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Everything posted by jeddelong

  1. I have to defend Dolfan here, to a point. You have spouted far too many untruths. You said all sorts of things that probably never would have come true. For instance, you said Dieb would have been GM. You said that McDavid would sell off all the players to make money on the team, and many other diesel esque comments. Now, were you right to be alarmed? Obviously the deal fell through for a reason; however, you have no way to prove your more outlandish statements. Show me where it says he didn't have the money or was going to turn the team into a profit machine? You made those things up, and then you use this to prove yourself (previous post). Perhaps more infor will surface; however, right now its just more of your rhetoric.
  2. I really have a hard time holding this against JT. He sees players who, by many accounts, aren't worth what he is getting more! The Hawks have played hard ball with him (for good reason), and I can imagine his frustration. We don't know the inner-workings of the team. I think he is a lot like each of us. He likes the team and the city, but just as one or two of you have done, he can't bare the uncertainty; he has turned away. In truth, I think that he will calm down and go back to being JT, particularly if we win some at the beginning. This is business and sports, JT knows that. He will play, and I think he will be a model too. But thats just my opinion.
  3. Aldridge all but confirms Walker's article and source: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=1613972
  4. Assertions I have heard is that it limits Utah. They will still spend some of their money but they can't while they have JT on hold. Plus it gives flexibility to the Hawks until they match.
  5. Thanks for the info, I pulled my post because it was the same as yours. Jay Walker at Real GM wrote this yesterday: The Hawks have a load of cap space available to them after two seasons, but no so much in the way of space currently, hence the dumping of Big Dog. However, the Hawks could see a front loaded contract as a godsend, matching it would provide Terry’s services for a much lower price as time went on and the team (theoretically) was improving. I don't know who is right, though you seem to be in the know. Jay has a new article at real gm, quality.
  6. Lets see how long he keeps to staying away..... I think your misguided in that there are things in life that are fun to believe in and discuss. Do they have to win or even be sucessful? I don't really think so; in fact their imperfections are what brings up the most discourse. It has been said on this site that people can tell if we won or loss depending on the number of posts (negatives sell). The bottom line is that the Hawks are a subject, a team in need of attention, not a boycott. For some of us, I include myself, they are something to believe in (believe me I don't have a shrine to the Hawks but I do color myself a big fan). I love the Nike adds that treat sport as almost a spiritual pursuit, they give such mantras as "there is always next year." That really is the sports mantra. Being a fan, imo is about beliving and caring. When it finally pays back, you will know then why you did it. I draw as a finall simile, watching the Hawks for me is like being a parent. They are a child who runs astray, but in the end, you love them and you root them on. As they finally give the valedictorian speech (championship) or even just graduate (make the playoffs), you feel a sense of pride for the journey. I would not trade my ticket for that journey; I believe in the Hawks. Even if they don't win this year "there is always next year. (Oh, what will come next from you is how I am pathetic because I care about loser, to you I say leave or stay, your negativity provides a tone to the conversation, nothing more, just let me provide mine)
  7. Don't you get the humor of your post...who would we send it to? McDavid? AOL? Don't you think both sides want to get this over with, already?
  8. Explain these articles. They are from real media sources. Are you going to tell me that McDavid is lying? What good does that do him? http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/sports/0803/14teams.html http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/sports/c...ker/070703.html Personally, I think the funniest thing that Diesel believes is that Steve Dieb is going to be the GM of the Hawks (he read that Dieb would be handling day-to-day operations and automatically assumed that meant GM). Hey, imagine how great life would be if you were diesel. You can make anything sound the way you want; you would never get any bad news (unless of course you want it)
  9. No sweat, I agree with you partially; however, you give the Braves organization and its players far too little credit. Seriously though, you an I widely disagree about what it means to be a fan. That won't ever change, probably?!
  10. Oh, I appear to have hit a nerve. Isn't it the point that this is a place where informed hawks fans can be around other informed fans and trade criticism as well as praise. Man your so smart...I really hope you keep spewing falsehoods. Just FYI: Ortiz- 21st MLB ERA 3.46 Millwood- 37th MLB ERA 3.8 Apply to former argument....
  11. Wow, I see that your hateful, cynic attitude extends to all sports. Congratulations!
  12. I completely agree. Look at Millwood's record since his hot start. Estrada is untouchable.
  13. Woods dropped because he had serious problems with his psychological evaluation too. He was the feature part of a story on that battery of tests.
  14. I tend to agree with you. McDavid has to see the team as an investment, and a big name coach is an easy way to get people excited in Atlanta (even if it may not mean as much as adding a superstar to the team). Atlanta has always been attracted to stars and the symbolism of signing karl would be the first good move from an investment stand point.
  15. Have you ever heard of a fallacy? Look it up....
  16. If I was a betting man, my guess is that when the season starts you will be sure to watch the games and bring your negative energy to this board after every game. Hey, is there anyway we can make this a betting pool? Perhaps we could bet on the number of negative posts (nah too many). How about the number of times he has said in the last few years that he can't post or won't watch anymore. That is still pretty high, but it would make for a lot of fun....
  17. How do I respond to that....I won't. I must say though that I am so glad that while I have a passion for the Hawks that I don't lurk around a Hawk's message board writing about how upset I am and how wronged I have been about a sports team. Sports are my passion, but I would like to think that I could never and would never write what you wrote. I think you bring us all down with your negative attitude.
  18. What do I have to explain? You only want to follow the team when it is winning. That is my definition of a fair weathered fan?! You may have a different definition, but I am pretty sure most of society would agree with mine. As I am sure you remember, though I know you like to focus on the negative, our team was good not that many year ago. Did it win championships, no! However, we were good enough to have hop and get excited. Those days are fading but I will still gladly pay my 150 dollars for NBA League Pass. I will still go to my two Hawks/Celtics games a year (I live in Boston Currently). I believe you have to stick with a team if you believe them. Clearly, you do not!
  19. They have a name for fans like you "fair weathered," be who you are but it will mean more to me when this thing turns around.
  20. It is truly a shame that you would support a poll like this. For those of you that vote for the team to leave, I find that extremely short sighted. I find myself lucky to have a local team to root for. Whether they win or not, I am happy to know they are my team. Of course, I have dedication and allegiance....
  21. I am not denying that he is financing the deal. What I am appalled by is your magical ability to take some vague articles and surmise that McDavid will gut the team in order to make a profit. That is completely fictious and a strange twisting of the facts. It is nothing more than that. Yes, McDavid is not Paul Allen or Mark Cuban (note: you quote the two guys that are known to be obscene rich spending freaks). but that doesn't mean that McDavid will gut the team. It doesn't make sense to exceed the luxury tax with our current team, it was that simple. You exceed it for max players, why would you kill yourself financially to have a team that won't win that many games. He has to build a solid base and then be willing to exceed for the right talent....
  22. WHy do you say that, do you liken this to you going to the store to buy the new Playstation game but find you don't have enough money? This is a business deal, it requires financing. He isn't a billionare, but I believe he will care about the team and want to win. That is more than can be said for current ownership.
  23. Thanks, I would suggest that Terry's improvement clearly merits the raise on the numbers he turned down.
  24. How did his situation [censored] us? Do you really think we would have signed Terry earlier? [censored], we made a major trade without the deal being done. The only argument I can think of is that not having a coach hurt us, that is debateable though (at least in the free agent area it is). I think are natural reaction is to look for a scape goat, which is completely unfair.
  25. I couldn't agree with you more. Rookie contracts are great until you have to pay up. JT is worth it. Does anyone remember what he was offered two years ago (I believe he turned down the first offer)
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