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Everything posted by KingLouie

  1. Good move. Which leads to a word of advice . . . if your wife is already peeved because you are dragging her to yet another Hawks game, be sure not to let her get her hands on any Thundersticks.
  2. I'll give you that. Thundersticks in moderation are tolerable (or at least would be tolerable if fans exercised some restraint).
  3. Those of you who go to games regularly, I'm curious to know your opinion on Thundersticks. Personally, I can't stand them--they are irritatingly loud and too often impede my view (although they are great to terrorize my dogs with at home). Am I in the minority on this one?
  4. I agree completely. The owners need to let their fan base know that they too are not content with the current situation. Their continued silence will just fuel the fans' anger.
  5. I understand that it is a fan-based system. My point is that it shouldn't be. It is inherently wrong that undeserving players on popular teams make the all-star team over better players who are more deserving. Your argument misses the boat in that the all-star game is not just an exhibition game for the fans; it is also an great honor for the players.
  6. Here are the current votes for Eastern Division Guards: Allen Iverson, Philadelphia, 595,200; Dwyane Wade, Miami, 586,679; Vince Carter, New Jersey, 433,363; Gilbert Arenas, Washington, 225,923; Jason Kidd, New Jersey, 190,385; Chauncey Billups, Detroit, 109,687; Stephon Marbury, New York, 107,219; Michael Redd, Milwaukee, 97,394; Joe Johnson, Atlanta, 78,680; Steve Francis, New York, 76,210. Notice that Marbury has over 28,000 more votes than JJ, and Francis has almost as many as JJ. What a friggin' joke. The all-stars should be picked by the players and coaches. Let the fans choose the reserves.
  7. Signing Speedy and Lo Wright this offseason was a giant step backwards. I'm not as big of a BK critic as many on this site, but signing Speedy and Lo to address the glaring deficiencies at PG and inside was a horrible mistake, especially since it will be nearly impossible to unload either of them onto another team.
  8. I couldn't agree more. Just put your best players on the floor together and let them learn to play together and adapt as needed.
  9. Ignoring the fact that Josh Smith has exceeded expectations while Marvin has not, Josh simply played better basketball than Marvin last year, especially after the all-star break. Additionally, Josh brings athleticism, strength, intensity, and excitement that Marvin has yet to demonstrate. I like Marvin a lot. I think he is going to be a very good player. However, judging them by their performances in actual NBA games, Josh is the better player thus far.
  10. Absolutely fascinating. Thanks so much for sharing this with everyone.
  11. Finally. This is the kind of scheiße that I was wating to hear. I may be able to sleep tonight without inducing it with alcohol and Nyquil. Thank you oh so much!
  12. Of course, it's more fun to play at the arena, but you can also play along at home. Two versions: 1) For the moderate drinker or for those who do not want to have to buy more than one beer: Every time Salim passes the ball, take one drink. If he gets an assist, drink two. 2) For those (like me) who'd prefer to be plastered by the time the Hawks blow the game in the 4th quarter: Drink two every time Salim takes a two-point shot. Drink three every time he takes a three-point shot. Every time Salim expresses displeasure at being pulled out of the game, chug the rest of your beer.
  13. I agree: Suns, Spurs, and Heat will win (the latter two by blowout).
  14. Thanks. That explanation really helps.
  15. Given that the Hawks have the 4th worst record, can anyone explain why they don't have the greatest chance of getting the 4th pick?
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