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Everything posted by MoBetta

  1. My god he has performed so horribly this postseason I don't think we can get a good player for him. We absolutely gotta get rid of him after this season
  2. What is up with these stupid lineups. U don't bring in Jamal for Teague smh
  3. Woooo I can't wait till we get this clown off our team
  4. Wow how dumb is he Goodbye after this season dumbo Go shoot jumpers somewhere else
  5. Josh CANNOT shoot 3s this series or we are done. Rose will get the rebound and in a flash will score on the other end.
  6. Yes he has been making a fool of himself. He has played himself into a bench role
  7. Josh has been horrendous. Marvin has at least not made boneheaded mistakes and at least he has hit a couple shots
  8. The fans are basically groaning every time Josh shoots
  9. My god wat goes on in his brain??? He's made more mistakes than rest of the team combined!!!
  10. These Osh Smith fans are SOOOOO annoying. How many chances are u gonna give Osh. A coach isn't gonna hold his damn hand. Osh is just a lost cause.
  11. Who are the top 5 most hated coaches in Atlanta sports History??? I think LD is creeping up the list.
  12. LOL @ the Osh Smith fan Osh needs to leave
  13. Not happening. Nobody wants that contract. And Josh's dumbass needs to leave.
  14. Anybody who doesn't think this team needs to be blown up is delusional The hawks are TRASH
  15. If he doesn't start from now on LD should be knocked out on the court
  16. Looked like he tried to knock someone out with that bad pass
  17. Bibby says "Teague aint bibbaliscious" Teague was on fire
  18. Here we go with Josh again Ignored Kirk and then turned it over smh
  19. MoBetta

    Our bigs

    Al is NOT overrated by this board. Josh is the main cause of these problems. Josh is the reason we lost this game. Josh holds AL back. Its not a coincidence that when we played the Bulls the 1st time we won with Josh not playing. Al was able to do his thing, when Josh comes back this happens.
  20. What would happen if Josh played on the same team Charles Oakley did and pulled all that crap?
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