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Posts posted by noble

  1. So have we really not reached out to anyone or signed anyone? It just seems odd with the open spaces on the roster.

  2. 1 hour ago, Afro said:

    What isn't a treadmill to this fan base? 

    I've been on this board from before bud to now. We've gone through every phase. Some fans have whined for something different no matter what. 

    No matter what plan we take its always "treadmill" even though we're doing different things. And now schlenk is blamed for things he wasn't even here to do. 

    I get it. It's Atlanta. Our fan bases will complain about "treadmill" until someone wins a championship. I just think it's an incredibly obnoxious way to go about Fandom. Some will completely dog a plan no matter where it's taking us until it results in a title. See the falcons last year. People complained allllllll off season until, poof, the plan actually worked. 

    I don't subscribe to this Atlanta notion that every plan is terrible until it's completely proven it's not. 

    The same argument you made is the same argument fans on the other side make of why they complain. It is the fanbase that wants more and wants to be on a national stage and taken seriously. We have all heard it and seen it. Atlanta can't attract free agents, Atlanta has a terrible draft history, Atlanta has poor fan showings, etc etc...like you and every true Hawks fan on here we want to be taken seriously, we want to be great. The issue is at this point the fanbase is in a give me something to believe in mode. So yes, until a title comes, or at least a real title shot, fans are going to complain and be angry. It is what fans do, well a lot of them.


    Now, I am not a fan of the moves so far, but that doesn't mean we aren't going to get somewhere. I just know right now we are so far from a real run at the title it is just more years to wait. But hey, let's see where we are in a few years, we have waited this long, what is the harm in waiting more? It doesn't mean we have to agree with the moves being made.

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, Afro said:

    Schlenk has made one move and yall petty fans already bitching constantly. 

    Welcome to atlanta. 

    It's the history of this team. Until something different happens we feel we are on a treadmill.

  4. 6 hours ago, Dolfan23 said:

    So the Hawks offered 4 first round picks for PG. Had we acquired him where do we end up in the East this year? Surely best case is losing to Cleveland again in the conference finals, right?


    Then we probably lose Sap this offseason, have little $ to spend in FA and are minus 4 first round picks for the future. Plus we still have an overpaid C on the roster and a full season of knowing we'd lose PG after this coming season. Maybe we get a decent return on him at the deadline this coming year but as bleak as the future looks right now with our severe lack of front line talent, it's even worse had we made this trade.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So basically the same place we are now with an even longer timeline for a rebuild?

  5. On 5/13/2017 at 9:48 AM, JayBirdHawk said:

    I will always contend that the Dominique trade cursed this franchise.

    The 1st game after the trade was my first NBA game live - so excited to see the Human Highlight Film - sigh - it wasn't to be.

    I keep wondering why I didn't pick another team to root for after that foolish trade.

    I guess I'm a #Hawk4Life.

    Prior to Nique I was a Dr. J fan. My dad loved watching him and since I lived in NJ I was a fan myself. I quickly became a Nique fan after and loved watching the Hawks on TBS every chance I got. Sometimes I still wonder why I have never switched teams, but I just stayed true to my team regardless of who was on it. I still get angry at the Hawks for the trade when I think about it and just like to think Nique retired rather than actually played for other teams.

    However, that trade pretty much sent this team to hell, even today. We all celebrate playoff appearances, but let's be honest with ourselves, have we really thought we had a chance at a championship? No, probably not. Even the 60 win team, you felt like they were built for the regular season and as usual the Hawks would fall short in the playoffs, and of course we all know what happened. Nique was the only thing that we can all agree gave this team hope of a championship. We haven't had a player like him since. We are on the treadmill for middle to late round picks, make the playoffs, rinse, repeat.

  6. I agree it is a smart one. But I don't think we should even negotiate at this point. Let him walk and seriously blow this whole thing up. I dont know but I am so sick and tired of the mindset making the playoffs is the goal and we should be happy with that instead of having a real contending team. I would take a superstar I could be excited about. I miss Nique...lol.

    • Like 1
  7. Honestly at this point I would say do everything possible to bring in a guy who you can ride. You know a star. One that makes his own shots, can carry a team on bad nights, and be feared. 

    My guess is they will grab some more roster fodder, keep Baze, barely make the playoffs and try to sell us on that is the goal.

  8. On 4/27/2017 at 7:33 PM, Lurker said:

    In my eyes, next year's starting lineup is...


    But the best lineup is...

    Schröder/Hardaway Jr (or someone else)/Bembry/Prince/Millsap (or Millsap at PF and "someone different at C")

    I'm not sure who that "someone different" at C is. I'd need to do more in depth research on it. Bembry is in the best lineup due to his passing.

    Sap came out today saying he was most likely opting out.

  9. 5 hours ago, kg01 said:

    It's as Burd said, "star" nonsense.  Even MEM has a guy some consider a "star".

    Based on your last post, you could be considered our offensive juggernaut.  lol

    Yeah, I can't explain the MEM thing.  They have 3 contract nightmares on their team that should render them as laughingstocks.  Conley as the top paid player in the league?  Seriously?  Chandalier Parsons?  Really?  Still running Phony Allen out there as if he's not lost several steps?

    Cmon man.  Why are they not considered worse than us?

    Easy answer to this. We have always been a team that was good but not great and has stayed that way almost the entire existence of the franchise. We were either good or bad, but either way we stayed a middle of the pack team who has never been taken seriously as a contender. Not to mention many people for some reason still consider them a fairly new team. Something we are not.

  10. Now that Sap wants to explore FA and will most likely walk.

    Blow it up and try like hell to get a superstar type player in the draft any way possible. Rebuild with the very few quality pieces you have and actually try to build a winner. The defense has been good, but man this offense has been terrible.

  11. 1 hour ago, AHF said:

    Korver being dealt doesn't change the complexion of this team.  Just one less flawed wing on the roster and the loss of our only good 3pt shooter.  That hurts our ability to space the floor but doesn't directionally change who we are.  Next steps will be more telling as to where we are going.

    I guess you hadn't also heard they are shopping Thabo as well then huh?

  12. Here's the other thing you all are missing. It would seem that they are going to stockpile and try to move up in the draft. First Korver, now they are shopping both Sap and Thabo. If they can get some assets for a draft day trade they may be trying to get a franchise style player. Now, I don't personally have that much faith in the powers that be in Atlanta, but if they do pull something like this off, it could change and help the franchise....but this is the Hawks, so you never know.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, bleachkit said:

    So how can the NBA stage outcomes? They cannot make guys hit shots or play defense. You theory makes absolutely no sense. Explain how the NBA can entirely dictate the outcome of games. Let me hear it.

    If you listened to Donaghy during the finals he predicted every ref assignment days before it was announced. Just look at the game Curry was kicked out of. Watch the fouls he was called on. Or the crotch kicks. One wasn't called, the one to LeBron was a suspension. They way Donaghy explains it before the games the NBA gathers the refs for that game and tells them what they want called more and what they want called less.

    • Like 3
  14. 1 minute ago, Hawkmoor said:

    The NBA IS the reason its the way it is.  The NBA don't want some random team getting into the NBA finals.  Too much advertising money at stake.  Its all fixed dude. You actually think Golden State came back from 3-1 against OKC?  You really think Cleveland can beat Golden State?  

    They happy as pigs in slop that Golden State has Durant.  The moment i heard that Jerry West met with Durant, i knew he was going to Golden State.   Look at all these player contracts and money they making. There is no way in hell they gonna let a team like Atlanta accidently beat Cleveland and go to the finals. NO WAY NO HOW.   Next year's NBA finals gonna break records, watch and see.  


    I haven't watched an NBA finals in years. Because the NBA has become what it is. It has seemed rigged since the days of Jordan. It makes it look like Donaghy look like he was telling the truth.

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, DS5 said:

    Hope you're right. I hate myself for saying this... But I'm now officially rooting for LeBron in the finals (unless we make the finals, of course...) 

    And this is the problem. Most fans are already talking about rooting for LeBron. Not even rooting for their own team.

    • Like 3
  16. 1 minute ago, sturt said:

    My capitalist self chokes on this, but in the societal microcosm that is the NBA, I'd vote for improving the salary cap rules in the next CBA to establish some parameters that ensure that there is a middle class on every roster....

    How you do that is it's own interesting discussion, but that much is clearly as only ethical as is the assertion that playoff officiating ought be no different than regular season officiating.


    I agree as a capitalist. But as you said just speaking of the NBA, it has become a market of haves and haves not. Season hasn't even come close to starting and most people can probably predict the finals next season at this point. 

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