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Everything posted by RandomFan

  1. So between those two extremes, can you think of nothing in between that would make more sense for both teams?
  2. I love KD, but let's step back and catch our breath a second. He is about to be 34 years old, only has 2 to 4 high level years left. I'd still give up a lot to get him, but NO, that is too much due to his age.
  3. It's even worse than that. He's got it as 2022 in addition to those, so 4 years straight. He dumb. LOLOL
  4. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA! Freakin delusional SAC writers. Moron thinks we are trying to find someone to salary dump JC on, instead of him being a valuable asset that just doesn't fit next to Trae.
  5. Eeeeeewwwww. Umm. On 2nd thought, not sure we can go to the dance after all. Onyeka is worth way more than the two 1st round picks in this discussion. Onyeka would be in my untouchable list excluding a top 10 player in return. HIs value is just too high for me. This. Trade those picks. If SA is doing a rebuild they would prefer the picks anyway.
  6. I called Kirschner a hack today on Twitter. He liked the tweet. Even he knows.
  7. Yeah, but Cam Reddish is now 7-3 after another growth spurt this offseason, sooooo....
  8. Easily. Doubtful that would even be enough.
  9. This is you being done? Let's get one thing straight, I didn't ask for this conversation, you are the one that made it an issue. And I can only tell you in so many ways how nonsensical I find your position on this matter. This whole waste of time and bandwidth is on you. I'm going to end up calling him Big O again at some point in the future, so you can choose to ignore it and scroll on by like an adult, or you can clutch your pearls again and be this guy: The choice is yours. But if you're done like you claimed you are, then be done.
  10. This is the one thing we can agree on. When the pethora of people that are close to Onyeka and don't have a problem continuing to call him "Big O, " others can keep getting their knickers in a twist trying to White Knight a non-issue, while I will continue to not give two squirts about it. Like you, I'm done here.
  11. 1. Opinions vary. 2. Why is either of them owed anything at all relating to this? This is some serious drama queen mentality going on here... 3. Again, if anyone CHOOSES to view it as disrespect, then that is on THEM, not me. Some people wrongly choose to view kneeling for the anthem as disrespecting the flag instead of its stated purpose. That wrong interpretation is on them, not the person kneeling in an attempt to bring awareness to issues of social justice. Making this a decent person versus disrespectful person issue is comical. A nickname is an inconsequential issue, which is why I find it so humorous that it bends some people out of shape. The fact that some want to frame it as some giant social faux-pas is genuinely mind boggling.
  12. Remind me again what nickname everyone that is close to him calls him?
  13. Maybe you should try Big O Spud? On 2nd thought, nah! We wouldn't be able to survive your level of smug if she gave you that big of a head.
  14. Matt Ryan was also known as Ice. As have been others. Who cares?
  15. His nickname to me is what he wants to be called, which is Big O. Respecting the game or its legends has zero to do with placing nicknames on some mythical retired wall and anyone suggesting otherwise is living in their own delusional fantasy land. Which you are free to do. But it doesn't mean I'm going to live there too.
  16. And I find it hilarious that some people CHOOSE to get bent out of shape over a nickname, as if it matters in the slightest in the grand scheme of things. It's literally "old man yelling at cloud" territory. But hey, if that makes you happy...
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