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Everything posted by 99PROBL3MS

  1. LOL a horrible trade based on what? J.R. Smith is expiring BUT so are the three players they get in this deal. Felton expires next year but so does Bibby. I don't see your point. If you think we are better off staying pat and keeping those two late 20s draft picks than we would be by adding Smith and Felton (w/ Craw as our only legit loss), I don't know where to begin.. There is no telling what the market value for a Smith or Felton will be under the new CBA. I would rather cross that bridge when we get to it. You would rather stand pat and wait? What exactly are we waiting on? Our big three isn't getting any younger and they need help. Sund is that you?
  2. Craw/Mo/Teague/1st + 1st for Felton/J.R. Smith. Bibby and J.R. Come off the bench and Felton is the new starter at PG.
  3. This trade its my personal pipe dream. 3 way deal I think it would satisfy all three teams. ATL gets there PG and a younger, prolific bench scorer to replace Craw. ATL also gets to keep Al, Joe, Smoove, and Marv. DEN gets 5 expiring contracts and 3 first round picks (1 from ATL 2 from NYK) along with Gallo who they cover. NYK gets Melo, Billups and salary fillers. ATL PG Raymond Felton SG Joe Johnson SF Marvin Williams PF Josh Smith C Al Horford J.R. Smith Mike Bibby Zaza Wilkins Collins
  4. Coach Drew be an idiot. You are down 13 after 3qtrs and you start the 4th with Bibby, Craw, Mo, Marv, and Smoove? Did he expect to close the gap with that group? I thought the reason Horf and JJ say to close the 3rd was so they could open the 4th and attempt a run. Oh......the refs were a joke tonight also.
  5. According to Hollinger's PER formula in the trade machine, Evans/Teague for Sessions increases our win total +10. I know those numbers are far from absolute but i think it is a definite indicator of how much better this team would be with more efficient PG play. I would include a draft pick to get this deal donde. We have one off the best trios in the NBA. Getting a PG that can drive and dish would help make their life much easier.
  6. This would be a very solid pickup for ATL. I hope like heck it happens. It would greatly improve our 2nd unit. We would have a PG to run out 2nd unit (whether it be Bibby or Sessions) allowing Craw to play SG as opposed to trying to be something he isn't (a distributor).
  7. This is the second consecutive game now that Marvin has been coming off the bench. We can't seriously start Jason Collins for the long haul can we? Maybe Marvin becomes the new 6th man if a trade is made to acquire a quality big.
  8. The negative impact Woody had on this franchise is greatly exaggerated. He was destroyed in the playoffs last year and had road woes. He won at home though. This year we have already list more home games than we did all of last year. On the flipside, we have almost won as many road games as all of last year. Woody improved every year record-wise and that is why alot of casual observers were shocked to see ASG let him walk. If he wasn't undressed in the playoffs he may have been brought back.
  9. 99PROBL3MS


    Joe and Jamal were horrible and deserve the criticism they are getting. Smoove had a very good game offensively but didn't rebound particularly well. Marvin was a nonfactor. This was a team lost. They went 4-23 shooting in the 4th quarter. They also had an almost 8 minute spam with no made FGs. They all deserve blame for finding a way to uglify this game man. Zaza scored just as many as Joe, Smoove, Craw, or Bibby in that 4th quarter. I love what I saw from Smoove in the first 3 quarters but he was just as bad in the 4th as Joe and the rest of the gang. It was a team loss.
  10. I think it will be MIA when it its all said and done.
  11. He certainly wouldn't be a longterm answer but it could work if he commits to being a more active scorer. He is a very active defender and is solid as a help defender. We have to get better at the PG spot defensively. That is killing our team defense because of how much everyone has to help for Bibby.
  12. Brendan Haywood would be a very good fit off of the bench. I really had hoped we would get in to the Tyson Chandler sweepstakes but that is water under the bridge. If they signed Shaq, that could have been a stop-gap until we found a more plausible option. Collins and Zaza have to be the least productive set of bench bigs in the entire NBA.
  13. I would love to find a way to take Felton off their hands. They won't pay/need both he and Nash.
  14. Interesting stats to say the least. What I see with my own two eyes tells me that Bibby is a much worse defender though.
  15. Zaza may match Haywood in terms of numbers but he isn't half the player Haywood is. I love how hard Zaza plays for us but he isn't even Top 15 in terms of ability for backup Cs. Zaza and Bibby for Jose and Joey is a steal for us in my opinion..
  16. True, but all we can do is hope. A red flag went up for need when I read how much Smoove liked this hire along with his reasoning. I really like LD and want him to succeed. Hopefully he can walk the walk.
  17. +1 LD is a smart guy. He knows what the deal is. So did Woody with the switching defense he used to cover for Mike. Joe and Marvin are good defenders for their position. Smoove can be an ellie defender when he feels like it and Al holds his own. These guys have to be tired of trying to overcompensate for Bibby after all these years. I don't know what LD had in store but if management isn't going to even attemper to get him a more effective PG, he must shake things up in house.
  18. Joe pretty much took the night off. Bibby was Bibby and Smoove was trying to be Kobe. He could be talking about any of the three. My hope would be that he is talking about Bibby, but I doubt it. He doesn't even bother trying at the defensive end anymore. LD is in a tough spot with this group. Maybe he stars Crawford and moves Joe to the point? I don't see many options for him.
  19. The frustrating part is that everyone knows what this team needs. I am tickled to death everytime I am playing 2K and Clark Kellogg starts talking about how the Hawks need a penetrating PG and a legit C. It is frustrating to hear that puppet Sund talk about going forth with this group as if he doesn't know what the end result will be. It doesn't just stop there. Upper management is guilty. Their refusal to make changes is why these players are so complacent. They overpaid for Joe because that was the only way to ensure he would stay. They hired LD to take the cheap way out as opposed to finding a veteran coach. They low-balled Shaq. They have an unbelievable talent at PF who plays to his weakness more than his strengths and other unbelievable talent at PF that is sick of playing out of position. Bibby is falling apart at the seams as well. The bench is a one man army. All in all, this can be a fun team to watch. Maybe it would do us all some good to accept them for what they are. A fatally flawed team that is built to make the playoffs but not contend. It would save us the headache. Management is clearly comfortable with what they are....
  20. I disagree with Ellis being a bad fit. If this team can find a way to fit Crawford in, I don't see how it couldn't work with Ellis. He would give us exactly what we need in someone that can get to the paint and get to the foul line. Ellis would take a ton of pressure off of JJ at that end. It would also strengthen the bench to have Bibby running point with that second unit. The challenge would be finding a solid defensive big and quality bench scorer. Okafor for Crawford is my personal pipedream. G Joe Johnson G Monta Ellis SF Marvin Williams PF Al Horford C Emeka Okafor
  21. I was just about to post this. Good post.
  22. No thanks on Artest. If you can get IND to consider sending Granger to ATL for Marvin and Mo's expiring, then I am all ears.
  23. Good post. If Joe keeps playing the way he did in January, he can say whatever he wants.
  24. The Hawks are back at full strength with Horford and Marvin back tonight. A six game road win streak is on the line tonight. Go hawks!
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