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  1. no offense but i take ellis over anyone on the hawks right now, considering his cost vs jj
  2. so true. he was not an star, just a guy who was made into a star on a garbage team. Any guy putting up 20 plus shots will get the points eventually and the gm will throw the big money at them .....
  3. so call fans, if you're such a true fan, what have you be rewarded with? uttered disappointment each year eh?
  4. also compare to the amount of money being play for jj, he should have put up at least 40 last night with it being triple OT.
  5. midrange game.........really...........there was none of that last night and he wasn't even guarded by wade..
  6. damn right.............with the way they play, should just sell the team and move.....
  7. that was the worst and stupidest contract . they got desperate when all the stars was beginning their free agency and hawks was scare to see their only star leave
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