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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Listen, if you don't want Jrue because he is a rental, point taken. But people are seriously underestimating his game and overall talent. He is one of the most respected guards in the NBA among his peers. He isn't flashy or a highlight machine, he just knows how to ball, period. Our team would benefit greatly from a player and leader like him in the locker room and on the court. I still believe we need a veteran ball handler to round out the lineup. For the right price, Jrue would be a great addition. Saying his best years are behind him is also not true. His past three years are better than the previous 8. Putting up 20, 7ast, 5rebs over the last 3 years. Point is, if you dont like the price, thats one thing. But thinking kids like Hayes and Hali or vets like Teague can give you the same value is just flat out incorrect. Holiday would have a Billups like impact in the right situation. Do not sleep on him.
  2. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Same. RJ is a little overhyped to me. Heart of a Lion though.
  3. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Lmao my bad, that's the first thing that popped in my head when I saw Obinna Ekezie lol
  4. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Don't forget Dedmon, Dipo, Indy, etc.. possibly more with Turner and a point guard too
  5. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    I am inferring because I think I cracked the trade from our side. Im not saying names anymore out of respect for Supes and his source, but Im pretty sure I know. And Im Implying that it makes me sad, until I know who it's for and then maybe I get over it, but until then Im a lil butthurt.
  6. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    I get it. Im just not excited about losing our guy until I know what we are getting back. Maybe I get over it right away
  7. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    I think I get it now. All three moves are on the table, but Hayward has to renounce his contract and become a FA. Blockbuster Mega Deal Huh.....Im crying tears for my soon to be fallen homie....
  8. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Well Im rooting for #2 now lol
  9. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    So... its: #1 + #2, Or #3 only. Basically, #3 only happens if #1 + #2 dont happen
  10. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    The writing appears to be on the wall who is being moved, the only thing left to see is who we will be bringing in. Seems like we will add some talent. The key is how do we actually feel about it as fans, because we are losing players with sentimental value likely
  11. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    This part^ I love John, I want him here long term, but something is up with this potential trade and Im skeptical. Oh well.
  12. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Hypothetically yes. But Im willing to wager you or anyone else that wont be the case in 2 years, even in a situation like GS where he would flourish. We are selling high on the fact that he is young and still has that ever elusive "potential". So in theory the unknown is his greatest value right now. The same way you can "what if he is an all star" is what we can sell, versus a year from now when it becomes even more apparent that that wont be the case.
  13. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    I agree with the Kev logic. He will be a good player but his timeline is longer and peak is lower than the others in the core. Now is the time to sell high on him while there is interest. GS will be LETHAL with his shooting along side the splash bros. Its a win for the player and the orgs if you ask me.
  14. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    This team is going to look very different in say, 2 weeks its sounds like. Fuuuuu, I cannot deal with the a anticipation.
  15. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    So if Kevin is a part of the Draft pick trade, then that leaves JC as a part of the 3 team deal involving major parts on all sides. Am I too far off here? This is how I read everything
  16. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    This to me reads as if there are more players on the move in the deal and that we would have to give to get. It wont be just losing Dedmon and thats it. Thats just the only player from us he can mention right now, because he is filler to make the deal work. My outsider opinion is we are giving up another asset to obtain a significant piece in return. And Collins was not placed on the safe players list this time around, so to me, he may be on the way out.
  17. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    I thought he said that Dedmon was just filler and that there were "major players from all sides" as a part of the trade.
  18. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Of all the rumored moves, Im most worried about the 3 team trade because it sounds like it will cost us Collins as well. I am not a fan of Hayward anymore, and don't like that he will be our "big signing" between the next 2 offseasons. I like Huerter, but if we add Hayward that makes him a little bit expendable so I'm ok with moving up to get our guy. Overall Im not fond of most of the new info. But I will let it play out
  19. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Whatever happens happens at this point. Im just thankful we get NBA basketball for Xmas. One of the best parts of the holidays is passing out in front of TV with a full belly and the game on. If we change nothing at all, I like our team to take a step forward no matter what.
  20. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    In a weak draft maybe? Like everyone agreed this was for years. Seems almost too perfect timing if you ask me that we invested in so much youth already that this pick is house money. I usually champion the logic that there is a star in every draft, and that includes this one. But stars in these type of drafts take much longer to develop and weed themselves out. Unless we are in love with Ball/Edwards (and for some, Toppin) and trade up for them, whoever that hidden gem is, is going to be a long term developing prospect. Our timeline started with Trae who is ahead of schedule. Collins is in his early prime and is a big time piece. If there is a vet/star that can contribute at a high level, that makes more sense to me then investing in more youth than the youth we already have. We learned last year, too much youth is counter productive. If we are too afraid to move the core players, then its time to build around them with vets and not more rookies. My thoughts I went in detail on my logic in several threads already. We can just agree to disagree on approach. Im not saying throw away all of our assets for Jrue Holiday. But if a good trade makes sense that only includes a draft pick and non core pieces, then I say go for it. In one year, if it doesnt work and they walk, we have not only the cap space, but now hopefully the HYPE and Attention to go after one of the big gun FA's in 2021. It lines up well for me.
  21. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    I been telling ya'll Giannis would Re-Sign. He is not built the same as the American born superstars. He has a different level of pride/ego/stubbornness about himself. About the pick swap or whatever, I'm with it. Im not here to sit on our hands just to draft a rookie that cant beat out any of our top 6. No Summer League, barely any Pre-Season, potentially no G-League either, we dont have developmental minutes to give away. Unless we are moving up for a guy we think has that elite potential, Im fine with trading 6 for a Vet, rental or not, if it gets us to the playoffs. No need to keep losing for the sake of being frugal. Make a splash, get some headlines/attention, make the playoffs, etc... the whole narrative begins to change about this core once we start winning games.
  22. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    I liked Hayes a lot initially but in addition to him generally not being tied to us in any news/updates, I have since moved off of wanting a rookie backing up Trae. I want a vet PG on the 2nd unit. I just think when you talk about leadership void in the locker room, having an experienced ball handler on the floor when Trae sits would do wonders for the performance of the team. Keeps the pressure off of Lloyd to leave Trae out there when he is having one of those off game's where he is inefficient. I like the kids game though.
  23. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Sounds titillating lol Can't wait!
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