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Everything posted by randawg91

  1. Per the article... 1. Curry 2. Korver 3. Klay Thompson 4. Mike Conley 5. Gordon Hayward 6. James Harden 7. JR Smith 8. Jamal Crawford 9. Manu Ginobili 10. Dwyane Wade
  2. Just an FYI, you can easily work them down to around $25 for 5 months or like $80 or something for a year. If you can't spare it, I totally understand. But it's a great deal, and you literally just have to ask and be firm with the fact that you're canceling otherwise. Just sayin.
  3. Man, it's just unbelievable how good this team is. Just incredible to watch.
  4. No doubt about it, that has to be a concern. Hopefully he follows in his mentor's footsteps, and sticks with us. We'll need to show him all the support he needs too.
  5. Are we rooting for the knicks so that they end up with a better record than brooklyn or what?
  6. Do we get both our pick as well as theirs, or do we just have the option of trading our pick with theirs? Thanks!
  7. Some other targets: * Greg Monroe or Drummond from the Pistons (I don't know if they're even available, but I can't imagine they'd keep both of them and they already have a ton of PF's) * Roy Hibbert from the Pacers * Chris Kaman in FA * Brandan Wright from the Mavs is a young center with a lot of upside who has done very well in limited minutes * I'm still very upset we didn't go after Javale Mcgee as he's been GREAT with limited minutes..just sayin * Nikola Pekovic of the Timberwolves would be a great FA pickup * JJ Hickson of the trailblazers in FA (although he's pretty small) * Al Jefferson in FA
  8. Pretty obvious we need either a SF (and play horf at C and smoove at PF) or a good center. IMO, we should go with a center. Someone that hasn't been mentioned much is Anderson Varejao. He's had an awesome year, and is a GREAT defender/rebounder, which is what we really need at the 5 (and he's not bad on offense either). Most importantly, he's definitely available and he has a team friendly contract. Him or Gortat would be perfect. Whoever thinks the Bulls would ever trade is Noah is insane, he's crucial for them AND they literally have no other options at center.
  9. is that we have 10 starter quality players on our team. I am 100% confident that when our starters have to rest, our bench is more than capable of keeping us competitive. No Smoove? Fine, Korver. Teague? Put in Devin Harris. Louis Williams for Morrow, Ivan for Horf, and Horf can shift to the 5 when Pachulia needs a rest. Just really, really impressive stuff right now.
  10. Just curious, in terms of all of the guys that we traded for with 1 year left on their contract, who all can we actually trade this season? The ESPN trade machine says that we can't trade any of them because we acquired them this year, and I was just curious if that was accurate. Thanks!
  11. I totally agree with that. Plus, he was averaging 25 PPG on 53% shooting (2 games, I know) while he was there. Against D-league competition, but still, not bad at all.
  12. Let me say this first, I am PUMPED about our performance recently. 9/10? Beating arguably the best team in the NBA at home? Impressive stuff. However, I think most of us can agree that this season's team was put together with the future of our franchise in mind. So why are we not seeing our 1st round pick SG at ALL? I know we have a log jam at that position, but we really need to see what we have in this kid, ESPECIALLY when you consider the decisions we'll have to make about trading vs. extending so many players by the end of the year (not to mention his very impressive summer league performance). Thoughts on when (if ever) he'll get some playing time? I just really don't want him to get the "Teague-Treatment"
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