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Posts posted by tremor

  1. I hope Hawks will take opportunity to roll over tired and unorganized Magic. Howard had cramps last night and they don't have legit back up center.

    Playing against NO and OKC we need to stop their PGs. Drew has to figure it out by either extending Teague's PT, trying with Jamal at PG (if he's available) and/or whatever he thinks will work.

    I hope they don't lose to Cleveland like they did in Detroit.

  2. I disagree with everyone saying that Arenas is a terrible fit in Orlando. I can't think of a better place for Arenas than the home of Fantasyland :snowballfight:

    Arenas is a good fit. He brings to the table what Magic have been missing: volume scoring (which VC failed to deliever) and good passing skills (better than Nelson's).

  3. I can't understand this Bibby on Hamilton thing (and Teague on Hamilton for the short time he was in). LD was maybe scared of Stuckey destroying Bibbs but after couple of easy baskets for Rip he should have find out where the biggest danger lies.

    Wilkins was actually really the only bright spot off the bench. But he's not offensive threat and points from the second unit were decisive in this game.

  4. What I'm trying to figure out is how Jamal played 30 minutes and only put up 6 shots. That's very Marvinlike??

    He couldn't create for himself and he's not a playmaker.

    I don't want to defend him, but other guys should have moved a little more without basketball.

  5. First, welcome aboard.

    Drew did a decent job with changing line ups when players look flat on the floor. The message is simple: if you're not playing with heart, you're going to ride the pine. That's why Mo is still in rotation despite playing really bad as of late.

    Now, losing so many close games is not a good sign by any measure. "Motion offense" works most of the time, but when quality opponents play at 100% at both sides of the court, Hawks struggle. That's the time when normally plays with JJ as main actor would be helpful (including iso-Joe here and there). In the meantime playing under pressure without Joe needs to be addressed by LD.

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  6. Mo Evans is so bad that it really can't hurt more to play JC2.

    We need defensive answer for quick PGs (Rondo, Rose, Nelson, Harris, Westbrook, Paul and so on). I want consistent 15-25 minutes a game for Teague for at least 5 games, together with starters, a real chance to play through mistakes and learn. Majority of you are already convinced that he's trash, but I want an undeniable proof. If he doesn't perform, we need a trade to fix this issue.

    Improved game planning for 4th quarters.

  7. This is a little off topic but since that article was about Amare it reminded me. The Hawks are still getting accused of not beating any good teams but we rolled over the Knicks in the garden right? The Knicks are now 14-9.

    Very good point. Knicks are 11-1 in last 12, they won 5 games, lost to Hawks and then won another 6 games.

    I'm a little surprised with this recognition. He's in company of top league scorers and Rondo.

  8. I agree with your points and I'd like to add some more:

    5. Prevent Ginobili from warming up. Spurs top scorer can take over the game, as soon as he starts rolling we need to put Wilkins on him.

    6. Don't collapse on D. They are deadly from outside - Jefferson, Bonner, and Neal all shoot well above 40% for 3.

    7. Use size and athleticism advantage. Spurs play a lot of small ball, Hawks should be able to outrebound them and score inside.

  9. Are we talking about Brendan Haywood? He's a 31 year old 7 footer who average 7 and 6. How's he going to get better? Is that an upgrade that will put us in contention? I don't see it.

    TBH I didn't realize he was that old.

    So it has to be Nash for me - at least attendance numbers would go up. Igoudala is close second, esp. if we find a way to ship Marvin with Craw, maybe via three way trade.

  10. Nash and Camby are for 'win now' plan.

    I like Nash, but not only he's worse defender than Bibbs, he also turns the ball a lot lately. He wouldn't bring Hawks to the next level although would make the team very entertaining.

    Camby brings rebounding and help defense, however, as last night shows, he can't stop Dwight. Also, he's injury prone.

    So it's Haywood for me. Better than any of our bench bigs and might get even better.

  11. I wonder if there's anybody who still thinks Al couldn't make the all-star team playing the 4?

    KG will be probably voted in as starter. Stat fills up stats in NY. Boozer has still a time to mark his presence. Then there's Bosh, who after slow start, has been playing well. Brand is having very good all around season and Bargniani averages over 21 pts/game, but both play on bad teams. And as this is about forwards we should remember LBJ, Granger, Pierce and last but least another Hawk having great season, Marvin.

    At C Dwight starts on 100%, then it's between Noah, Bogut, Lopez and Al (with Hibbert as runner up).

    I think Boss has more or less the same chances at both positions.

  12. Everything is all smiles and rainbows because we are winning right now and I am really impressed by Josh's numbers especially as it pertains to his re-discovery of a consistent jumpshot. I still, however, can't ignore the fact that the reports have indicated a problem with Josh's overall professionalism with coach Drew. If that issue cannot or isn't already resolved for good, there is still a problem and I believe it will resurface again when Josh has a few down games and gets in one of his pissy moods again.

    But Hawks fans do the very same thing. When Smoove plays well they praise him and call him the best on the team but when he has bad game they criticize and want him gone. These are double standards in my book.

  13. No. Joe is still our best player. Period. I just think that there's a way that we can use him that will help the team. It's no slight to Joe and no indication that we don't need him. It's just us trying to develop players in season.

    Name one team for which their best players doesn't start.

    I believe the two most important parts of the game are the beginning and the end (the third one would be second half start). Every team tries to put the best they have for those moments. This season already Hawks lost a couple of games because they were down by significant margin after slow start.

    Not playing the best player in any of those parts is a big mistake IMO (or even third best for those who value Josh and Al higher but still the best on the team at his position which only the biggest Joe haters deny) .

  14. We need Joe. That's the bottom line. Its a misconception that he is untradeable.

    True. There are teams willing to pay any money for top talent, even if it's second tier. As soon as Hawks announce that JJ is for sale teams like NY, NJ, Dallas, maybe Orlando (they consider bringing Arenas) stand in the line to get him.

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