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Everything posted by hawkster411

  1. Ok....Supposed we do trade JT/Nazr for Miller and a backup. In the offseason, I believe someone in this forum said Kenny Anderson wanted to play for the hawks (i'm not quite sure if he's a free agent this summer). But if we do sign Anderson, we'll have Miller/Anderson/Dickau as our pGs. ........................................................................................................................................................................ JUST FOR FUN: Honestly, I want Garnett more than anything. Big Dog/Shareef/Henderson for Garnett (dreaming here...) Terry/Nazr for Miller/Backup Center Miller/Newble/?/Garnett/Theo
  2. Reef/Grob/CC for Garnett works salary wise... but would Minnesota accept the trade? Now, if Minnesota folds in the 1st round, do you think T-wolves would consider our offer? This is interesting.... What do you guys thinK?
  3. I would trade Reef and Big dawg for Garnett anyday. Surround Garnett with Terry and Theo. I'm fine with that. Garnett would definately put fans in the seats! Count me in. Ok, will the salary work?
  4. Hello Fellas, Well, I'm from FL visiting some family members in Marietta, Ga. I know there has been a few changes in the Hawks organization, but honestly, I just want to get out the house and watch the Hawks play, win or lose. I've been a Hawks fan for 10 years now and my passion for the team always been strong. I hope the Hawks will respond to Stotts and give it all they got against the Spurs. For one thing, I enjoy the game more when the Hawks play defense more than offense. I know I might get criticized for saying what I said, but I get more enjoyment when I see an opponent gets his shot "squatted" from a Hawks player, especially Ratliff. Also, I hope to see Terry drive to the hole more and create some havoc in the Spurs defense. Terry was blessed with so much speed, he can create so much more opportunities if he can just take it to the hole. He has the vision to pass the ball to the outside man or the man cutting to the basket. Terry just needs to "step up to the challenge". The hawks can do so much more when Terry is more aggressive. I wish I could tell Terry this, but then again, I'm just going to the game and enjoy watching the Hawks play together as a team. Well, Happy Belated Christmas guys. Be safe! Randy
  5. Great Post! I love the list of coaching candidates. Well, I know you went out of your way to write about all those coaches, but what's bothering me is why you went through all the trouble? Do you have the inside scoop of Lon getting the boot anytime soon? I know Lon has share of questionable substitution patterns during the game, but I have a hunch that Kruger maybe real close to getting a pink slip. Just my opinion...
  6. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/statistics?s...mp;seasontype=2 Ok, don't get me wrong. I hate bashing people, but JT and Big dawg are leading the league in turnovers per game. I know as the season progresses, we'll definately will be out of the TO standings. But the positive side of the hawks is that Theo is leading the league in block shots. Go Theo! If the hawks were to have REALLY worked HARDER during this past summer in turnovers, I know the Hawks would have had a better record than they do now. I don't know why our turnovers are so bad, but the TO's need to decrease.
  7. Jay, You're absolutely right. If Terry were to assert himself more on the offensive end (his quickness to the hole), he will create so much havic on the defensive team that they will collapse on Terry. Thereby, leaving an outlet pass to either big dog and shareef. I noticed how the tempo of the game changes when Terry creates more opportunities going to the hole. Terry can hit those short and long jump shots. I wished he could be more aggressive on the offensive end.
  8. Please explain how this fight will end up? In my opinion, Big dog can be blind folded and still knock Ray Ray upside his head with a pillow because he's so soft...hahah j/k.
  9. In www.atlantafalcons.com, find "Visit the Falcons Message Boards" and you'll see a post talking about how well the Hawks played vs. the Bulls. The Falcon Fans are pretty hardcore on Falcon football as do the hawksquawk fans on the Hawks. It's great to hear fellow Atlanta community taking notice. Here's a few excerpts: ---------------------------------------------------------- SacFalcFan Senior Member Posts: 7674 Joined: Apr 2002 this team is awesome.. plus if you notice they are playing some good Defense too.. we have so many scorers on the floor I look for a great year for us.. ---------------------------------------------------------- bobby_booshay Senior Member Posts: 338 Joined: Sep 2002 it's on fsn which i dont get. i really want to see them play. robinson has looked good in the box score's. so has terry. ----------------------------------------------------------- adam2 Member Posts: 190 Joined: Sep 2002 The Hawks won. The Big Dog rules.The Hawks have played better this year so far than last year. The Hawks rule.So do the Falcons. ----------------------------------------------------------- I just want to spread the love on the progress the Hawks have been doing to the city of Atlanta and to all loyal Hawks fans. It's great for Atlanta to start a positive attitude early in the season. Go Hawks. I've been a fan since I saw Spud Webb and Dominque play.
  10. Antonio Mcdyess might be out for the season. Imagine that. The knicks gambled on Mcdyess and got the short end of the stick. After all the rehabilitation Mcdyess had to go through, he might end up going through the same process or worse, maybe retire. Knick fans must be having a horrible time dealing with this situation knowing that this situation might happened anyway and it did. Ouch! http://espn.go.com/nba/news/2002/1013/1445321.html
  11. I just don't get it. We had the chance to win against Green Bay...Denied! We had a chance to win against the Bears...Denied! WHY!?!?!??!! I love what Arthur Blank has done for the organization. I love Vick's progress. But I think our defense needs improvement. And the boot for Reeves. I think Reeves had his chance with the Falcons during their Super Bowl run, but his time is up. There are plent of great coaches who need a J~O~B. I dont' know, that's just my opinion. What do you guys think. Oh, if you say the last play in the Falcons game. Honestly, did you guys think the Falcons were going to win? Honestly! As for me, I had hope, but it was denied....ouch!
  12. Well, One thing is for sure. Popeye Jones looks like that crazy guy from the movie Goonies. You know that guy who wears that Superman shirt. He says, "Hey you guys," near the end of the movie when he saves the kids. If you watched the movie, you would know what I'm talking about. Robert Horry is a CLONE of Will Smith. I thought I was the only crazy guy who thought Robert and Will were match made in heaven "brothers". Michael Jordan looks like that guy from the commercial Mr. Clean. If you Jordan lightens up on the sun, then we have a match. Dennis Rodman looks like Pamela Anderson. If you disagree, try me! =)
  13. Blunt LoL! yEah man i Agree... ReEf is looking pretty bad
  14. Good grief man! Look at the difference between Theo and Nazr. Theo is huge while Nazr looks like he just woke up on the wrong side of bed. THeo looks like he's in great shape. I can't wait to see Theo Starting.
  15. Hiring experts to our scouting department is a plus. You can't go wrong by spending some cash flow in our scouting department especially when you have ex-players(experienced, respected, knows the game well, and has a knack for spotting talent) giving their opinions on a particular draftee. I think the Hawks are heading in the right direction. I would love to sit down with Nique and ask his opinion on some college players (or highschool players) for next year's draft.
  16. In hawks.com, did you hear what Babcock said about the number of phone calls he made with the Milwaukee Bucks? I believe he said he called Ernie about 100 times over the past few years. Can you imagine that!!!! The Hawks have been trying to pry Big Dawg from the Bucks for a few years now. Now this gets interesting. If babcock has been trying to pry Big Dawg away from the Bucks over these past few years, what do you guys think will happen with JT's future? Can you imagine the number of phone calls people are offering for our Star JT? When listening to Babcocks answer when asked about JT's future. Did you hear Babcock studder a little bit. I mean, Babcock tried hiding his hand in front of the media. You heard him trying to make a joking remark about if JT had a new agent. I don't know about you guys. But i had a creepy feeling when Babcock tried answering JT's future. I don't want to be pessimistic, but I am trying to figure out what Babcock has instore for the Hawks IF we do not make the playoffs. If we do make the playoffs, but we do not perform well. What will Babcock do in the offseason. I'm sorry guys. I am just a little curious of what Babcock will do with JT and his contract next season. Any Comments?!?!?
  17. Wait a minute...Was Babcock in office when the hawks drafted John Koncak. Draft of 7' C...JOHN KONCAK: F-
  18. Jaywalker! man you deserve being commended on a job well done. Keep up the good work.
  19. Hands down to Jaywalker. His reports and detailed analysis has been the best for the Atlanta Hawks. I trust him more than any ESPN "insider." Thanks Jaywalker!
  20. Ok guys! I love what I am hearing about our offense and how we became more of a threat. What I am concerned about is our defense. I love DJ's blocking capabilities. I see DJ's blocking stats rising a point or two. Also, I love the idea of Theo and DJ on the defensive end. Both these guys have lanky arms that will definately scare some people from penetrating to the whole. Sar, Theo, BD grabbing rebounds while decreasing the chances of second point opportunities from the opposing team. I see DJ and JT speeding down court waiting for the lob pass. Then again, that's my opinion. I want to know what you guys think about our defense. Are we a better defensive team with BD or Ira on the court? Thoughts??????
  21. You got my vote. DJ reppin' for the city of Atlanta. That's great! LET"S MAKE SOME NOISE. EMAIL BABS!
  22. Last year when the Hawks played a preseason game with the Pacers in Mobile, Alabama, I was able to talk with Lon Kruger one on one. He was a cool guy. He took time to talk to me, and he showed an upbeat kind of personality. JT was a fan favorite. As for Demarr Johnson, I tried to get an autograph from him but he shrugged me off. But as for everyone else, they were willing to talk to the crowd. Jacque Vaughn was really cool. He took time to shake people's hands. Oh, I mailed Lenny Wilkens a Basketball card of him while he was coaching for the Cavaliers. Get this, he mailed me back the card autographed and everything. I was shocked he answered me back. Well, that's it. Oh yeah, I got an autograph from Steve Smith.
  23. I'm actually excited to watch the Clippers. I can't believe what I am saying, but it's true. The Clippers have made some long strives to get where they are now. The organization is getting some respect. I can't wait till the season starts.
  24. If so, name your player, how did you meet, and if you got an picture and autograph? By golly, if you're neighbors with one of these Hawks players..TELL US!
  25. http://www.nba.com/media/bulls/boxscore2_020727.jpg If you look at the boxscores. Nazr didn't display a dominant game. I know this game was for fun and all, but I wished he could have done better. Did you see how many points "the Matrix" scored. Good grief! Maybe a few undercover scouts came to the game and watch Nazr play. Hmmm...I wonder if he will be on our team next year? I know we'll be trading somebody, but I'm wondering who we will trade??? Most of all, who will we get in return?
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