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Everything posted by ViewsFromTheSquawk

  1. So @NBASupes what's your Luol Deng theory looking like now that Miami got Whiteside back?
  2. That's not a rape deal tho... We'd be getting 2 young assets who have good potential, a decent replacement,and a backup point who literally checks every box we want for a guy who would backup Dennis.
  3. I like this deal... ALOT. We get just enough pieces to be a lower playoff seed, but we also get enough young talent to build around with Poetlt and Norman. It's a win-win for both sides of the spectrum whether your for tanking or winning? And if I read correctly didn't it say we also would get their pick next season?
  4. I'm very high on Norman Powell! He's an excellent young player who could instantly start for us beside Dennis at the 2 guard spot. If he was offered alongside Carroll or Joseph+1st I'd be on it like white on rice for Sap.
  5. At the 2/3rds mark of this Free Agency season all NBA teams combined have spent more than a BILLION Dollars.... In conclusion... GAAAAWWWWWDDDD DAMMMMMMMNNN
  6. I'd take Roberson and Sabonis to be honest
  7. Ehhhhhh he's not as bad as advertised.... He played well in the playoffs defensively
  8. Humph had a lot of nice moments here. He will be missed, but we are also talking contract extension with him too so their is still hope!
  9. Ehhhh I wouldn't be so sure about that Nets pick. Last time we tried to fondle with one of their picks we missed out on the Justice Winslow sweepstakes.
  10. Jaylen Brown???? I feel like he could be had considering his name was in those Jimmy Butler headlines on draft night. He an Dennis would be a good pair and we could build our squad just like Portand has with their backcourt!
  11. Guys we've waited too long to make any major moves to improve this team. Our only links are to the ultimate reserve in Lance Thomas and the astonishing one handed dribbler himself Delly. So with that in mind, and a quick glance at the people on the FA market (older players who want paychecks and average players who want a max deal) it's in our best interest to blow this thing up. So what are some names y'all would want that could be had for Sap?
  12. And who can forget K-Love hitting the deck
  13. Alright with names being resigned and this FA pool diminishing to average players who wanna be overpaid I say we blow it up and build like Portland has. Lucky for us we already got a PG to build around. Now all that is needed is to trade Millsap for a guaranteed lottery pick or for a young wing Talent like Wiggins,Middleton,Booker,etc. come in Atlanta lets get younger and build like the T-Wolves and Blazers have!
  14. So when will we crack under the pressure and resign Al. Because if he goes we're screwed! Like drop outta the playoffs screwed
  15. funny to say the most reasonable contracts I've seen have been Jordan Clarkson and Al Jefferson's.... But they're both making 10+ mil
  16. Per CBS sports Portland to aggressively pursue Parsons and Howard to add to Lillard and McCollum after failing to land Whiteside
  17. I was sorta hoping he'd go under the radar and we could get him later in the week.... But nah Indy just killing all our dreams at the moment. Them,Boston,and NYK
  18. I'm honestly coming to terms that the only way we're gonna be able to get us a closer is if we TRADE Millsap. So with that in mind what would his value be?
  19. All dynasties create their own path.... Maybe this is ours?
  20. You know what Wade,Dwight,and Horford would be good enough for me.... Cmon Atlanta PLEASE make a move
  21. My plan..... Al Leaves for OKC D12 sign with whoever the hell most likely BOS Trade Sap+whatever for a YOUNG STAR in the making... Jabari,Wiggins,etc. Build around... DS17,Prince,Bembry,whatever young gun we get from Sap trade
  22. Evan Turner and Lakers in talks per Bleacher Report
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