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Everything posted by HawkRock1123

  1. This happens more than you think. I remember Jon Koncak once being spelled "Konack" on the back of his jersey. I also remember once, years ago, there some similar problem with another player's jersey, and it was so bad that they had to grab one of the replica jerseys from the merch stand (it was a Mutombo jersey), and darken out the name and one of the 5s with a black marker (sorry - I don't remember the details). Does anybody remember this? Did I dream this? I often dream about Mutombo.
  2. I love it. Turner Broadcasting buys the team, and then hosts a celebrity reality show to determine who gets to run the team. Missions include: - Jeff Foxworthy in contract negotiations with Joe Johnson - Elton John clothes shopping with Zaza Pachulia - Ludacris traveling to Greece and kidnapping Josh Childress
  3. Horford is the worst actor I've ever seen. It's a shame they apparently couldn't find a part for Zaza in here. Zaza: "SMOOVE! You.......nah-ting eezy......block shot......." Smith: "That's what.....umm......what?" Great commercials. You're right - this should be on TV. Heaven forbid they actually market our players.
  4. I love it. Tell me that wouldn't make the games more fun. At the start of the 4th quarter, The Nature Boy himself throwing out "Whooooo"s from the owners box, then followed by that little strut around he does. Priceless.
  5. Ok, but just for the heck of it, let's say that ASG was going to sell the team. Who would you want to buy it (don't worry about being realistic)? Arthur Blank has got to be the dream owner for the Hawks, right? What ATL celebs would make fun owners? Tyler Perry could be good. Then it would no longer be "The Atlanta Hawks"; it'd be "Tyler Perry's Atlanta Hawks". "We can do bad all by ourselves"
  6. Smith was probably just screwing with him. Pretty funny. Thanks for posting.
  7. I was thinking about that earlier too. If we were to lose Joe, we could be alright (maybe better) if we can somehow obtain a PG who is a true leader (I know - I'm dreaming). But just imagine: CP3 Crawford Smith Horford Williams
  8. That's disappointing. I've been trying to tell everybody I know about this show (hence starting the thread) because I don't want it to be cancelled. If FX drops it, this seems like the kind of show that could find a home on Adult Swim or something along those lines.
  9. Ok, I don't wanna lose Joe..... Then again, I'm sitting here thinking about Joe Johnson, and I think I would rather lose him than overpay him. Joe Johnson is great, but he is not the superstar to carry us to a title. If we sign a 6 year max deal with him, that essentially means that we are hinging our future on him becoming that guy. Not to mention, he doesn't strike me as having that drive, that killer instinct to become the best he possibly can and win a title as the best player on a team. If he gets his money this summer, has he proven to us that he won't go on cruise control after that? Do I want him to stay? Yes. But at the same time, I'm hesitant to get locked into 6 years of Joe Johnson and not leave any cap room to do anything else. It would leave us no room to sign any big free agents, but we would win enough games to keep us out of the draft lottery (kinda like where we are right now). If we lose him, obviously we are a worse team next year (maybe even the year after that as well). But if we keep him, do we just remain the 4th best team in the East for the next 6 years? Or, if we keep him, do Josh and Al continue to grow and suddenly we're a contender? I don't know. It's a tough call for sure.
  10. Maybe it's just because he's a white guy playing for the Chicago Bulls, but I look at Hinrich and I see John Paxson/Steve Kerr: a very effective role player who thrives when on a team with a superstar (as role players tend to do). That being said, I don't think Hinrich thrives on the Hawks. We're not that kind of team (especially if we lose JJ). Then again, it's totally possible that I'm viewing Hinrich wrong. I can't pretend like I watch a lot of Bulls games.
  11. Congrats on getting interviewed though. That's awesome, and as a fan I appreciate what you said. It's the media's job to pump up fan support, in my opinion. It's far more difficult to inspire a city to support their team than it is to complain about the team or the fans of that city.
  12. http://espn.go.com/nba/dailydime/_/page/dime-100308/daily-dime AJC has an article about it today too. Let me say this: I DON'T WANT TO LOSE JOE JOHNSON. That being said, I'm a little disappointed in how he's handling these questions. The team is fighting for playoff position, we have our best chance to go far in the playoffs since Nique left, and I have feel like he oughta be saying "I'm not thinking about any of that right now. I just want to win."
  13. Agreed. Looks awesome. The first one was great.
  14. So if Joes leaves for New York and we manage a sign-and-trade, who do we get back from the Knicks? Best case scenario - David Lee? YEAH! ANOTHER POWER FORWARD! I don't know - I'll confess I'm not as up on the cap rules and strategies as several other people on this board. If Joe leaves for NY, I'm not sure that a sign-and-trade would even happen, especially if he's taking less money to play with a big name. All I know is that he sent a message with the "I'll sacrifice" comment last night.
  15. Jesus caught a lot of heat from the church too for mingling with "sinners". So your brother's band is in good company.
  16. Actually I don't know much Kings X. Some of the guys I've played with before are big fans, but I can't really speak to it. The terms "Christian band" or "Christian rock" can be kinda dicey. If a band full of Christians decide to write a song that's just fun and not necessarily all that spiritual, does that make it not a "Christian" song? I know P.O.D. (one of my personal favorites) came under a lot of fire from the Christian community when they toured on Ozzfest. P.O.D. understands that being "salt" isn't any good if you don't get yourself out of the salt shaker. They played Ozzfest fearlessly with a backdrop that had Christ on it. They also took criticism for touring and become really close friends with Korn. Today, 2 members of Korn have since been saved, and you can't convince me that P.O.D. didn't plant a seed there. I know I'm a little off topic here, and it's not exactly what you asked. Just because Kings X doesn't necessarily carry a "We're a Christian band" banner anymore doesn't mean that their hearts or motives have changed. Some bands choose to avoid the "Christian band" label, not because they're ashamed, but because they see value in taking their music as a light into the secular world. Rather than simply "preaching at the choir", they are doing what Jesus did: seeking out the people who need to hear. To me, a "Christian band" is a group of musicians who say "The top priority of what we're doing is to glorify God." For bands like P.O.D., that means taking positive music outside of the church and showing God's love to people who haven't yet accepted it (the KEY concept here being LOVING OTHERS, not just LOVING OTHER CHRISTIANS). Also, perhaps whoever is writing the lyrics for Kings X is going through rough times. This stuff happens, and it would only makes sense to write about it. Take a look at the beginning of Ecclesiastes. Solomon was going through a tough time, for sure, and he wrote about it. So, just because the lyrics may have taken a turn, doesn't always mean that a band has lost their faith. Obviously you should remember I'm writing all of this knowing NOTHING about Kings X. Just kinda shooting from the hip. So - if you're into them - I say great!
  17. Yeah - Myspace used to have local musicians classifieds but they don't seem to be doing that anymore (I think because their classifieds ads as a whole became pretty racy). I've been all over craigslist looking for people, and I've had a few bites, but we just haven't found the right guy yet. Dragitoff - you got it man. I appreciate that. I actually just checked out Chosen. Really good stuff!
  18. Sounds like Zaza needs to man up if he wants to secure a Top 5 spot.
  19. Will definitely check it out. We don't have a name yet, because all of us have been in bands before where we HATED the name, so we don't want to pick one until the lineup is set :rap: . I'll definitely check that out man. I also recommend RED if you're into Christian Hard Rock. Those guys are awesome. Thanks!
  20. You both make excellent comments and points. I appreciate the support!
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