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Everything posted by terrell

  1. Gueye has game. Gonna be fun watching he and JJ develop.. Hope they can stay healthy.
  2. Geez that's late.. What's our record out West this season with those late starts? lol
  3. Ok so why pay keep paying someone 40 mill a year, if 2 GM's and 3 HC's don't know how to build around him? Didn't the 1st GM(the guy that drafted him) consider trading him? It was obvious
  4. I just give my opinions... I'm not the one on here questioning other fans "basketball knowledge".. like some of these dudes.. lol
  5. Not all his fault like I said but its just facts.. lol
  6. That 0-3 since return isn't all his fault of course, but I just don't think he makes us that much better if at all.. Especially not for 40 mill $ a year.. "More flash than substance"..Thats always been my stance..
  7. Im I'm pretty much done with this dude.. JJ and Gueye keep my hopes up.. I'm even way higher on Kobe and Vit than AJ..
  8. 24-32 before the injury. 12-11 during the absence. 0-3 after the return.
  9. Hawks need to have some serious conversations about this roster going forward this offseason...
  10. I know you hate this stat, but Your boy Trae is a -39 with EIGHT turnovers.. Good grief I don't know who was worse, he or Dre.. Im going with the former..
  11. lol Trae Smfh Should've just took the rest of the year off If he stinks it up in the playin OMG I might get banned.. lol
  12. Dre isn't built to play against a fast paced offense like Indiana.. lol
  13. Trae taking 5 shots He's just out there for the assist record obviously... OK Quin throw the damn towel...
  14. That's a rarity.. 6 losses in a row is never a good thing IMo
  15. Thank God you're not our GM.. This small as backcourt isn't gonna work.. lol Murray is clearly better at the 1 than SG... And Trae can only play one way..
  16. They need to stop talking about individual awards.. That sit is getting really old.. Geez
  17. 40 mill $.. And not making much of a difference at all.... Hopefully he's saving it for the playin.. lol
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