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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Especially when you consider most teams left the bubble long ago. 6 teams got eliminated before the playoffs and another 8 in the first round. Thats 14 out off 22 bubble teams that have been home before September essentially. And another 4 sent home by mid September. This would only be an accommodation for the final 4 teams, and really just for Lebron, King of Basketball. Most of the bubble teams will have gotten 3 months off in between the start combined with the other 4 months they had off in the middle.
  2. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Live by the three die by the three. Or in his case, build by the three. If the roster was more versatile perhaps they would found another way to score.
  3. When I hit the dots it only prompts me to report or share, the edit option no longer shows up on mine
  4. Excuse my typos lately. Im a notoriously fast typer and for whatever reason my edit button has gone away otherwise I would touch these up. Has that feature been removed or is it just me?
  5. Nah...I would pass. He would That's a lot to tie up for a rental bench player, even if its one year. Maybe as a last resort, but Im hoping we can use our capspace for guys who want to be here and want to make an impact. No more salary dumps for me
  6. IF last season were able to finish, we were going catch and pass Chicago. We were/are already better than Cleveland. We were only 3 games behind Chicago with 15 left. Playing better than they were at the time. (They went 3-13 in their last 16 games, we went 7-9 in ours) We would have caught them.
  7. Trae is still refining his speech as well. John was the best in front of the camera from day 1. Trae was a mumbler, now he has gotten better. Hunter is kind of meek as well. Media training is a focus for a reason. These guys are athletes, not news anchors. They have to refine their communication and it takes time. Look at some of your favorite stars from rookies to now. Night and day as far as speech goes.
  8. Im an outsider, but human behavior tells me this is not the time/year for FAs to bounce all over the place. Too much uncertainty to start over somewhere when your family is still dealing with a pandemic. I foresee many players opting to stay put on short or 1 yr deals and waiting for more stable offseasons with more available suiters than this one.
  9. People get their expectations confused with the reality. TS plan was always the long game. Trae's mercurial rise has forced him to adjust course on the fly. This year was a setback, but nobody in the FO is putting that on LP.
  10. Goodwin and Brown Jr will be kept around for the Skyhawks at the very least. I see them upgrading Teague and Bembry via draft/fa. Skal is tough because wants to be here. His return is not guaranteed but zi would hang on to him if it were me as a reserve big man. Say goodbye to Jones and Graham. Dedmon and Bruno come back as reserves but could also be moved in a trade before or during the season.
  11. Semantics.Thats on me. Figuratively they werent trying to win. Literally, they were hoping for an improvement upon the previous year with no expectations to be a playoff team. If it happened, great, bonus points. But nobody was going to be blamed if it didn't happen. I'll say it again, TS fell on the sword and said that he did not provide the right balance of veteran leadership for such a young roster to be competitive. He ADMITTED it was on him, not LP.
  12. Misleading. 20 wins when we didn't even finish the season and we were playing much better. LP has been here 1.75 seasons. You act like he has had forever to turn around a rebuilding team. Even Bud only won 24 games his last season. The team cant underperform when the expectations werent to win. This is where you are off base. No where did the Owner, GM, Coach or anyone in the org say that we were supposed to be a winning team last year. That was on us, the fans, the outsiders. Next season is different. They have been throwing around the playoff word a lot. They have set the expectations that its go time.
  13. I could read stuff like this all day. I know this is secretly a bash Pierce thread since praising him is not acceptable to the OP, but I love the attention to detail that LP has with these guys. Cam is going to look like a new players if he can drop his hips and also be shot ready more consistently. Genuinely excited. Wish there were more vets to learn from too.
  14. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Thanks man and congrats
  15. You were right though. Had he praised him we would just dismiss it as coach speak "he HAS to say nice things".
  16. Longest, most nitpicky, offseason ever. We need Hawks basketball like a fat kid needs cake, like a coke head needs a bump, like a 40 yr old Virgin needs sum..... you get the point.
  17. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Lol thanks. I got you
  18. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    My 1st kid is due any day now. Y'all may be missing me for a while too.
  19. RedDawg#8

    Ask Supes

    Exactly. Instead of admitting they were wrong and moving on, they just double down and move the goalposts.
  20. Yall got to stop with this Korver mess. I like Cam as much as the next guy. I see him as a future star too. But that does not mean we have to diminish the skillset of Heurter. He lacks aggressiveness, period. Thats it. But he is more than a spot up shooter. Kev must improve defensively, but the traits are there that he can be average someday. Let the young guys grow, thats all I can say. Start Cam, yes. But do not just stick Kev in a corner, thats beyond stupid.
  21. 100% agree. But if Xmas is off the table I cant Imagine them being ready a week later. Im preparing mentally for it to be MLK Day, and if it happens sooner, awesome. This has been the longest offseason ever and I just cant take any more disappointment due to setbacks.
  22. Make no mistake, we are overpaying any signing this offseason. They all know we have money, and they all know if they have to take less, they can do so to ring chase.
  23. I've cooled on FVV mainly because he is the prize jewel of a pretty weak FA class and will get more than his true value from a number of teams. Especially when u consider he can take a discount to stay put or sign with another contender. Ive got nothing against the player, just the market dynamics. I'd much overpay a Dunn for 1/2 the price overall.
  24. Somebody mentioned that Huerter's BBIQ via experience in the system may give him an edge versus Cam. IDK if I agree but, if the idea is to limit mental errors and turnovers which lead to easy buckets, then I see the logic. Cam is clearly a better player but that doesn't guarantee a starting spot. I want him on the court to open and close though. Let Kev/Dre work out the who is hotter this game scenario.
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