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Posts posted by Hawk88

  1. Quote:

    PG: Bibby vs any PG on that roster -
    advantage Bibby

    G: JJ vs Roy -
    advantage JJ

    F: Marvin vs Webster -
    advantage Marvin

    PF: Smith vs Aldridge -
    advantage Smith

    C: Horford vs Oden -
    advantage Horford . . . until Oden proves otherwise and until he can stay healthy

    Sorry, but you are clearly a blind homer with that type of analysis.


    advantage Portland

  2. Quote:


    I would trade the Hawks roster for the Trailblazers in a second. Talent wise they are loaded.


    I call it the grass is greener syndrome but we shall see what happens this season!

    It would take a homer to pick the Hawks over the Trailblazers talent wise.

    Bibby/Law/Claxton vs. Blake,Bayless,S. Rodriguez

    Johnson vs. Roy/Webster/Fernandez

    M.Williams/Childress vs. Outlaw

    J. Smith vs. Aldredge/Lafrentz/Diogu

    Horford/Zaza vs. Oden/Prizbilla/Frye

    ch. Woodson vs. Nate Mcmillan

    Maybe it's just me but I like their matchups almost every spot, certainly most of them. But maybe the grass is greener.


  3. Quote:


    they didn't have the high picks we had.All the knicks picks went to the Bulls and the Bulls traded their #2 pick,which was the highest they had.WE have a 2nd,3rd,6th,11th pick,and a high schooler that was projected in the top 10.We had the 5th pick.we lucked into a couple of those picks.Look at the Blazers,they rebuilt alot quicker than we have and are better than our team is in the west already.

    You act like trailblazers are better than the hawks. They are not. The two team are even if anything. They may have swept us last year but we gave them both games!

    I would trade the Hawks roster for the Trailblazers in a second. Talent wise they are loaded.


  4. Quote:


    You forgot that we finished 8 games under .500 and wouldn't have made the playoffs at all without help from other teams.

    Have you noticed the trend and how it correlates with the continued maturity of our players? Your post suggest that we are an aging team with no room to grow. We were the youngest team in the playoffs last year and we did well. Certainly a better regular season record would have been nice but our team is not the same now that it was at the beginning of last season. Would guys at least acknowledge that Shelden Williams, T. Lue, A. Johnson, & L. Wright are no longer on the team and Bibby is. So we are evolving and not the stagnant team that you and many other posters suggest. If we add a serviceable big man like Brown and a shooter, we will take another step in the right direction.

    Duh....I mentioned that we were a young team and should improve. That is a given. But you don't win with youth in the league. You have to get some veterans in. I think between Josh Smith, Marvin Williams and Josh Chilress we would win more games with swapping one of these guys for a veterans. A Shane Battier type.


  5. Quote:

    After reading the worst comments here on Hawksquawk and ignoring the good stuff, we

    must conclude that the Atlanta Hawks are somewhere below a good NBDL team.

    Horford is out of position. He is a PF and not a center. He isn't strong enough to play

    center in the NBA - But, he's too slow to guard most Power forewards in the NBA.

    Zaza "might" get us a second round pick if we could find someone desperate enough

    to take him off our hands.

    Josh Smith hates it here in Atlanta, can't stand Woody and would move if someone

    would just make an offer. Too small to play PF and too slow to play SF. Loves to

    shoot from outside - problem is, he can't hit from outside. Always out of position

    on defense.

    Marvin Williams. Can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Lower on the totum

    poll than Zaza - (See Zaza above) - Can't shoot. Can't defend. Why is he in the NBA?

    Joe Johnson. A good player who wants out because he has no help. He knows how

    helpless that we are.

    Bibby. The only reason that JJ hasn't already left. Hot and Cold from outside - mostly

    cold. Can take over a game occasionally when his shots are falling. Injury prone.

    Plays a soft defense when he plays defense at all.

    Josh Childress. Must be wide open to score from outside due to his crazy release

    and gets most of his points in garbage time against opponents bench. Can't

    penetrate and score - Can't defend. If he's resigned, will spend the rest of his

    contract time on IR due to his history of always being hurt.

    Acie Law. We've already saw the best he has to offer here. Woody won't play

    him and we know why - He's just not that good.

    And, these are our "good" players on the roster. All the others don't deserve

    mentioning. None are worth a second round pick.

    Then, there's our coach, Woody. Undoubtedly the worst coach in the entire history

    of the NBA. NBDL has better head coaches.

    Our "do nothing" GM has no idea what to do or how to do it if he did get an idea.

    Ownership has no money. They have no interest in anything but fighting among

    themselves - They have idea how to do anything.


    Yet, with all this, Atlanta DID make it into the playoffs and DID win all their home

    games against the eventual NBA champions! Why? How? No one seems to have

    the answer to that. With the terrible players some people believe we have, it just

    isn't possible for this to happen, yet it did.

    Now, not everyone is down on every Hawk player. Some really love most of the

    roster and team. Just put together the worst thoughts about each player you

    can find and see what you get.

    What do I think? I think most of the criticism is undeserved. We have a good

    team, not great, but good. A young, experienced group of players who will

    only get better and better. I expect Atlanta to be back in the playoffs next

    season and win over half their games, hopefully with home court atvantage

    and be VERY competetive.

    Even though your comments are sarcastic their is a lot of truth in them.

    1st....Marvin can't chew gum and walk at the same time. Incredibly uncoordinated.

    2nd..Zaza is to week to play downlow. The guy has no muscle which was evident if you watched the games during the year. How many time did he have the ball taken away from him, like taking candy from a baby. He needs muscle badly.

    3rd...Josh can be a sourpuss. That being said I thought his effort this year was good even though it was inconsistent. I believe he is a coach killer. Scores 28 one game, 8 the next. Keeps throwing up bricks. Consistency makes it hard on a coach. That being said, a good player I would want on my team, but not my leader or star.

    4thlll Joe Johnson. A professional. He is right that though the team needs some veterans. I want a guy like Shane Battier.

    5th.. The Ownership is a travesty.

    6th.. Woody does suck as a coach. But he is cheap which is why they have him.

    All this being said there are a lot of positives.

    1. Think what a good coach and owners could do with the current Hawks situation.

    2. On Horford, I do believe his body can gain weight and he can be an effective Center in the league, he was good this year.

    3. Joe is great.

    4. Lots of good pieces on the team with minimal baggage and/or bad contracts. They are young so they should all improve.

    My questions is how much could things improve had they just gotten rid of Woody? That is a joke.


  6. Looks like Josh Smith is in the same position that he was on draft night and I can't help but think it's a good situation for the Hawks.

    Jay Bilas called Josh Smith the most likely bust of his draft passed over my 17 or 18 clubs. He proved Bilas wrong.

    Now he is a free agent and it doesn't seem like other teams are willing to work deals to clear space for Smooth. It's not that they don't want him but not bad enough to pay him big bucks. Great for the Hawks, now Josh will have to earn more respect after he signs this contract.

    I thought it was interesting a while back when it was posted on the board, who do you prefer Josh Smith or Al Horford. Well, is there any doubt that just about every team in the league would be trying to work out a deal to sign Horford.

    But in the long run I hope this works out well for Josh Smith and the Hawks.

    On another note, the guy I think the Hawks need is Shane Battier, tough D, leader and experienced. Could we move Marvin for Battier?


  7. Diesel,

    What an incredible post, maybe my all-time fav.

    Holy smokes, I should have become a professional athelete for the women.

    RJ's woman looks really hot. Chuck Finley is amazing. Neved's wife oh my word!


  8. Salim stinks and nobody wants him. Is that news to anybody? Sign and trade for Salim? Come on. We need to unload him and use his roster spot on a contributor not a mop up guy.


  9. Quote:

    One thing about Horf that I haven't heard many people talk about (actually 2 things):

    1. Horf Father played in the NBA.

    I wonder how much that has influenced/helped him make the transition. Like all the Berry Kids and Mike Dunleavy Jr, Horf should have a natural BBIQ...

    2. Horf is probably the most physical player that we have.


    That is two things about Horford. And there a a ton of great things to talk about the kid. He has the heart and competitiveness of a champion and a lion. He is smart. He works hard. He is unselfish. He has an incredible body. He is a winner.

    You can go on and on about the kid. He is developing an outside shot. I don't know of any negatives at all.


  10. I think it's interesting that the Hawks find themselves is precisely the same positon that the Suns were in 3 years ago. Looking back on the sign and trade for Joe Johnson is there any doubt that Billy Knight made a great move? He sent two 1st round pics of little value, since he was smart enough to protect the pics just right. Lot of luck but it worked for the Hawks.

    Hawks get Joe Johnson, All-Star

    Phoenix- 2 First rounders (I don't se much value at all in them)

    Boris Diaw (Signed to a ridiculous contract) Ouch

    Big win for the Hawks on the trade...

    Today the Hawks are going to have to make a decision about Josh Smith. Is he going to be the player Joe Johnson is? I personally am not sold that Josh will have the combination of discipline and maturity to rival Johnson.

    But if Josh is given a max or close to max contract by someone, do the Hawks match? I dont' hear folks talking about it but this was Josh's free agent season and it was good but inconsistent. When he signs this next big contract is he going to kick back, revert to bad habits and be moody? Question that you have to think about.

    Or will the Hawks be tempted to sign and trade him?

    Lets see what the new GM does with the cheap ASG. Sund seems to have a good ability to trade. BK pulled some pretty good trades as well. It will be interested to see what the Hawks will do now that they have seen what happened to Phoenix trying to save a buck and get lucky. It didn't work for them.


  11. Quote:

    Rick sund on Fox sports radio tonight said the Hawks will not be trading into the draft and if he had the 15th pick he would trade. He doesn't want anymore 19-20 year old players. he's looking for cheap veteran players to fill out the 9, 10, 11 slots on the team. Said after re-signing the two Joshes, he wants a veteran shooter and two veteran front court players. Loves Al Horford and says he is the perfect 5 player who can play four. Isn't worried that Horford can't guard Yao or Howard by himself because no one can.

    This was posted by Edmund on another thread but its pretty good info.

    AMEN to all of it!


  12. Quote:



    I'm opposed in trading Zaza especially in his contract year. No one coming out this year will be better than Zaza right now or this coming season.

    Zaza is still very young. With a willing attitude he can be a nba STARTER.

    Zaza could be a started in the WNBA, not the NBA. The guy has 0 strenght. Somebody needs to introduce him the HGH and weight room and some protein.

    Hawk88 actually i think Za is pretty strong

    Zaza strong? Are you crazy, did you not watch any of the games during the season. Taking the ball from Zaza in the paint, was disgustingly easy for the oppositon. Any contact and he was a rag doll.


  13. Quote:

    Sekou is right. It should have never gotten to this point. This could've been done last year early in the season. Hopefully, the ASG does the right thing and keeps this guy. I'd love to see this team maintain some continuity from last season.

    I don't agree, if the Hawks had signed Smith earlier, he would probably be bitching that he is underpaid and demanding a trade. That is my gut feeling.


  14. Quote:

    I'm opposed in trading Zaza especially in his contract year. No one coming out this year will be better than Zaza right now or this coming season.

    Zaza is still very young. With a willing attitude he can be a nba STARTER.

    Zaza could be a started in the WNBA, not the NBA. The guy has 0 strenght. Somebody needs to introduce him the HGH and weight room and some protein.


  15. We do not need a rookie center on this team. We need a veteran center ala Brad Miller with Sacremento. This major parts of this roster are complete ecept for a veteran center.


  16. Billups and Prince for Josh Smith sounds pretty interesting but it leaves a big whole in the middle. Will need to move Bibby for a big. I would think this is to expensive a move for this cheap ass ASG group. Gets veteran leadership which is what wins in the playoffs. But leaves the frontcourt way to thin.


    Johnson/J. Childress



    Center or PF?


  17. SY!!!!!!!!!!

    What a freaking wimp. Honestly my daughter acts the same way and she is 8. Give me a break, you are a professional athlete. Getting your buddies to carry you off the court not even trying out the knee so that you can go to the locer room and come back like some kind of hero? Are you kiddiing me?

    Heaven forbid that he get seriously hurt, he'd be crying like a baby.

    Pierce is a wimp. Period. Made a Lakers fan out of me last night.


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