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Posts posted by OldTimeHawk

  1. so what are some documented examples of this elitism that has kept him from performing  as GM ?? Again  I dont hear any NBA players say that they dont want to play in Atlanta because Ferry is Elitist - What I heard just yesterday from Korver convinced me other players dont share this line of thinking - specifically Kyle Korver who basically said he had heard of the problems in the Hawks organization and didnt want to come here - BUT after being here a year AND after having other offers came back because he liked what Ferry was doing and wanted to be a part of it .

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  2. You don't go around with theories and assume they are true. That's a part of science that one should not engage in, especially for theories that are unfalsifiable. Also recall that not everything is true or false, that leads to a false dichotomy.

    Levenson put out a bullshit theory with less than 0 evidence. Frankly, he made up that the fan sites are worried about the issue. Because we haven't been! No one started a thread on this issue, because frankly it isn't an issue.

    And I don't find people/posters who have the opinion that white people are afraid of (or don't want to be around) blacks as racist. No, that isn't racist to me. That is being a f***ing moron in my opinion...this should probably go in the Politics/Lounge Section of the site but I avoid that like a plague so I'll keep this post in the thread because I think the first two paragraphs have substantial information. This last one is a bit of rambling and me being pissed off. I need a beer.

    well he didnt actually put it out there did he ??  Maybe Gearon should be on the hot seat for race baiting ??

  3. We are certainly allowed to react to it and agree or disagree with it. I just don't really have a problem with what Levenson was trying to do. It's basically a less PC way of discussing what we've talked about many times on here. 

    Is there a pc way of discussing it without simply being FOS  or lying ??

  4. Al Sharpton tells TMZ Sports ... he's been a part of discussions with NBA Commish Adam Silver on how to handle the situation with racist Atlanta Hawks owner Bruce Levenson. Sharpton -- who previously sat down with Adam Silver in the middle of the Donald Sterling crisis -- tells us, "In the discussions we've been having with the Commissioner, they said they were gonna vet everyone out [before allowing a sale of the team]." TMZ.com - See more at: http://hoopshype.com/rumors.htm#sthash.xj2f0pOZ.dpuf

    why anyone would give that racist pos a forum to vent his opinions is beyond me - his anti semantic comments and race baiting  make Ferry comment seem like he was heaping praise on Deng.  Can anyone explain how this pos has any standing whatsoever as a leader of anything ???

  5. honestly, in the age of social media and 25 hour news, the public  has basically yawned at this whole controversy .  How many threads  have you seen on facebook ?? Maybe folks are getting fatigued by this racial crap  or are waiting for a controversy with more meats on its bones ..... I personally  dont care for ownership whatsoever because not one   has acted like they  care about anything outside their bottom line.  Ferry on the other hand was given the charge of turning this around and has taken bold steps to do it. Whether  you like his style or not he has put his blueprint on this team and it will be him that takes the credit for success or failure.  

  6. local ownership is great - if the local ownership is qualified , community oriented, and committed to making Atlanta a winner.  What he saying made a lot of sense until I he praised Gearon, then I knew he was FOS .   I think we need to find qualified local people regardless of color  that have the business savvy and skills to make the Hawks first class.  Andrew Young nailed it .

  7. after seeing Woodys offensive offense, and his successor Larry " but Im a players coach" Drew  I am forever indebted to Ferry for bringing a coach in that actually has an offensive game plan other than  an ISO JOE  type offense.  I am thankful for him ridding us of the albatross of a contract  that was Joe Johnson . I am forever greatful for him not falling for the Josh " but hes got so much potential " Smith  trap.


    I dont get this elitism tag - he brings no nonsense and accountability to the team. He brings in players that know there role and dont get petulant  and shot 3 pointers at will because their coach and GM coddle them . He brings in a system that yes is modeled after the Spurs - hell he lured a credible coach form the Spurs that would have probably been in line for the job after Pops left. He cleared roster losers ( Marvin Williams , Josh Smith , ) and guys with low upside ( love him but Sasha had to go )  for guys that fit.


     Yes it would be nice to have a superstar talent, but how many of those guys are in the league ?? Besides , look into what he has to change - we have disfunctional ownership  BUT we finally had a good owner and GM that werent hamstrung by behind the scenes power playing bs.  We have a lockerroom culture that either couldnt or wouldnt stand up and call guys out that were f'ing up . Ferry has started the process of changing that culture.  Did anyone really think we would turn into the Spurs overnight ?? I think we are pointing in the right direction.


    But again what is this elitism tag ?? Seems like code for something else .

  8. you know whats funny - no other NBA team has come forward and weighed in  at all ?? Is it possible that comments or stereotypes like these are made on a regular basis behind closed doors ??


    I think the fact that there isnt an outcry from players, coaches or other team owners bodes well for Ferry , but as much as I like Ferry if it does rise to  the outcry lvl he will step down . Right now  with Silver basically punting and the support he has in the NBA theres at least an even chance he stays - BUT if he goes , with ownership split as it is , how do we find another good gm  and even more importantly wh would want the job ??

  9. its always funny that the uproar and indignation always rises way above the perceived racial slight - The good thing for Ferry is most people see this as a dumb mistake in judgement and not an indictment on his character. The fact that that Silver has thrown out support and other African American  BB executives have is a good sign he has a chance to weather the storm - but bottom line is this - if organized protests start and enough influential African Americans call for his job hes done - best thing for Ferry would be for Deng  to throw him a  life jacket , but honestly - in reading forums and on the net -  a good bit  of people that have identified themselves as black dont seem to think its a big deal it being made out to be. Whites seem to be split . Overall the biggest obstacle folks see is the moving forward - I expect a major statement coming  in the next few days from the NBA and the Hawks with Ferry offering contrition and possibly as a few posters here discussed  a plan for Ferry to demonstrate his remorse.

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  10. Anytime you have to qualify your statement with "I don't mean to be rude", you are about to or have said something rude.


    Just like anytime you have to qualify your statement with "I don't say that in a bad way", you are about to or have said something "in a bad way


    hey everyone has their opinions .  To me racism is seen in actions  not words -  and even the words that may or may not be his is hard to classify them as racist is a hell of a stretch . 

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  11. does he have African in him ?? Im not sure exactly  the point he or the scout was trying to make  but at worst he may be guilty of using a stereotype - not sure because Im not sure what the stereotype of Africans  would even be - maybe its a  reference that is made concerning traits or character of African MBA players.  But exactly what he meant or what he read could be clarified - possibly in a news conference later . I do know he apologized , and was reprimanded

  12. uh, and how did this change anything ?? It didnt sound like he was doing anything but giving an overall picture of the character and mentality of the player- in other words he was warning of a potential team cancer. I didnt before and still dont see any slur, any racist or any thing to lead me to believe Ferry is racist.  But maybe hes just REALLLLLY good at hiding it and  has fooled the comissioner, Charles Barkley, Kareem , and others . UNLESS of course as has been suggested before its a Duke conspiracy .........

  13. Great ball? See ... This is what I'm talking about. We were a "whopping" 16 - 13 at the time Horford went down. We were only 1 of 3 teams in the conference that had a winning record in the East. And we had played a bottom 5 strength of schedule up until that point. We hadn't even gotten into the meat of our schedule yet, and we were barely over .500.

    The season before, the Hawks were 19 - 10 in the first 29 games of the season. We were the 3rd seed only because most of the conference sucked. You know that, right?

    It's just wierd how people are spinning last season. We even went through one of our worst stretches in franchise history, losing 14 of 15 games. Even teams with injuries play better ball than that.

    We needed a significant talent or 2 to help this team out. A guy like Deng, while not an All-Star, would've represented a significant upgrade to this roster. So would a lot of other people. But fans are all giddy about Thabo Sefolosha and Kent Bazemore?

    That's the used car salesman in Ferry. Trying to convince people that all we need is marginal talent, because the system is so good.

    No ... This is a league in which you need significant talent.

    16-13 with a totally revamped roster , new coach, new system. No more Iso - Joe , no more being held hostage by the antics of Josh Smith Superstar.  For the first time is years I got to see hard nosed team basketball and not rely on one individual pounding the bball while everyone else stood around uninvolved. 


     It took a lot of balls to do what Ferry did , and you can try to disparage him with monikers like " used car salesman " all you want, but anyone that could convince another gm to take on JJ's contract and get us a choice of ours or their number 1 draft choice is the kind of used car salesman  I want running the show.  And to top that off he didnt fall for the illusion of  " endless potential " which was Josh Smith.  The fact that the team is cancer free with a clean bill of health and  a load of cash is a miracle in itself.


     Ferry inherited a team that was going nowhere and has found a few gems along the way that fit perfectly into the system we are running .  If you expected a 1 year turnaround Im sorry your disappointed.  I guess your strategy was to tank the season and hop efor the best with a fluky  chance to get a lotto pick ??  To each his own , but  losing on purpose has never been my cup of tea.


     I think we all know that a retool takes a little time - all the while you have players taking less money to play with perceived Superstars  to win a title - how do you compete with that ?? You dont - you select players that fit your system - if you get a diamond in the rough  you get lucky -- and it happens .  But for every team that wins the Lebron sweepstakes or the Carmelo sweepstakes , there are 29 other teams that missed out.  Compare what the Houston gm did trying to lure  Superstars there ( unloading players or not resigning )  - how did that work out  ??

  14. We aren't talking about large groups of whites. We are talking about whites I'm a situation where they are the minority. Peoples perceptions are shaped through experience . Whites view police as their friend for the most part. Blacks view police through an entirely different lens. Instead of trying to destroy ferry over am unfortunate choice of words folks should be discussing issues that matter when it comes to race relations. It would be great if we could view ourselves as just men and women or even Americans . It takes a tragedy like 911 to make that happen though.

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