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Everything posted by 99PROBL3MS

  1. I never said anti of that was true. I was just mentioning the fact that peopled here actually think ours are better. I wasn't taking a shot at Dirk. I was just saying that his supporting cast is strong enough to carry them when he has a terrible night.
  2. The fact that people think we have better role players than DAL is baffling. Dirk is 4-19 and they are winning this game convincingly. We would have no chance if Joe was playing as bad as Dirk is tonight.
  3. I didn't know Dirk dribbles the ball for Barea and makes shots for him. There you go again putting words in someones mouth. I didn't say Marion was "shutting Lebron down".....you did. He is playing Lebron well whether you cost to about it. Barea and Terry are creating some shots for themselves etc. Why am I arguing when you think our guts are equal to theirs. I'm done. You can have it
  4. Well LBJ, Wade, and Bosh are having serious trouble defending those role players yet you think ours who were out played by CHIs are better? Jason Kidd frustrated the heck out Westbrook and he shot terrible. Barea had his way with Westbrook also. Marion is going toe to toe with Lebron and playing well. (could Marvin do that?). Crawford is Terry's equal? 2011 Playoffs Terry: 17ppg 46%FG 44%3pt 2reb 3asst 1.2stl Craw: 15ppg 39%FG 35%3pt 1.3reb 2.5asst 0.8stl Terry isn't capable of Craw's huge games but his consistency blows Craw out of the water.
  5. I think you may be right but that team would still be in the convo and better than our current makeup. We are seeing now how important having the right role players is in the Finals. One superstar and a team of to notch role players us beating a team with two top five players, an allstar and worse role players. Dirk its leading that team and prong together some 7-9pt runs. He isn't carrying them. It was those same role players posters on here are belittling that hit all those big 3ptrs.
  6. Well here we go. There is a difference between saying two players are on the same level and comparing their respective situations. What does three Mavs record without Dirk have to do with what I said? How its that relevant. Are you implying that DAL has worse surrounding players for Dirk than ATL has for JJ? I wonder how Wade and Lebron feel about those measly role players right now.
  7. Same here. I think Paul is a better "pure" PG than Dwill but JJs ability to serve as a part time playmaker gives us more flexibility at that spot. I think Williams is a better offball player than CP3. I also think Gasol is the no-brainer of that 2nd group. He too hasn't had the opportunity to play with a PG of CP3 or Dwill's caliber. PG Dwill SG JJ SF Marvin PF Gasol C Horf That would be a very versatile Big 3 + Horf. Beating that team 4 out of 7 games would be a serious challenge. * I just realized we could only pick one. I still go with Dwill in that case. PG Dwill SG JJ SF Marvin PF Smoove C Horf We have our 1 and 1A in Dwill and Joe as well as two complimentary Fs. That team would need some defensive minded , rebounding bigs to contend though.
  8. Good question. I think That team would still give MIA hell for sure. JJ and Terry would give MIAs backcourt serious problems. Wade would have to defend Joe instead of cheating off Stevenson and closing on 3s when they kick out to him. JJ would be another distributor and playmaker. Dirk has been so clutch in this series that I don't think that could be duplicated. JJs first two years in ATL, he was tied for second in the League for unassisted game winning shots with 8. He isn't an elite closer but hit some pretty big shots in this post season. I think that team would still be a hell of an out for anyone.
  9. You guys keep arguing with yourselves......Who said JJ is on the same level as Lebron and Wade???? Show me one post where someone said that? Dirk doesn't have just Jason Terry either. Who said JJ isn't good because he doesn't have enough talent around him? Lebron is being doubled in this series. Is he putting up Superstar numbers? No his equal counterpart Wade is. Wade was doubled in the CHI series. Did he put up Superstar numbers? No his equal counterpart Lebron did. When ORL doubled Joe, did he put up Superstar numbers? No Crawford picked up the slack and made them pay for i. Although I won't say Crawford is JJs equal counterpart, he is still more than capable of filling it up and serves as he perfect example for what I am saying. When Joe destroyed CHI in game one, they trapped him the rest of the series and Craw didn't have it going. Neither did Marvin. Neither did Horford. Teague picked up some slack but was allowing as many as he scored. Smoove picked up the slack and had a monsterous game 4 but reverted back to being the jump shooter in games 5 and 6. Horf and Marvin didn't give us what we needed from their spots. I agree that these arguments are such BS because no one has even made those arguments. You did.....
  10. Way to overexaggerate it......That really strengthens your argument. Ex. PG Kidd SG Joe SF Marion PFSmoove C Chandler Terry Barea Haywood Are you telling me that team couldn't contend?
  11. I disagree with your reasoning behind the double teams though CTC. Teams know that if they focus on taking JJ and Craw away, the rest of our team can't beat them. Neither of them has great PER but that is just how I see it. Teams know that if they can slow JJ and Craw with doubles that Horf, Marv, and Smoove aren't good enough to beat them.
  12. If you put Joe on a team with two other perennial all-stars and role players such as Chandler, Marion, Terry etc. yes he could be the best player on that team and seriously contend for a title.
  13. Come on now Supp.....Jason Kidd, Marion, Terry, Chandler, etc. are all scrubs? How many if our bench players would log a minute for Dallas. Joe isn't the player Dirk us but Dallas has far more surrounding tashkent than ATL.
  14. I don't enjoy watching the Mavs play at all. They flop everyone down the court. That just isn't my style. A bunch of euro-style floppers.
  15. I am sure they all have a preference of position but Horford is the only to publicly complain about playing a certain position. If he doesn't mind playing C in the all-star game, he certainly shouldn't mind playing it in the games that actually matter. He can physically get it done. He just has to want to.
  16. I still think that KG is getting too much credit as the guy on those successful BOS teams. He was definitely a key cog and perhaps the most important but those teams were well constructed and and well coached. Our current roster pales in comparison to those BOS teams and JJ isn't the reason why. I get the premise, but don't see much symmetry between the two situations.
  17. My question is, who should we be depending on to create easier shots for JJ? Is that guy even on the roster yet?
  18. I can say with a straight face that if JJ had Doc Rivers and two players as great as Allen, Pierce, or Garnett that he could win a title as the lead guy. Not to mention a PG like Rondo. An enforcer like Perkins. A stretch 5 with a nice post game like Rasheed, Big Baby, P.J. Brown, Tony Allen etc. KG is getting a little too much credit. Surrounded by that kind of group JJ gets to the finals imo.
  19. It is ashamed what had become of Marvin. He has fallen even lower than I thought he ever could. Injuries certainly aren't helping his case either.
  20. No one underrates the talents of Joe Johnson like his own fans. Are people seriously talking about Marcus Thornton and the like? I mean....seriously? Dirk is as good comparison because DAL fans did thee same thing to him for ages. Tyson Chandler and Haywood are making a world if difference on that team. Not to mention the right coach.
  21. I agrees with Diesel bigtime. The days of "building" through the draft are virtually DEAD. In the modern day, FAs and trades are where it is happening. The kind of difference makers we are expecting to replace Joe with (monetarily) want to play where teams are already wining. Without Smoove and Joe, you would have to get extremely lucky uh the draft or be very bad for a very long time.
  22. This team without Joe Johnson and Josh.Smith....... I don't want to think about that.....
  23. Lebron transcended the game last night. He made Rose look more like a rookie than an MVP. As much as I would love to hater on that performance I can't. He finished strong and didn't look for whistles. He got on the floor after loose balls etc. My only complaint was his insistence on going "Iso-Bron" late ob the 3rd. I hope the Hawks were watching closely (Horf, Marvin and Joe in particular). Go Hawks!
  24. Haslem plays with the heart of a lion. He isn't as gifted as Horf but plays with 1000x the heart. He is a feisty competitor. If we could put Haslem's heart in Horf's chest, we would have an MVP candidate. Haslem is a better rebounder, shotblocker, and team defender. It is because if his nonstop effort.
  25. The biggest difference between JJ and Pierce is that Pierce gets the star calls and JJ doesn't. Maybe he should flop more?
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