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Everything posted by ATLscrubLove

  1. True, he's gone and I couldn't be happier. I can finally put "Mr. Brick" on the back on my Smoove jersey and wear it to Philips without getting mean looks by Smoove lovers.
  2. Dolfan is probably chuckling right now knowing his 3 team deal he predicted with Clips/Celtics might happen. It all depends on KG now I believe.
  3. Scratch that maybe? Marc Stein just reported Celtics still trying to offer a deal for Smoove don't wanna send Paul Pierce here. Which is good because I don't want him.
  4. According to Jackie MacMullan Doc Rivers doesn't like Smoove. This from a Celtics fan Twitter page so not sure how much truth there is to this.
  5. I mean KG has a house in Malibu, it wouldn't be a "big" transition for him.
  6. Report is that KG to Clips is "CP3's call" depends on if he wants him.
  7. I'm down, I don't care as long as we get something nice back. I'm going with the Bucks right now, they look to be going harder than anyone else.
  8. Obviously, this will probably depend on what you think the "best" possible deal we can get for Smoove is. "Other" can also signify wont be traded.
  9. I tried to give the video an "ESPN" effect. Tried to mimic how they keep looping player highlights and talking about stuff.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE6UOvCIQjA Pull him out of retirement! Time to suit up Nique. But for real, I'd trust Nique shooting a long rang 3 at 53 years old than Smoove.
  11. I'll do that on the next one. Probably a day or so before the deadline.
  12. As much as everyone hates Pierce, he fills a need on this team, a "star" SF. He would make us a better team this year.
  13. True that, but he has to be more productive than Morrow lol
  14. I heard that he may be available, at least according to Ric Bucher. However, I wouldn't mind bringing him back for the right price.
  15. Celtics not interested in trading 2 players for 1. Not enough bodies as it is right now. They won't deal unless we give them someone else probably. But then again they have no one I'm particularly interested in.
  16. I hope you guys can hear me alright. I made this late last night so I didn't wanna wake anybody up.
  17. I'm trying to make him look good to get a better deal ;) lol. Don't worry, I'll make him a scrub vid once he gets traded
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