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Everything posted by NineOhTheRino

  1. the "Bibby sucks" thing was a joke. Bibby is OK. I only wish he was a better defender and focused more on his inside game.
  2. I see your point. But man I would really hate to win this year only to take a step or two back next year. You think these fans gonna give Woody a chance in hell next season if the Hawks were to lose Bibby in the offseaon? But like many have already said, we can play this season out and let whatever happens happen.
  3. No. Joe is my favorite Hawks of all time. Nique included.
  4. Some of that is Joe tyring to get his 25+
  5. Right now Bibby is the best PG on this team. But I don't care about right now. I'm looking foward to the years to come. It's Acie's time to shine. By default he's a better defender and he's never been shy about driving the ball. Plus the Hawks have one of the best PGs in NBA history on the coaching staff to school him. I have little respect for Bibby's game. Yeah the 3's are cute but....
  6. how far will you make it with a "PG" that refuses to drive the ball. Sure he knocks down threes. That's cute when there dropping but what happens when the shot no longer falls. Will he take it to the hole? Give me a PG that drives and get his teammates easy shots anyday. OK...Acie may not be that now but giving him more playing time will only make him better. I forget to mention that Bibby is a horrible defender. So yes...Bibby=fools gold. He'll get you to the playoffs but he damn sure will not do much once he gets there. Don't belive me...check his stats from last years playoff run.
  7. note: this coming from a guy with "bibby" in his username
  8. I think you're missing the point or just giving a response out of emotion. Four Questions? Will Bibby resign with the Hawks? Do you see the hawks trading or paying for a veteran PG? Have you seen enough from Acie to suggest that he deserves a shot? Are the hawks good enough as is to win it all? I'm not saying bench Bibby due to a lack of production. I'm mearly saying that Woody should prepare this team for the future. Yes that may mean more losses this year, but take it and enjoy all the good to come in the future.
  9. what happens next year? It's not about today for me. Knowing that Bibby will not sign here, I see no need to give him all the playing time at the point. Acie is the future and I want the future to start now. Bibby is fools gold man. At some point Woody has to hand this thing over to Acie. You really want Flip Murray running this team?
  10. Makes so much sense that I know it'll never happen. This would really help Acie grow into his role. Seeing how Bibby plays like a 2 (he only shoots jumpers) wouldn't it make sense to bring him in for Joe at the 2 and let him play with Joe at the point from the late 3rd to middle of the 4th?
  11. tough crowd. ease up some dude. I promise I'll do better next time.
  12. You know where I stand on this one. Will bump until 100 votes counted
  13. Man we have a bunch of Zaza haters here today. It's a love/hate thing with me. I love the man when he's rebounding. I hate him when he's playing lazy. He just needs to work on his offense and he'll be great this year. If he can average 5 pts. and double digits rebounds, then he should get 6th man of the year consideration.
  14. Why is it that the Hawks offense boggs down when one Mr. Ronald "Flip" Murray appears...Coincidence?
  15. Big game from Z. Still can't shot worth ish but 18 rebounds is more than enough.
  16. Say Bibby is traded at the deadline. Now what??? You're right back where you started. No PG (unless you're counting on Speedy). Call me crazy but isn't it the coaches job to find out what a player has, and can you really say Acie has had a fair shot.
  17. why is it that Marvin stops giving a #$%^ after he scores 15 pts. Why is Randolf Morris in the NBA? Why do I let Zaza make a fool of me? Where's Hof's offense?
  18. mike bibby is such a pu*** thesw days. all jumpers. woody better play Acie more
  19. but Hawks already have three 7-footers. forget size hawks just need defense period.
  20. he should be fired for not developing Acie into a starter. Face it hawks fans, ASG will not re-up Bibby. These guys are already losing money and singing an over-the-hill PG will not make things any better. Woody gotta get his head out of his *** and do what's better for the future of the team.
  21. I know fans want to dump Woody but I think Woody is closer to saying: "The hell with this no-defense-playing *** team. I'm outta hear beaches."
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