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Everything posted by Boomer

  1. Cool. It still says 07-08 up top. Guess they haven't fixed it yet.
  2. Are you sure this is the 08-09 schedule? Or is last year's still up?
  3. 11:18 and still no schedule...
  4. Word. I always like watching AI play. I don't know how he keeps on truckin like he does, but it's great to watch. I'm looking forward to Philly this year too, they killed us a couple times last year. And with Brand on there now, it should be exciting.
  5. While we're waiting, what matchup dates are you guys going to be looking up? Me and my buddy use to be huge Kings fans and would always run through the schedule looking to see when the Kings were making their annual visit. Now I don't really have any particular teams I'm dying to see.... I guess Boston. I wanna see Zaza punk KG again, haha.
  6. Yeah, I haven't found the full schedule yet either...
  7. Yeah, the more I think about it, I'm pretty sick of Hollinger and his stupid PER. I can get into stats and use them for what they're worth, but I'm sick of this PER crap.
  8. Yep, I saw him in person at 2 or 3 games last year. I use to like his work, but he's starting to get on my nerves lately. He seems to be real quick to find the negativity in things. Kinda like Peter Vescey(sp?).
  9. I like Marvin, I really do. It's just the fact that we have him instead of Paul that hurts. I guess that falls squarely on BK's shoulders, but it also tends to lead people to unfairly treat Marvin.
  10. I'm not hating on Marvin as a person. He seems really nice and humble, and supposedly prety good at ping pong. But just imagining Chris Paul throwing lobs to Smoove makes me want to cry.
  11. Not taking Chris Paul shall haunt me for the rest of my life. ...come on Acie, make us forget! Please! We need it!
  12. Ugh. None of them even had Chris Paul at the top.
  13. Awesome! Yeah, I remember being at one of those open practices for the Hawks before last season started and Nique was sitting courtside next to Billy Knight(I think). People were hounding him for autographs the whole practice! It was like a domino effect. Anyway, he took it all in stride with a smile on his face. He must have crazy patience.
  14. I'd love to read that article if you have it. I don't really remember what people were saying about Marvin back then. It'd be interesting to compare to what has actually happened.
  15. Boomer

    Hamed Ehadadi

    Didn't watch the whole thing, but he's seems decent enough. Kinda crafty. Like an Andres Biedrins and Vlade Divac combo.
  16. Shaq's lookin fresh with the vest and cap. I bet he orders about 15 white castles and 3 fries as a fair-sized meal...
  17. Nice. I'd love to get drunk with Barkley and just shoot the s***.
  18. Nice! What do you mean by Grant Park locals?
  19. Word. I rode the campus bus with Chris Bosh a couple times at Tech.
  20. Oh yeah, I saw Brad Miller at my sister's UGA graduation about 5 years ago. His whole family was really tall. He had an Indiana Pacers hat on.
  21. I bet those giant rocks he always has in his ears were blinding in the sun!
  22. Haha, thanks. I live pretty close to Philips now and have seen Joe Johnson's massive truck (Ford F650 or something) a couple times, and I also saw Chill driving in a SL55 one time. The windows were tinted, but I could make out the silhouette of his massive afro as it went by.
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