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Posts posted by noble

  1. Well how was Drew's slow "uptempo" offense and "J-Smoove" dunking once every 20 games watchable?

    This team is much more watchable to me. No more bonehead plays that would have YMCA coaches scratching their head... but not Larry Drew.

    I find so little exciting about this team...maybe Schröder can get there. I hope. Just not a lot of electricity, not even super solid skills like the Spurs.

  2. Because that's what wins. Entertainment.

    No what wins is have a consistent scoring threat, an inside presence for D and rebounding, and someone that the other team does have to focus on. We have none of that. Horford is really good, just not a guy who can take over a game, not a guy that can put the team on his back when it needs it. Look, do I think we could be moving that way? Sure I do. But this year is not the year, and if we strike out on a legitimate scoring threat next season it won't be next year either. I would love for this team to be good, but with this build we don't do anything great, few things really good, and more things just average.

  3. Free agent failures?

    Yes lack of an impact player, lack of a true PF, week SG. I would call this FA a huge bust. We lost any presence in the paint and have nothing in terms of consistent scoring. Are you saying we filled our needs and did well this offseason?

  4. Hawks will still a playoff team by the end of the season. Top 16 team at least.

    I kind of don't want us to be. Simple truth this team is NOT a watchable team. It doesn't matter if we are ranked 1. We have no star power, no electricity, nothing. Now Schröder in a few year might be one of those guys. Right now? This team is full of yawn. I just don't see this team as anything higher than 15 and anything lower than 27. I would love for a true lottery guy. Apparently trying to buy one in FA isn't going to happen.

  5. I have sat out of conversations since the free agency failings happened. I am trying to see where this team is at with the collection we have. I am not sure I am totally wrong so far (remember so far) on the scoring from this team, it is either live by the 3 or score 80. Rebounding is KILLING us, I've watched what I could of the games, and man...we need some rebounding. As for the scheme, I think it is possible to work, but we have some pieces we need badly for it to work. I true big would help, a PF...Now I will reserve the right to say I told you so later in the season, BUT to be fair I will be the first to admit I was wrong. I DO hope they either fix some of the issues OR just go for top of draft. Sitting in the middle will...well....keep us in the middle.

  6. I have figured it out...Ferry's plan is as follows.

    1. Get rid of any player not a PF and sign only PFs

    2. Get rid of anyone who speaks English and sign Europeans (since that is what he did, refused to sign with Clippers and go to Italy)

    3. Move the team to Seattle

    4. Retire without state taxes

    5. Profit???

  7. He said in an interview on CNNSI that he wanted to play with the best player in the world and it gives him a chance to ease back in. I am sad because we can't even get 1 difference maker, some teams seem to stockpile them. Now I am not saying Oden will be, but because of the talent, because of the media coverage, because of an ownership who cares, because of a ton of things this team doesn't have we watch a guy who has been out of the game not even really consider us (refer to the tweet from an inside source how SAC and ATL weren't considered in the finalists) and yet again we sit and watch the finals AGAIN on the couch this year and not even get a lottery pick out of it...so tired of it all sometimes.

  8. Here is my problem. Horford doesn't want to play center. If we keep forcing him, we will lose him when he is a FA, since he will most likely look for a place where he can play PF. As for a true C...sure there aren't many old school true centers anymore, but throwing a PF in there and calling it good is like taking a Wide Receiver and having him play RB. Sure he will have some good moments, but he is still playing out of a comfortable position. I wanted us to build, I am glad we are, and I know it would not take one year. But all joking aside it has been a long time of rebuilding. Just settling for a playoff series or if we are lucky 2, isn't what I or I am sure any other fan wants. We want to root for our team in an ECF or Finals game. I am not saying I think we will be the worst team this year, but I am so tired of being a middle of the pack, not talked about, joke of a team.

  9. I think there is a reason why we picked up 3 adequate big men while other teams in need were looking at Oden

    We don't have any centers on this team....we could use one and if we keep using Horford out of position we could use a backup you know.

  10. ESPN just posted this http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/9530611/greg-oden-plans-choose-next-team-friday-sources

    Here is a quote from that story....

    Sources told ESPN.com that Oden, after showing off his skills for several teams over the past few weeks, has not yet ruled out any of the six teams chasing him but is most likely to select his destination from the trio of Miami, San Antonio and Dallas.

    New Orleans, Sacramento and Atlanta are the other known suitors for Oden. One source close to the process said Thursday night that the Pelicans are the only team from that group still "in the mix."

    What is funny to me is Dallas didn't send anyone to Indy, but are now ahead of a few teams that did...I swear this is like Groundhog Day.

    Edit: Wait ONLY SAC and ATL are not being considered? oh no....are we SAC east? NOOOOO!!!!

  11. JR, before he had knee surgery, who saw that coming.

    All I was asked was what I wanted to see happen. To quote what was said earlier people just don't really want to sign with us (we all know the reasons). Evans/Iggy would have been nice since we lost out on so much, we had and have money to spend, but again this ownership is afraid to get close to the luxury tax, and overpays backups. I really would have like for us to NOT fill up on PF like we did and forget C, SF, and SG. I will watch this team because I am a fan, but I am confused on how it is built, what is expected, and where it is going. I am also wondering about the chemistry, gameplan, and point output from what we have stockpiled.

  12. I'm sure you're better than one of the best pure shooters in the league (two of them if you count Korver as a 2) and a former 6th man of the year.

    Stupid comment. If Lighty was so good he'd be getting more than just a summer league or camp invite.

    Actually I can shoot the rock pretty damn well, my handle isn't very good though, lol. My point was our SG depth is terrible and I would find it difficult to accept anyone who says anything else. We have 1, yes read that again, 1 decent SG. And don't get me started on SF. Pretty stupid to think I was being serious.

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