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Everything posted by Boomer

  1. Yeah, all my football teams are gonna suck this year. The Falcons and Chiefs are at the bottom of the league, and GT is gonna suck too.
  2. I don't see him taking it. If he has confidince in himself he has no reason to accept an offer early. But yeah, I'm dying to see how the 'new' Marvin looks. Smoove as well. I hope they're both jacked and start crushing on people :)
  3. Maybe it's the percentage of the time that a player has possesion of the ball he gets fouled.
  4. I was just reading that freakin Raef LaFrentz is making 12 mil this year!? Good grief
  5. Yeah, I'd be right behind you probably.
  6. http://slamonline.com/online/2008/09/slamo...sh-smith-no-47/
  7. Yeah, that would be nice. Also, I think one of the clips of KG getting blocked ends a bit too soon.
  8. Amazing! Gives me chills watching those highlights. And even though I don't like Woodson that much, I really liked the split screen with him and JJ crossing up Powe and draining that 3 in his face.
  9. Jeff Foster is one of the best offensive rebounders in the game.
  10. Boomer

    Steve Smith

    I thought about Avery, but then I was thinking he retired with the Spurs and not the Mavs. Y
  11. Yeah, I think we're gonna have all sorts of lineup possibilities. Hopefully Woody can make the most out of our matchup opportunities.
  12. Yeah, but with JJ handling the ball so much, I think it can be a good relationship. Almost like having two combo-guards. Eh, scratch that, I don't really like trying to pigeon hole a PG as this or that type. I just like Bibby and I think his game can work well for the Hawks.
  13. Boomer

    Steve Smith

    Can anyone think of an example of a player that came back to coach his old team without prior coaching experience and was succesful? I guess Bill Russell did it as a player/coach so we won't count that.
  14. Welcome to the forum, and nice jerseys. Though honestly I don't care too much for van exel.
  15. I think every team in the NBA runs it a little besides us.
  16. Oh man, good call. I hope whoever decided the upper level needed only two escalators for the whole arena got fired. :beat: I also hope they stop trying to stop me from taking the emergency stairs instead. The stairwell is huge, so they obviously designed that with a large number of people in mind. I don't know what they were thinking with the two skinny escalators. There's a pretty bad choke point on the ground level too, near the CNN center entrance and to the left of the merchandise shop.
  17. Anyone ever see the unicycle porcelain bowl lady? All time best!
  18. Yeah, can't go wrong with free stuff. I'm sure Diesel will like that I gave away my Marvin bobble head. I got some free white towels at a game last year that I still use. Oh, and one of those girls that walks around through the stands with the backpack giving away goodies gave me a mini cheer cone for being the loudest fan in the area. That was pretty cool.
  19. Nice! I forgot about the in-game entertainment. I like the kiss cam. The sprite jam cam went downhill last year in my opinion. The home depot game eats! I wish they'd get rid of it. The halftime shows weren't that great last year either (the games I went to anyway).
  20. Yeah, I tend to agree with you. Donyell Marshall... never was a big fan. How old is that guy by now?
  21. I think 6.75 for the 32 and maybe 7.50 for the 44. I don't really remember, but it's not above 8 bucks. I think it depends if you do domestic vs. imported. They'll even do a giant black and tan for you.
  22. Nice. I would love that too if I could afford it.
  23. I think some are suggesting that by dumping Solo, that gives us one extra spot to bring back multiple players if we were to trade someone with a big contract, a la Bibby.
  24. I personally like going to the CNN center early and putting back a couple of those giant 44oz beers from Gordons (whatever that place on the corner is called, opposite of Great Wraps). Sometimes I'll go for one 44oz and one 32oz. That usually keeps me happy throughout the game :) I can't bring myself to spend 7 or 8 bucks on a 12oz beer inside the stadium. I only wish they would show a pregame show on the giant TV in the CNN center instead of whatever crap they usually have on.
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