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  1. This thread is such a joke now. I LOL'd just reading the title.
  2. The Celtics beat the Heat 3/4 times this year blowing them out by 19 one game and handedly winning the others. The Celtics are badly undersized like the Heat so they match up well. Miami hates to play in Boston and flounders there. Obviously the Heat should be favored, but I would be surprised if it wasn't a 6-7 very close series.
  3. 24-10 Yet the Hawks had a lead with like 50 seconds left in the game. The Hawks can't close, have no go to guy, play horrible half-court basketball, and just don't play as a team. They are just a bunch of talents with no cohesion...Reminds of the Knicks albeit a little better.Hawks got home cooking calls in game 1, Celtics got calls in Game 6.
  4. The Hawks could be legit contenders if they had a go to guy...Joe Johnson apparently is not it. The pieces they have are excellent though. I'd see if I could trade Joe and try to sign Harden in a few years if I was the Hawks GM.
  5. Smokeeye123

    The Fix

    Lol, typical "THE REFS SCREWED US!!" post elimination game angst. Boston fans said this after game one and everyone hear laughed at them. The refs were inconsistent, but still the Hawks could easily have won it.
  6. OKC, San Antonio and to a lesser extent Indiana and Memphis are all small market teams relatively close to being NBA Championship caliber.Saying David Stern is unfairly treating big market teams better is unfair. The fact that players sometimes prefer to play in big markets is not his fault. Small market teams can win the championship. Dallas isn't that big of a market, and neither was Detroit when they won.
  7. - Imagines Hawks are an NBA Finals team.- Wakes up.
  8. Hawks might as well change their name to the Turkeys, because they are cooked.
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