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Everything posted by GameTime

  1. Wow I was just joking. Nick Ressler really is a 2K GM if he does this. James Harden will love it here in Atlanta though.
  2. Trae and Harden backcourt? Works in 2K per Nick Ressler.
  3. The KAT is out the bag now after trading my JC for a Snapple and TPE
  4. Rudy Gay's jersey is going up the rafters with Melo's.
  5. Let's sign Marvin Gaye Williams for the trifecta @Diesel
  6. Never thought a JC trade would get me this upset since I saw it coming, but this one has. Trading JC for Atlanta Hawks' Carmelo Anthony's Ghost and a future second (IF it conveys) has to be one of the worst things I could have expected. The offseason is still young so I am calming down, but if this was just a cost saving move (see the abysmal Huerter trade) for The Resslers I may be done until we get new leadership.
  7. What a horrible trade. Still irks me to this day we let Velvet go for peanuts.
  8. Did not expect Cam to drop this far. Did he have Ja Morant with him during the interviews?
  9. Did not expect Cam to drop this far. Did he have Ja Morant with him during the interviews?
  10. Murray is going to San Antonio next year
  11. Dude look like Jaden....
  12. I like Kobe but I like Cam more.
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