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Posts posted by OldTimeHawk

  1. Heat coach one of the best ??  With all the talent they had they could have had virtually ANYONE coach that team and win.  They have a stud at center but for large stretches of the game he is either on the bench of out of the offensive flow.   He was an overpaid babysitter that is struggling now because he doesnt have the luxury of a stacked roster . I think we sweep them  easily if we play them - and I see them getting nasty to try to rattle us.

  2. It matters because there will be factors that aren't in our control (i.e. the league/refs' LeyBrun/Rose fascination).

    things you cant control dont matter - what does matter is the things you can control - like being prepared mentally and physically, having a great game plan and executing it.   When you can figure out how to overcome the refs  and their fascination  with the marque players let me know.  All the Hawks can do is show up and play hard - who we play doesnt matter to me.

  3. only disheartening thing I see is that the Hawks stood pat instead of trying to add another element ( rebounding perhaps ???) to the team.  That basically means Bud has to figure out a way to get the team to contnue to scrap and do the dirty work night in and night out.  Its a very long season and all teams have ups and downs, but this team has to simply play hard every night or else we get a result like the Toronto  game.


     Maybe what we need is a few games where we are playing lesser teams and shake the lineup  and get  the bench a few starts and try to preserve our starters  a little more here and there. But I really feel like when its time to turnit on we will.

  4. I am glad Ferry is gone for now. He was a cancer in his own right. With that said, the man made some great decisions and I can see why his stans love him but as for me. I like Wes Wilcox better. If Ferry never comes back and Bud remains GM, I am fine with that.

    the cancer has been within the Hawks for years - its just been privately managed behind the scenes.

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  5. In as much as Ferry knew we had to change the roster, he also knew he needed to change the culture. Like it or not Nique and all the others were part of that culture .  No one can be entirely sure what Ferry saw that was troubling within the organization but if the casual fan sees dysfunction what do you think goes on in the background behind closed doors.  


    Ferry should have known there would be folks waiting for an opportunity to pounce, he just left his guard down and got nailed for reading that report, an offense that would equate to a ticky tack foul on the court being assessed as a flagrant ( In my opinion. ) .

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  6. Hoo boy, this guy. You're right, bud. Racism is a myth*! Everything about this whole saga screams "made up drama."


    * except whatever the heck reverse racism is

    racism is inherent to every race period. There is no such thing as reverse racism ALTHOUGH I an understand the meaning in todays society. Its kinda like domestic violence - the way the media defines it is man vs woman when the reality is no one is immune from  the effects of domestic violence . Same way with racism - based on our countries history racism is almost exclusively  portrayed as a white issue when the reality is it knows no color.  

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  7. I think the Hawks need to get over themelves and understand the league perception of them still hasnt really changed. Everyone including the refs still think the Hawks are doing it with smoke and mirrors and will look for any excuse to bring them down.


     What I want to see is that scrappy defense that has been missing for a few weeks - however we may not see it until we get helathy and our designated instant D guys return .

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  8. we just happened to get fouled a lot in the process of shooting - fouls were nearly the same  at games end .  But I agree with the sentiment that the refs, once they established a tone for how they were going to allow the teams to play should have got the hell out the way - BUT Im also a conspiracy theorist and think perhaps for the good of the game ( $$$$$$$$$) decided to manipulate  a few things and keep the final score closer. After all it could bea preview of the finals and  this is an optimal time to start building  the hype.

  9. winning cures all ills - the only ones protesting will be the same old professional protestor types. This isnt 1959 and Ferry isnt a racist - he made a mistake in rereading  a scouting report and he should have known better - but who knew ?? AL Sharpton has made a career out of making racially charged comments and hes a Whitehouse Regular .

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  10. I think @hawkman is right that the tone is antagonistic and condescending toward any other view.  If people really do want to engage and have a reasonable minds discussion, I think he is in the right to call for a respectful tone.  (That doesn't mean people are out of line for voicing their opinion that Ferry should absolutely return but the comments here on this thread so far don't lend themselves to inviting discussion of different views).

    sorry , maybe I was suffering from indigestion after choking on all that "elitist " crap that was getting served up  by Ferry detractors.  At this point I think something more than "Ferry is a racist" or "elitist " would be refreshing.

  11. actually Ferry had imput on Teague too when he matched the offer the Bucks were giving.  There was talk of acquiring Brandon Jennings - and lets face it - Teague had only shown flashes of consistancy  in the previous systems offense which was as dysfunctional  as ASG with iso Joe  and Josh Smith consistantly f'ing things up .  So lets give Ferry a gold star for that too. 


     Basically he scoured the league for individual skills and personalities that he thought could fit the system.  The risk was all his and if his evaluations failed to materialize it was all on him.  We now have mulitiple stars on this team in my opinion - the difference with our stars is they are largely selfless and put team before personal numbers or stats . 

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  12. teamwork - do you think  the league is going to get back to playing real basketball with players that are willing to scrap , play defense and hustle ??  Hawks have proven that desire and hard work more than make up for the " Superstar " requirement. 


     I dont know what Ferry saw in this bunch cause most  have bounced around the league or just never quite made their mark - BUT collectively they bring their own unique set of skills that make the sum of the parts much greater than the individual pieces - hats off to Danny Ferry for making us all forget  what a dysfunctional bunch ownership is - and last but not least FREE DANNY FERRY !!

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  13.   I saw the direction they were trying to head in last year but we just didnt quite have the bench to do it, then we lost Horford.  Even before the injuries happened we were still trying to get everyone on the same page but were making progress.


     This year I knew we were going to get better with our aditions if the team bought in and played team ball. I just honestly thought we would begin meshing a little later in the season - basically play near .500 ball and make a trade before the deadline, and then gel in the last third and make noise in the playoffs. 


     Not a homer but I thought Ferry did a lot of things that if they went wrong would seriously damage his cred going forward. But surprise surprise - bet ya if you took a poll today Ferry would be ushered back ceremoniously.  Even by some of the ones that considered him "elitist " . ( Well maybe not THOSE guys , hey I cant be right about everything.  :)

  14. We came waaaaaaaaaay too close to giving that one away. But a win is a win. And let's give credit to the amazingly wonderful best player to ever play in any sport in Thabo for making all his shots tonight. We wouldn't have won without it!

    your'e just a Danny Ferry / Thabo Elitist !

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  15. the best marketing ?? JUST WIN BABY ! You can market your ass off but if you dont show any inclination to put a winner on the court folks are simply not going to support you.  Thats why we lost the Thrashers . Thats why you could routinely go to a Hawks game and have more fans of the opposing team in the stands.


    Winning changes everything - a commitment to win will keep fans in the seats even in an off year.

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