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Posts posted by Hawk88

  1. Quote:


    Sometimes I ask myself during games why did they foul Marvin? No one still has answered the question of Marvin beating man to man defense.

    I have two theories on this.

    1. When you see 6'9" 238 stumbling uncontrollably your way, it's hard not to move. SInce his rookie Year, Marvin has just plowed over guys. It would be a good weapon except this year, Refs stopped giving Marv the defensive call as much as they used to. Even the refs notice Clumsy when they see it.

    You can add a modification to your first theory. When you see the kid stumbling along and about to fall on his face you can't help but reach out to try and help him. And as soon as Marvin feels contact he goes into a convulsive epileptic looking spasm that results in a foul call. I am embarressed for Marvin just about every time he drives to the basket.


  2. I admit to being a Marvin basher and I hope I am wrong but one thing about Marvins numbers. The first 2 years he padded his numbers during garbage time. Most if not all his points coming in the last quarter with the Hawk down by 20. This year he actually contributed a lot during the games that mattered. So let's all give him a little credit there. I thought his nickname should have been the "Garbage Man".


  3. If Dallas wants Josh Smith and they give him a max offer, will the Hawks match? Cuban loves throwing money around and the ASG is so cheap.

    The Hawks may be come the the NBA what the Montreal Expos were to MLB.

    Not sure the ASG would match a max offer.


  4. I can agree with you about the Center position but not the PG. Look at the championship teams and they only win because the PG plays great and makes others better. San Antonio has Tony Parker and he has been great more often than not. The Pistons had Billups.

    If the Lakers can win it this year, they will be doing it with the worst PG I can remember.


  5. Thadeus Young and Al Thorton were available when we took Acie and they will both be good. Of course we didn't take them because we have the wunderkid Marvin Williams at small forward. Man that pick set us back.

    I hope Acie works out, it was the right pick for us at that spot. I would give BK an A for the last draft but he has plenty of other blunders.

    I have to admit back when we took Marvin at 2 I thought he was the right pic. We needed a start and it sounded like he was going to be one. So BK was not the only one that was high on him. Also Jarrett Jack handled Chis Paul in college and he had the kicking the kid in the crotch incident.

    BK didn't do everything wrong but his record for evaluating Point Guards is atrocious.


  6. I agree with both you guys.

    Greg Anthony makes very insightful comments but has no experience. Impressive guy.

    Dominique makes very insightful comments as well. Impressive as well.

    I am just not sure who is the better poker player which you will need to be to be a good GM.

    But it was time for a change and we are in a pretty nice situation.


  7. ALL the Hawks played like Zombies yesterday.

    Based on the season as a whole,


    He has to toally change his game which currently includes making free throws and wide open jumpers.

    As marginal as the stats are, Marvin only puts up his numbers when the game is NOT on the line.

    The guy is a real tease, with little passion. His only chance in this organization is if he hits it off with Al and some passion wears off on him.

    I think Marvin will be shipped this year for somebody.

    Marvin is such a clod that his athleticism is a joke. Anyone else notice him tripping on HIS FACE trying to make a crossover dribble on the break in the playoffs. EMBARESSING...

    I hope like hell I am wrong about him.


  8. Boston is soft and its going to show the rest of the playoffs. I don't see them making the NBA finals.

    When you look at Pierce, Allen and Garnett. Allen and Pierce have been losers for a long time and Garnett who is a winner has gotten old.

    Hawks showed them for what they were. A good team but not great.


  9. Diesel that is BS,

    Boston could have sent out 5 zombies and they would have handled the Hawks in the Garden. This team just isn't mature enough to win there.

    Great series by the Hawks so I give them a lot of credit. The Hawks really showed that the Celtics aren't what everyone thought they were, but we still have a few to many stiffs on this team.


  10. It was a great night for the Hawks so I am going to ignore the fact that Marv and Zaza had good nights and they are being made out to be hero's. Bottom line is we won, have shocked the world and Marv and Zaza have increased their trade value.

    The Hawks have already made an incredible step into respectablity and have changed all their fortunes. I can come out of the closet as a Hawks fan and I thank Al Horford for providing the spark to ignight this team. He is the real deal and ultimate team player.

    This is what sports is all about.

    One time....


  11. Quote:

    I think he has earned another year and I want Woodson back UNLESS there is a CLEAR upgrade available. I would be willing to bring in D'Antoni (although I doubt he is fired) or Avery as I think both of them are excellent coaches who got shafted by poorly constructed lineups and micro management. I'm not willing to fire Woodson just to fire him. There absolutely has to be a clear upgrade available.


    I think Woodson is the worst coach in the league, at least the worst I have seen, so anybody would be an upgrade. He makes so many mistakes every game it is unbelievable. I think he is working for less than anybody else, which is why he has the job. It would be easy to get a better coach but the ASG doesn't want to pay anybody.

    Woody and BK have to both go, otherwise we are stuck with Marvin for eternity.


  12. Are you joking about Howard Ball Handling and Defense compared to Marvins's..

    Could Howard be worse than Marvin in ball handling and defense? Marvin plays stupid D and he handles the ball as well as I do.

    I agree, Cuban will want some changes. Move Marvin for Howard. Howard has some enthusiasm in the games I have seen. Marvin just tries to act cool.


  13. Sorry Diesel,

    I can't agree. Marvin does not have more potential than Josh Howard.

    3 years ago the scouts thought he had potential. MARVIN IS NOT TALENTED. HE IS AVERAGE. Yes that is meant to be shouting. He is uncordinated, not strong or quick. Where is the potential? He is just young, but I don't see him as having much potential.

    I would make that trade in a second. Come on Pot? That is a minor offense in my book.


  14. Considering the propagando, Al did well in the voting. Hopefully he received a good many first place votes and he was well ahead of Scala who had a very good year.

    Not that Big Al needs even more motivation in becoming a dominator.

    Al already ranks up their in my most popular Atlanta athlets with William Andrews, Dominique, and Murphy.

    The kid has the heart of a champion and it has shown in these playoffs already.

    Poor Phoenix, how close they came to getting Horford. That would have been sweet for them, but umm it is sweet for us.


  15. Diesel,

    I can't agree with you more. The kid has zero passion. His defense is atrocious, embaressing.

    The kid is so uncoordinated I don't understand how this went unnoticed earlier.

    He is losing it for us. Limited production on offense and the D is killing us.

    I don't see any heart in the kid. His only chance is if Horford is able to light a fire under his ass and even Al might not be able to do that.


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