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Everything posted by Dirtybird26

  1. Ship Schröder off to the Kings... Then we might be in the Marcus Smart running...
  2. I say Scott gets major minutes an possibly becomes our starter!His potential is the ceiling we'd be crazy not to use that at a SF/PF role
  3. Yeah but the thing is we have a ton of younger/more athletic players an if they gel it all together man oh man!
  4. We have the potential to be a more explosive version of the Spurs!We have the system and right players to be insanely good!The only key piece they have that we don't is Leonard...He is a good defender and scorer whose first priority isn't scoring!As soon as we find that oh man watch out EAST we are Arising!
  5. Yeah we are definetly gonna bag one of those home....
  6. He would still have starting minutes just with a different group...Think like Scola,Gortat type role minutes wise...
  7. I got 3 steps... 1.Get Hayward,Ariza,or Granger 2.Trade Schröder, our 1st, an Lou for a top 10 pick an draft a NBA ready SG like Smart 3.Get a big rebounding shot blocking big man in FA like Hawes,Hill,etc. Then we can do the following... 1.Move Horford back to 4 an Milsap to the bench for some major points! 2.Make Korver our 6th man. 3.Keep our front court fresh with a solid mix of Milsap, Antić, Horford, Bebe, an new FA signing
  8. @red2play Wall has more all-star games an it's debatable to put the following guards in order.... Irving Lowry Teague Wall Plus I didn't rank Rondo an Rose due to health issues
  9. Duncan is a PF...Splitter an Diaw start at C for the Spurs Idk about Aldridge he is a inbetweener
  10. @JayBirdHawk Look what the Spurs did without Parker tonight....
  11. Imagine that OKC takes the lead....Plus the refs missed a goaltending call...
  12. See what I mean... I posted this 5 minutes ago an San Antonio was up by like 10...Now OKC is within 1!I bet OKC wins it too!For money!
  13. I'm sitting here watching the Thunder an Spurs an I'm beginning to think this is rigged...I mean the Cavs have gotten the lottery even when they have the least possible chance,the refs taking over games from time to time,and lastly these crazy changing outcomes...I mean I just watched the Thunder magically fight there way back into a game that should've been closed out early 4th quarter.I can't be the only one who thinks some of these games are rigged for one purpose or another!Am I crazy or what?
  14. He is a top 10 if not top 5 SG.....So call him what you want.
  15. @JayBirdHawk Are we missing a true superstar?An is one really neccessary for us in our pass first type system?Dont get me wrong top notch players are great but I feel if we were to get Melo or Stephenson they would be disconnected in our system...
  16. After reading up on our discussion vs Teague I began to realize we have a few top 10 players! We got Milsap,Teague, and Al. So does that make us one of the better big 3s in the league? Or do we really have a big 3? Where would you rank our players? I wanna good debate here an lets be modest, we don't need a bunch of homers saying every player is top 10... Y'all have already seen my PG list an I have Teague at 9-8... Now onto our PFs... 1.Tim Duncan 2.Blake Griffin 3.Serge Ilbaka 4.Dirk Nowitzki 5.Kevin Love 6.Anthony Davis 7.David Lee 8.Paul Milsap 9.David West 10.Chris Bosh Even tho Al was hurt he still is a top 10 Center IMO... 1.Lamarcus Aldridge 2.Joakim Noah 3.Dwight Howard 4.Andre Drummond 5.Marc Gasol 6.Al Jefferson 7.Demarcus Cousins 8.Nikola Pekovic 9.Al Horford 10.Brook Lopez So what do y'all think what are we missing to be a top contender?Are we missing anything at all?Thoughts?
  17. My man if he is averaging 8ppg an 10rpg straight outta Spain then he should be inducted to the HOF....Jk but still if he does average that I'd be one happy camper!
  18. I mean I'd rather have Hayward or Ariza but I like Granger too... I wouldn't mid as long as his last name isn't Stephenson
  19. Yep... One likes Melo the other likes LBJ I just sit there an watch them argue...
  20. I'll pass on lance... He IMO is locker room cancer! We don't need his attitude around our great TEAM. Noticed the emphasize on team. Plus I like most Hawks fans don't want to see our headlines being Lance Stephenson starts a fight with Mike Scott or another Hawks player for something stupid like he did with Turner... http://mweb.cbssports.com/nba/eye-on-basketball/24536698/report-lance-stephenson-and-evan-turner-involved-in-practice-fight
  21. I'm the lone warrior. I'm surrounded by OKC,NYK,and MIA fans
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