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Everything posted by MoBetta

  1. u think the hawks will blow out the Bobcats???? Are u serious
  2. A. Superstars don't even consider ATL as a place they wanna go B. Most Atlantans could care less about the Hawks and would rather root for the opposing team C. Analysts on TNT and ESPN break out into laughter when someone asks if the Hawks are contenders
  3. We've been over this. He's just dumb. Thats it
  4. If yall were smart u would be like me and root for the Thunder. The team the Hawks were supposed to be.
  5. I told people Joe was Allan Houston 2.0 and it was stupid to re-sign him. And he proved me right. Of course we had clowns on here who said well if we get rid of him we have no chance. These dummies don't realize we don't have a chance WITH him
  6. And its been how many games Josh has played Awful???
  7. U think Im kiddin right but Im not I would take Ivan over Josh anyday
  8. Josh u hear that??? Its the sound of ur career floating away
  9. Man someone get Zaza's pitiful self outta here
  10. I swear Charles really wants to say that Josh is an idiot. Its right on the tip on his tongue. And Reggie who was a great shooter must be sick watching a clown like him.
  11. It probably wouldn't of came to that point if LD knew wat he was doin and all those FT misses were becuz they are tired obviously
  12. He actually let them get back into the game b4 he decided to put the starters back in
  13. MoBetta

    Vintage T-Mac

    yea he was on fire
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