till #11 we can still get a very good PG. If we wait till #11 to get a post player it will be nothing but garbage left. How is picking Conley at #3 a poor value when the Grizzles most likely will take him at #4 if he's available. I mean I’ve seen actual full games that Conley has played in, unlike the Youtube clips only that people have seen of Yi. Are you saying the Hawks should take Spencer Hawes at #3 since he is the only true center that will be available at #3 in the draft with post skills since Hibbert pulled out. We don't need a center to be a scorer as much as we need one to be a good defender and rebounder; therefore the Hawks should look at moving the #11 pick and possibly one of our 1 million forwards for a true defensive center. I say trade Lue, Sheldon and the #11 pick to the 76ers for Samuel Dalembert and the #12 pick.
  21. It really depends on the Coach. But based on talent and skill and the fact that Conley played like a seasoned vet last year I like his chances to start. Since Woody supposedly is a defensive minded coach he would want his best defensive point guard on the floor a la Ivey starting over Lue, not to mention Conley should be able to figure out Woody's offensive game plan what ever that is, its not like Woody has some master offensive scheme like Jerry Sloan.
  22. Quote: Quote: We need a great young PG. Nothing is complicated. Point is that we will get a great young point guard regardless of who we draft at #3 because we have another draft pick at #11 But not as good a player as Conley. If we are going to be a running team we need to get the best point guard period.
  23. How about I put up the link of Marvin Williams dunking over Josh Smith. I mean taking Yi at 3 is the equivalent of taking Marvin all over again since he is a project with the P word (potential that is).
  24. Of course he would start over Lue, Anthony Johnson, and Speedy “stay hurt” Claxton. The real question on these boards should be would Yi start over Josh Smith at the 4 or could Yi start at center, which I would answer with a resounding NO! The NBA game is way more physical than the CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) or the international leagues for that matter. Taking Yi would be the equivalent of taking Marvin all over again, I mean Yi is nothing more than a project he’s not going to help this team WIN GAMES this year. Here is my campaign for the draft this year, “Taking Yi at 3 means saying goodbye to the playoffs before the season starts”, maybe I should print some tee shirts and send them to BK and the ATL Spirit. Its nothing personal against Yi, he could become a good player in league but the last thing this team needs is another forward or a guy playing center that is going to get pushed around in the paint we already have Zaza for that. The Hawks need a physical presence in the middle at center and Yi isn’t it.
  25. Also Conley shot .518 percent from the field at Ohio State, which isn't to shabby any way you look at it.
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