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Everything posted by Lawstudent101

  1. Of course I will stand behind the poll.. However mistakes will not be "counted" Just like when we all voted for president a few years back, many old, blind, stupid geezers voted for Bush instead of Kerry, however it makes no difference. The votes will stand, hanging chads and all by order of the supreme court.
  2. I'd love to meet you too GSUTEKE! and I agree personal threats should get you banned. First to go is GSUTEKE! yay! and the cutoff date is NOT after the spurs game, c'mon now. We need to give everyone, including our more casual posters a chance to vote.
  3. I'm just repeating the exact statement you said to me "little guy" ??(oh wait you're an ugly fat pos)
  4. Poll isn't over yet bub, I'm confident the Hawks fans will make the right choice and GET RID OF WOODY HE'S NO GOODY! (btw GSUTEKE if i ever see you in person I'll knock your teeth out!)
  5. bumpy bump bump. I don't care that we are gonna beat the Spurs tonight. Woody still needs to go. FIRE WOODY HE;S NO GOODY!
  6. Ahem Nov 20th now since Nov 19th passed and the Hawks sat on their asses and didn't do jack shiet
  7. yeah the normal link won't be available. I highly suggest you call your cable company and ask them to unlock NBA tv for you. Then tommorrow just cancel it.
  8. Silence GSUteke, i'm sure the TRUE HAWKS FANS would rather have Woody gone than me. If they knew for SURE Woody would be gone, it would be 50-0 in favor of me...
  9. Plz guys!!! Don't banish me!!! PLEASE! I LOVE YOU ALL! I LOVE THE HAWKS! I BEG OF YOU ALLOW ME TO STAY!
  10. LIke I have been saying all along.. This season IS the NOW situation. If the Hawks do not make the playoffs this season, they won't for another 2-3 years, because Smoove will def be gone, and JJ will leave the year after that
  11. LOL really? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH omg I just laughed really hard. Good one Exo, sorry I missed that shiet.v
  12. just chill and i'll supply the link at gametime
  13. either I, or someone else will post the link about 5 minutes before the game starts... your welcome in advance
  14. Hey exodus that's enough. Stop bashing on fellow posters or I'll report you to Chillz to be banned!
  15. Yeah I agree big D. GSU is just a sad lonely SOB. He has constantly attacked me since I've been here. What a joke. If i ever see you GSUTEKE i'll knock your teeth out! (lol ring a bell?)
  16. I remember when Sothron had a "timeout" cuz he went off on mr Chillz. HEHEHEHHE fun stuff guys! keep it coming
  17. You may only choose one. If more than 50% of the the voters would rather have me gone than Woody, then I'll resign my commission here.
  18. lol...all these things have been suggested before. Woody is a moron. No worries man, the sooner he's fired the better.
  19. Quote: FIRE WOODY!!!!!HE'S NO GOODY!!!!!!
  20. It's really sad that a lot of people here would rather part with Smoove. I think the BIGGEST reason smoove is having problems right now is...you guessed it! Woody. Wow Woody developed Josh Smith?.......c'mon That's like saying Woody "developed" Michael Jordan. Smith is just dripping with talent all around, Woody didn't do jack. Get a real coach in here and see Smoove REALLY blossom.
  21. Haha! How DARE you talk about politics on this board! SHAME ON YOU MY GOOD SIR!
  22. Nicholas, it doesn't. Stop taking the internet(s) so seriously.
  23. Coachx, opinions on Woody have everything to do with it, because it will gauge the hate for me and Woody. WHICH would you rather have gone? Me or Woody? You call yourself a Hawks fan? Then Choose.
  24. Calling all true Hawks fans, Would you rather have ME leave Hawksquawk, or MIKE WOODSON leave his coaching job with the Hawks?
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