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Everything posted by AustralianHawksFan

  1. Beaubois Gibson Pietrus Odom (if he is mentally in the right place) Melo Jackson (if he has his head screwed on properly.)
  2. I think everyone needs to remember that Asik isn't that great. Horford and Millsap have great chemistry with one another for a start. Asik will be an offensive liability and anyone who watched Atlanta play lately will know that we need some offense desperately, so he is going to make us worse in that department. And I know he has an expiring contract next year, but isn't it like 14 million next year, which at the moment would make him the highest paid player on the team.. Wouldn't we be better of as well having him pinch hit off the bench as an impact player as well and perhaps start Scott at the 3?
  3. I personally think if after the next 5-10 games that the group has shown no improvement, I think it would be in the best interests of the team to tank the season. There's no way in hell we can beat the Heat/Pacers in a 7 game series, so what's the point in coming 5th or 6th again just for a first round exit. If there has ever been a season to tank the season away this is the one. I also wouldn't be against potentially trading one or more of the Williams/Teague/Millsap tandem. This team has been in midling form for too long, and management would best be advised to show some initiative instead of sitting on their hands.. /end rant
  4. Smart move by the Bulls, clearing up cap room and getting rid of a player they weren't going to sign for next season anyway, at least they have some assets now. Looks like they are in full blown tank mode now.
  5. Only because the temperature has been dragged down by Josh Smith's shot.
  6. Someone should tell the Hawks that the 3rd quarter has actually started..
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