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Everything posted by OGRat

  1. I really do not see that this trade has made Boston better for this year, unless they think that they have soem good talent on the bench that has now been freed up to play. Looking at their team, this might be possible. I just think that they should have gotten more for Walker, and Delk was probably the reason they won so many games early last year. Has he recovered from his injuries?
  2. I think Nailon is going to surprise a lot of people. The guy is a natural scorer, and I think he has the mental toughness to make a difference on this team.
  3. OGRat

    Yeah, but.....

    Is this organization committed to win. Would they have done this trade: ________________ Mavs acquire Antoine Walker in blockbuster deal 10/20/03 09:05:05 AM CDT Dallas, TX (Sports Network) - The Dallas Mavericks have traded center Raef LaFrentz, forward Chris Mills, guard Jiri Welsch and a 2004 first-round draft pick to the Boston Celtics for forward Antoine Walker and guard Tony Delk, according to various reports. The Dallas Morning News and WEEI in Boston are reporting that the trade has been completed. Details to follow.
  4. Mavs acquire Antoine Walker in blockbuster deal 10/20/03 09:05:05 AM CDT Dallas, TX (Sports Network) - The Dallas Mavericks have traded center Raef LaFrentz, forward Chris Mills, guard Jiri Welsch and a 2004 first-round draft pick to the Boston Celtics for forward Antoine Walker and guard Tony Delk, according to various reports. The Dallas Morning News and WEEI in Boston are reporting that the trade has been completed. Details to follow.
  5. I'd love to see that article. Any idea where you found it?
  6. I am not as down on Hughes as you Beav. I think that the PG experiment was a bust but he definitely has something to offer. In fact, this season he may be leading the team in scoring, possibly steals and assists too. Anyone have stats? Also, I think he will be the one to step up with Stackhouse having surgery.
  7. Hey Guys. Can we get a report on the scrimmage? Did anyone go?
  8. Back updates Shareef Abdur-Rahim looked like he was back to form during the scrimmage, slashing the hoop, taking a pounding and exploding to the basket for a dunk. But Stotts said Abdur-Rahim, who has missed the first three preseason games recovering from off-season back surgery, won't be available until Saturday against the Memphis Grizzlies. "That's the schedule right now," Stotts said. "I'm going to play him part time on Saturday and Monday [against the Washington Wizards] and build the next three games after that." __________________ This is good to hear.
  9. JaHawk, what happened to that sweet Nique picture usually on your posts?
  10. Based upon interviews of Nique, I don't think he'd be happy in a figure head role. I think that he is out to prove something. I thought he was targeting coaching, but I guess President would work for him. Hey, Dumars has been a successful exec in Detroit. Maybe Nique can meet the challenge. Although, I do not think of him as much of a thinking man. Maybe, its all the partying he's been associated with over the years.
  11. I'm not convinced this guy is worth all of the discussion yet. Show me some consistency. Even a broken clock will be right twice a day.
  12. OGRat


    Anyone see an update on Reef? Everything I see says that he is still recovering from back surgery. I think that this has a potential to slow the growth of the team, but I am hoping that he is close to the court. Should we be concerned?
  13. I won't take it personally, but I think you are afraid of the competition. I guess I'll have to challenge you guys next year.
  14. OGRat


    I did not see the game, but I am not ready to count Diaw out yet. It seems that he has never been asked to shoot in the past. I'd like to know how the team did lwhen he was on the court. Did he add some stability? Did he set people up? He had two assists, but were there other missed dimes? Who was he on the court with? Did he play his role on the team? If not, then I'd be concerned. OG
  15. I'm in if I can make the draft. This seems like it would be the more competitive league. What time on Sunday is it?
  16. How was his defense? Was he ever matched up with Z?
  17. OGRat

    Yeah, but.....

    My concern isn't necessarily about the team, but about the organization. There seems to be a limit to what they will do to win. The concensus seems to be that the team needs a big body to help on defense. And i think that most of you would agree that the body does not need to be the most talented person on the team just a solid contributor in the paint. Rebound and contest shots for maybe fifteen minutes a game. If the organization were committed, I think they could go out and get the big body to help the d: Ty Hill, S. Kemp, or V. Stepania maybe.
  18. OGRat

    Yeah, but.....

    I read all the posts evaluating the Hawks offseason, and the consensus seems to be that, considering that managements hands were tied, the team faired fairly well. They did the best they could with what was available at the time. The question I would pose is, "Are the Hawks committed to winning?" The team has flaws which will limit its success. We discuss the issues, and team management knows there are still flaws. Do you think that if we are close to making the play-offs around the trading deadline that the organization would be agressive in improving the team... even if it meant going over the cap? Or, do you think they are done for the season? I think this would show ownership's commitment, and could be key to getting fans into Turner.
  19. It is good to hear that they are thinking about playing both Nazr and Theo together. I think they pair up better. If only we could get the big bruiser to pair up with Reef.
  20. The lakers have a hall of fame squad but their success will depend on chemistry. Thus, it seems very important that all of the team be in camp to learn each others game, and the reports are that Kobe is not yet in camp. And the reason for his not being in camp is kind of suspect... If Kobe has not shone up due to his pending case, it does not bode well for the season. Honestly, I think Kobe and Payton will clash in the back court. Any opinions?
  21. I see a lot of JT penetrating and dishing back out to SJax. This is a good thing b/c both will have to be respected in their roles and will free things up for Reef. I like it. Coach, feel free to use this play as often as necessary.
  22. Cap, I agree with your post except for the part that Nailon can rebound. He's always been a subpar rebounder and defender.
  23. Don't forget, "Don't turn the ball over."
  24. Officially listed on the Hawks site.
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